Chapter 40 - Fear

"Should we stop them?"

"Stop them? Ha! Do you have a death wish? They will kill you if you intervene."

"Doesn't matter anyway, the Third Prince is nothing compared to the First Prince."

"True, true."

"I bet Lucian will win. Anyone want to wager?"

"Haha, who would wager against that?"

"Yeah, Lucian has practically already won."

"Fine. Lets wager how quickly Nox falls."

"Now that's a bet I'm willing to make."

"Five minutes."


"One minute!"

"Thirty seconds."

"Hahaha, now that's just pathetic. If he really falls under thirty seconds I'll give you my family ring."


Aether pursed his lips at the conversations happening around him. It didn't surprise him. The students seem to relish in fights, especially when it comes to the Princes. But to think they would go as far as betting on who was going to win, it was ridiculous.

Aether turned his focus back on the two who were now mere inches from each other. Lucian was scowling as he reached to his side, making a motion as if he were reaching for a sword. While Nox had his hands stuffed in his pockets with a smile on his face.

They had been doing nothing but arguing with one another for a good five minutes now. He couldn't exactly hear what the two had been saying to one another, but he was beginning to get a little annoyed with the crowd that was slowly gathering.

Aether sighed. He would have to deal with this eventually, better now than later. He gently pushed his way in between the two. "Hey, I'm not sure what is going on between you two, but I'm sure-AH!"

Aether had no warning before he was roughly grabbed by Lucian and pulled towards him. Before he could even reach out to steady himself against Lucian, his other arm was grabbed by Nox and he was roughly pulled back. As if that wasn't enough, Aether felt a small tug from the back of his shirt. He knew that if he were to turn around, Leon would be holding not his shirt, pulling him away from the two fighting Princes.

"What do you think you are doing?" Lucian's grip tightened.

"I could be asking you the same thing." Nox replied.

Aether hissed out in pain, but instead of telling Lucian that he was hurting him he put on a calm face and let out a shaky breath, "Now, I'm not sure what brought this on, but I don't think this…" He attempted to lift his captured arms and shake them, "…is necessary. "Can everyone let me go? Please." He added.

Lucian's lip twitched and he let out a small grunt before returning to his usual calm demeanor as he gazed at Aether, "Of course I can let go."

Aether let out a sigh of relief.

"But only if my dear little brother would be so kind to let go first."

'Seriously?' Aether wanted to curse at the idiot Prince. 'It's like I'm surrounded by a bunch of children.'

Aether took another calm breath, but before he could even utter a single word Nox spoke up.

"How very kind of you Brother." Nox let the word slide off his tongue with more disdain and hate than Aether thought humanly possible. He stilled for a moment. Taken aback by Nox's obvious display of hate.

Lucian smiled, "Of course it is kind." Lucian's face morphed into one of fake sincerity and Aether was beginning to think that the two were no longer talking about letting him go.

"It's only right for the weakest to go first. Right?" He titled his head, his eyes mocking as he spoke.

"Hey," Aether's shaky voice interrupted, "I'm not sure what you two are talking about, but-ow!" Aether hissed in pain as the grip on his arm tightened.

Aether's eyebrows furrowed as he turned his attention to Nox. A chill went down his spine as he gazed at Nox.

He seemed different.

His usually relaxed expression was hardened just enough that Aether could see the muscles in his jaw tightening. His hand, though tightened around his wrist, was shaking just enough for Aether to feel it.

And his eyes. Something was wrong with his eyes.

It was as if he were looking into a lake of nothingness.

"Nox?" He whispered.

"Let go of him." Nox did not respond to Aether. His eyes eerily focused on Lucian.

Lucian scoffed and tugged on Aether's arm, "And what are you going to do about it? Hm?" as if he were trying to prove a point he yanked even harder, this time successfully pulling Aether towards him.

Aether let out a small yelp of pain as he fell towards the ground.

"That was uncalled fo-" Aether stilled.

He let out a strangled gasp.

Then another.

And another.

He couldn't breathe.

With his mouth wide open he leaned forward gasping for air he couldn't find. Tears sprung up in his eyes as he clawed desperately at his neck, trying to find relief that wasn't coming.

Aether jumped at the cold sensation of a palm gently grabbing his hands and pulling them away. He shook his head, his mouth open in a silent plea for air. Yet the hands kept his hands at bay. The firm hold restricting him from trying to find any relief.

Why? Why were they doing this?

A hand touched his back and he jumped again. This time his eyes snapped open searching for the person who was preventing him from breathing.

He froze.

A coldness, like nothing he had ever experienced, pierced him so deep that he was sure his heart had stopped beating.

He couldn't see anything.

The world around him was nothing but darkness.

"AH…ah…" He tried desperately to speak, to catch that much needed air, but nothing came.

His eyes closed, or at least he thought they did. His body slowly lurched forward, the panic that was eating at him slowly vanished, replaced by a sweet warmth.

His tears still fell as he fell unconscious. Unaware of everything that was happening around him.

Leon grasped Aether in his arms as he fell forward. He checked Aether over. Making sure he was still breathing before securing him even more into his arms and away from the madmen that surrounded them.

Lucian and Nox were still fighting. The halls surrounding them were painted in darkness. The students once eager to watch a fight were nowhere to be seen. Leon wanted to scoff at their rat-like nature.

He glanced down at Aether. He was paler than before and tears streamed down his face as he slept. Leon could care less if Aether was crying, what he did care about was the faint red lines adorning his skin. He wasn't sure what had happened, but whatever happened affected Aether enough to make him scratch at his own neck.

Leon scowled.

He was right there. He saw what was going to happen. He could have prevented it, but instead he merely watched. A part of him wondered if the maniacs wouldn't go at it. To see if they would listen to Aether's words. After all, they seemed rather interested in catching Aether's attention. But to think they wouldn't care.

Their little scuffle escalated so fast that he was unable to grab Aether in time. The shadow guards were pushed out of the shadow zone and were most likely already reporting this little issue to Father.

He had to get out of here and fast. Gripping Aether he stood on his feet and adjusted Aether so his head was leaning on his shoulder. He glanced behind him. Watching in disdain as the two Princes went at each other as if they were enemies on the battlefield. He scoffed at their idiocy.

With a grunt and more power than he would ever want to use in such a position. He aimed his hand straight into the wall of shadows. Beads of sweat rolled down his neck. His arm twitched as he overexerted his muscles. Slowly the black wall of shadows opened up revealing an empty hallway. Without looking back he walked through, letting the wall of shadows close behind him.

Lucian jumped back. His hand gripping his side where a large cut was. Blood seeped from his wound, soaking his otherwise pristine uniform. He frowned at the sight.

He lifted his hand, palm facing upwards. A white glow appeared in the air before a sword appeared in his hand. He smirked as he gripped the new sword, using it slightly to help him keep steady.

Nox watched from afar. His eyes not missing the way the other used the sword to lean on. He barked out a laugh.

"Isn't it funny?" Nox glanced to the side, his hand twirling the same black knife that had wounded Lucian. "That at this moment you think you have the upper hand. That your measly unique ability could help you defeat me." He tilted his head to the side. "Ha, what a pity."

The shadows jumped limply from beneath his feet. A deformed human limped from the shadows, walking stiffly towards Lucian. Pieces of its body broke off becoming one with the shadows once more. The figure crumbled to the ground, its limbs shaking as it tried desperately to stand up and walk once more.

Lucian watched the figure. His face red with anger. "Are you mocking me?"

Nox smiled. A smile so cruel that Lucian had to take a moment to remind himself that the person standing in front of him was a person, that it was his own brother.

He unconsciously stepped back.

A tickling sensation poked and prodded at his mind as if it were warning him. And for a single moment Lucian almost did step down, but his pridefulness got the better of him and with a mocking smile he laughed back, "Who do you think you are?" He spread his arms out, laughing as he spoke, "To pick a fight with me is a death sentence. You know that and yet…you still think you have a chance?"

He raised his head and sneered. "Pathetic." He spat out.

For a moment neither of them moved. Lucian smirked and put away his sword. Carelessly he walked towards Nox with a relaxed stance, "I have to admit. I was surprised by your little trick. I didn't think you had it in you." The ground underneath his feet sparked with a blinding light.

Nox lowered his head.

Lucian barked out in laughter. The light underneath him slowly ate away at the shadows that surrounded them.

"See, little brother." He hissed out the term in disgust, "This is the difference between you and me." He stood in front of Nox. His face mere inches away from him.

"I know what I'm capable of and know when to stop before it's too late. You on the other hand." He place his hand on Nox's shoulder, "You don't know when to stand down."

After a moment of silence Lucian smirked, "Now, why don't you go ahead and put down this little wall of yours and we-"


Lucian frowned, "What's so funny?"

Nox glanced at him. His cold eyes sent shivers down Lucian's spine, "You're just like it."

The struggling shadow from before came into Lucian's view. Its crumbling form is almost impossible to make out from the rest of the shadows.

"Parading around like a lost puppet looking for its master. Ha…it's funny isn't it?"


Two figures watched the small conflict from a far. Dressed in the Academy's uniform, they looked just like any other student, but the hoods they wore as they ducked into the shadows said otherwise.

"Should we intervene?" One of the students, a female, asked.

"No. It's best not to attract their attention." The second student, a male, shook his head. He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, "We better report this."

The girl shot him a quizzical look, "Why? What happened would have no use for him."

The man crossed his arms as he shook his head again, "Everything to do with Aether has some importance, even if we can not see it."

The girl shook her head helplessly, "Fine, but leave me out of this. If anything goes wrong, I don't want to face the consequences."

The man clicked his tongue and raised his hand as the girl vanished from his side. A small green flower tattooed on the inner part of his wrist began to glow and a small image appeared on top of the flower.

[What is it?] a distorted voice spoke from the image. Their faces are hidden by a cloak.

The man gulped. His eyes darted to the small shadowed wall that was now dispersing. For a moment he stilled. His eyes latching onto the cold blue eyes of the third Prince. For a moment it was as if his breath had been taken from his body as hands clawed at his heart holding it captive. He was hesitant to speak, the words he wanted to say weighed heavily on his tongue. He tried to swallow. A futile attempt to wet his now dry throat.

"I-I have an update on Aether." He finally said. His throat still constricted and his heart beating so hard he could hear it in his ears.

[Oh? Do tell.]

He barely registered the others' voices. His mind was too focused on the cold eyes that seemed to be watching his every move. He gulped and waited. His limbs only relaxed when the other finally stopped gazing in his direction. He took a deep breath and calmed his racing heart.

"As you had expected. The King must view Aether as-"

He didn't get to finish.

His hands fell to his side, the image of the hooded figure flickering in and out. Blood spewed from the man's neck. His mouth opened as blood dribbled from his mouth falling onto the floor. His eyes were wide as life slowly vanished from them. His body fell to the ground with a sickening squish.

The hooded figure could only watch as Nox leaned down and grabbed the man's wrist, hoisting it up until he was face to face with the small image.

Nox smiled.