Chapter 47- Cookies and a Visit

"Aether, what do you think?" Irina stood to the side of the bed, her eyes wide. She bit her lip as twirled her fingers anxiously awaiting Aether's answer.

Aether looked at the small cookie in his hand while chewed. At first he was hesitant to try it, but after a small bite he couldn't stop eating. The texture was perfect, not too crumbly and not too hard. It was soft and the flavors burst in his mouth. He was expecting just sugar, but there was surprisingly a faint apple flavor.

"It's delicious." He beamed. His cheeks puffed out slightly as he chewed and his eyes were crescent shaped as he smiled.

'It's so good!'

"Don't eat too much. It will ruin your appetite." His mother chimed in with her two-sense. Aether had been ignoring her presence in favor of Irina, but he still gave her some face and turned slightly to gaze at her in acknowledgment as he took another bite of the cookie.

'It was so fucking good.'

His mother was paying no attention to him as she shifted through the basket of goodies. She picked up one, a delicate cookie with pink squares on it and a small strawberry candy on top of it. She gave it one glance, scoffed and pushed it back into the basket, burying it under more basic cookies.

Aether rolled his eyes and took another bite of the cookie.

Aether wasn't expecting his mother to come back so soon. So when she walked through that door he was expecting nothing more than to be lectured once again, but to his surprise Irina had walked in with a basket full of treats. It was a welcomed sight.

Aether knew that the person who awakened their abilities was Irina and although this meant a deviation from the plot, he had hoped that things would end up better for her. But whenever he asked about her condition and how she was being treated, the conversation tended to be diverted to a different topic. This only made him more worried for her, but he knew when to stop asking and pushed his worried thoughts to the back of his mind.

Yet here she was dressed in the finest clothes he had ever seen and looking better than ever. Her eyes sparkled as she spoke and her smile never left her face. It was a vast difference from the first time he had seen her.

He took another bite of the cookie, trying his best to savor the flavor as long as possible. It was so good, too good. He doubted Irina had made this herself, unless she was some unknown baking prodigy.

"Do you want another one?" Irina asked.

Aether blinked and only then did he realize he had eaten the entire cookie already. He smiled sheepishly, "Yes please."

Irina smiled and ran to grab another one, this time it was a cookie with a blue tint to it. He thanked her and took a bite, this time a sharp blueberry flavor invaded his senses.

'Okay, these are way too good.'

"These are really good. Irina, did you make these by yourselves?"

"No." Irina pouted slightly, but not a second later she beamed as she shouted, "But I did help with the decorations and flavors!" She ran back over to the basket and grabbed the pink one that his mother had tried to hide, "Look!" She placed it on the bed. "See the small candy, I choose that! I did!" She beamed up at him.

Aether nodded, "I see. They are very beautiful. Did the cooks help you bake?"

Irina shook her head and said indifferently, "No. Big brother Nox helped me."

There was a loud snap from the corner and Aether just barely caught his mother hiding something behind her back. He rolled his eyes and focused back on Irina and the cookie in hand.

Honestly he couldn't believe it either. Nox baking cookies in the kitchen and such cute ones too. The image alone brought a smile to his face. "Nox really made these?"

"Yes he did! It was incredible! He knew what ingredients to use and how to make all different treats!" Irina beamed as she spoke, "Not even my personal maids knew how to make treats this well." She scowled as she spoke, "They always had a slight crusty bottom."

Aether smiled down at her and gently patted her head, "Well, now you'll have someone to bake you cookies anytime."

Irina paused and blinked up at him. She shook her head, "No. Big Brother Nox doesn't make cookies for me, he only lets me try them. These ones are only for you."

Aether paused at her words. He glanced at her then at the cookie in his hand.

'He only makes them for me?' A slight blush rose to his cheeks.

"Alright, that is enough sweets for now." His mother broke whatever thoughts he was having and grabbed the cookies from his hand and stuffing it back into the basket, before handing it over to Neal, "Go and put these in the kitchen."

Neal bowed his head, "Yes, Madam."

The door closed softly behind Neal and his mother turned back towards them, "Now, I know that it has been a long time since the two of you have talked, but Aether needs his rest."

Irina pouted at his mothers words, "Awww, but-"

"No, buts." His mother shook her head, "Aether has been through a lot these days and needs time to recuperate. Perhaps when he is better you can come and visit."

"Really?" Irina asked.

"Yes, now-"

"Ah! But what about Big Brother Nox?" Irina interrupted.

His mother scowled, "What about him?" She tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, but Aether could pick up the annoyance in her tone.

"He hasn't gotten to talk to Aether yet."

Aether gazed at Irina in surprise. He had thought that Irina had been sent by Nox to deliver the cookies with a couple of guards. He didn't think that Nox had physically come as well. He let out a long sigh.

He let out a small laugh. 'So, last night really wasn't a dream.' He shook his head with a smile on his face.

If Nox had really come then they wouldn't let him near him. From the looks of it, his mother was watching over Irina while his father probably dealt with Nox. He shook his head in dismay.

He wasn't thinking when he spoke last night, but thinking back to it, allowing Nox to show that he was sorry, was for his own good.

Nox came in thinking that a simple apology would suffice, but learned that his actions have consequences. Aether assumed he would have acted just like his brothers, sense he acted out and hurt him just like the others would. Aether would have never thought that Nox would react…differently.

His actions and words all sounded deranged like a mad man trying to grasp onto a single train of thought. He could see it in Nox's eyes. The desperation that was clinging on so desperately as his voice wavered repeating the same words to him. It didn't take Aether long to realize that the only thing that seemed to be holding Nox together…was him. He scoffed at the thought, not wanting to believe it, but how could he not see it.

He glanced down at his hands. Some specks of sugar and crumbs from the cookies still covered the tips of his fingers.

He could faintly picture Nox leaving early this morning, running back to the palace to bake some cookies. 'Did he wear an apron? Was he covered in sugar and flour?'

Aether could not help but imagine such a picture.

Nox wearing his usual tight fitting clothes only this time adorning a white apron. He would lean over while baking, rolling up his sleeves as he did so. A bead of sweat would run down his cheek as he focused on the cookie. He would stand tall only to wipe his cheek of the sweat, leaving a small trail of flour on his face.

Aether's face turned red once more.

Knock, Knock.

Before anyone could move, the door opened revealing a smiling Nox and a scowling Erik.

"Erik, what is the meaning of this?" His mother hissed. She walked forward quickly grabbing onto his arm and pulling him close. If Aether didn't know better he would have assumed they were being romantic, but he knew better. The harsh whisperings and the tightening of the grip told him that whatever was being discussed was not pleasant.

While they were conversing with one another, Nox made his way past the two and into the room and towards Aether.

Aether could not divert his eyes. Nox was dressed to the nines. His smile was radiating and matched with the expensive clothes…it was blinding.

The blush on Aether's cheek reddened. The image from before mixing in with the image in front of him only made his face burn even more. He didn't have time to calm down before Nox gently lowered his head and grabbed Aether's hand. Picking it up, he gave a gentle kiss.

Aether's heart was beating loudly. His face was red all the way down to his neck. He sucked in a breath and looked down at the bedding, his hands clenching onto the blanket. He couldn't look Nox in the eyes.

"I hope you are feeling better?" Nox asked, his voice uncharacteristically soft. A vast difference from last night.

Aether nodded and gently retracted his hand. With his eyes glued on the bed he said, "The cookies were delicious, thank you."

Nox chuckled and sat down on the bed, "I'm glad you liked them." Aether tried to ignore the way Nox's voice sounded in his ears or the way the bed dipped a little too close for comfort.

They sat in a comfortable silence before his mother ruined it.

"I do not care what you and my husband had discussed, but as I have told the princess, Aether needs time to rest. It would be best for you to head out."

Aether finally peaked up at Nox. Their eyes caught one another and for a single moment it was like they were the only two there.

Nox's smile deepened, "I know that what I did was unforgivable, but I hope with time you will come to forgive me." He turned away, grabbing something from his coat, "I know this is not much, but I hope you will accept it."

Nox held out a small box, neatly wrapped in a soft blue gift wrap. Without thinking Aether took the item and slowly opened it.

A small black jewel lay in the center of the box. It was like he was gazing at a pitch black night with countless stars. He grabbed the Jewel by the single black chain attached to it and held it up, gazing at it with fascination.

"This is…"

"A jewel of protection."

"A jewel of protection?" Aether had never heard of such a thing.

Nox smiled, "Yes, it will protect you from any harm that comes your way." He took the necklace and secured it around Aether's neck. Leaning in he whispered, "Including me."

Aether's eyebrows furrowed as he gazed up at Nox who was already standing up and pushing Irina towards the door. Nox shot him one last smile before taking his leave, his mother and father following after with scowls on their faces.

Aether glanced down at the jewel. An ominous feeling plaguing his mind.