Chapter 51 - Dinner

The restaurant they chose to have dinner at was overly extravagant. The outer building alone was decorated in silver with small carvings of flowers and vines lining the windows and door. Similar flowers and tall trees lined the entrance and two waiters stood guard to welcome each guest into the restaurant.

"Welcome!" The two waiters said at the same time. They had their heads slightly lowered and a smile graced their lips as they pushed the doors open for them. Aether went to nod back at them as a simple greeting, but was pushed in before he could by his father.

Upon entry a gentle breeze that carried the fresh scents of high end food welcomed them. Another waiter, whose outfit seemed more high end then the other two, welcomed them with great enthusiasm and quickly gestured for them to follow him.

The entryway opened up into a large room that was separated into two main sections with a dark green carpet signifying the walkway in the middle. The floor was light gray wood and the walls were painted a delicate shade of blue.

As far as Aether could see, each table had a large circular fish tank that circled the back of the seats, creating the illusion of privacy even if they could still see the other table from certain angles. Looking around Aether took notice of the statues that decorated the wall. Each statue was a creature that resembled some sort of animal from the sea, of course they looked nothing like the ones found back at his original home.

Blue, green and white flowers hung underneath each statue and the windows-the windows were something Aether had never seen. They resembled stained glass with the way the colors blended with one another despite their choppy appearance, but upon closer inspection it was moving like ocean waves. They casted light onto the ground creating the illusion that one was under water.

Aether had been too fine dining in his previous life, but this was something different. With everything surrounding him, he truly felt as if he was in a palace under the sea.

In this sea of blues and green a flash of yellow caught his attention. He stopped for a moment gazing at the strange looking fish. It was similar to a Blue Hippo Tang, but the colors were all wrong. Instead of blue and yellow it was all yellow with a longer translucent fin that sparked electricity behind it.

Erik and Leon both stopped when they noticed that Aether had stopped. The waiter in front of them halted as well, his expression remained the same, but a cold sweat began to form on the back of his neck. The restaurant once filled with laughter and conversation had died down to whispers and murmurs, all eyes now lingering on Aether.

Aether was too distracted to notice the countless gazes penetrating him. He lifted a finger and gently touched the glass. The fish moved forward, its fins swaying gently in the water. Aether giggled as the fish booped the fish tank where his finger was. Sparks of electricity danced up the tank like small fireworks.

Erik glanced around at the peering eyes, a frown painting his lips. He met Leon's eyes and gestured towards Aether before turning around to glare at the on-goers at the restaurant. Everyone visibly tensed as they met the others eyes, but they didn't dare to look away. It was, after all, Aether's first time being seen in public.

Leon wasted no time in grabbing Aether by the shoulders and leading him away from the fish tank and toward a small hallway that was guarded by two actual guards. Erik waited until Leon and Aether were past the guards and hidden from view before casting the on-lookers one last warning.

Silence filled the restaurant. The overbearing energy coming from Erik was enough to force them to divert their eyes. He smirked at their cowering forms and with a scoff of disgust he followed Leon and Aether into the secluded portion of the restaurant much to the waiter's relief.

Aether wasn't too keen on being led through the halls by his brother. He tried to maneuver his shoulders in a way that would signal to Leon that he didn't want to be led, but Leon ignored his movements.

Aether huffed, but nonetheless decided to drop the issue. Instead he went back to taking in the restaurant's appearance.

After passing the guards, they had entered into a long hallway that split off into different directions every couple of steps. At the end of each hall stood a single door with a waiter or two standing outside. Only after seeing a waiter with a tray of food enter one of these rooms, did Aether realize that these were private VIP rooms.

They were led to a room located in the very back of the restaurant. Just like the other rooms, two waiters stood outside, the only difference was the additional guards next to them.

They wore armor and had their faces hidden behind a helmet. Each had a sword strapped to their waist and they stood with their back straight. Aether didn't have to guess who these guards belonged to, after all they were dining with three Princes.

"Ah, we-welcome guests." One of the waiters took a step forward. She was female, with long brown hair and pale green eyes. She looked straight at them, but her eyes were visibly shaking as if she didn't know where to look. From afar it would have looked like she was just greeting guests like she was supposed to, but up close Aether noticed the way her arms would twitch and how her bangs seemed to be sticking to her skin.

Aether sighed. Of course he knew that being in the presence of a prince was a little too much, especially for a young girl that was probably a commoner. He couldn't Blame her, even some of the students at the Academy had a hard time keeping their wits in front of a Prince, let alone three.

The other waiter was a young boy with chopped dirty blonde hair and freckles. He had his head down and was wringing his hands in front of him like a scared hamster.

"Th-the three Princes ha-have been waiting for you." The girl barely choked out.

The boy nodded, his hair flopping in front of his face, "Please, esteemed guest. Ri-right this…way." The boy looked as if he were gasping for breath.

Aether frowned at the poor waiter. He knew what the waiter was feeling all too well. The feeling of trying to do good at your job while a person of higher power is judging your every move. With a sense of pity he went up to the waiter as he opened the door for them. The boy visibly flinched as Aether gently patted him on the shoulder. Aether pretended not to notice the flinch and gave a soft reassuring smile, "It's okay. You're doing a wonderful job."

Instantly the boy's aura changed. His eyes widened and he let out a small shocked gasp. Aether could see the tears threatening to spill as the waiter's cheeks reddened from either embarrassment or gratitude, he could not tell.

"T-thank yo-"

"Aether." A deep voice brushed against Aether's ear. Aether flinched at the sudden tingle and turned around, pouting at a smiling Nox.

"You know I don't like when you do that." Aether subconsciously placed a hand over his ear, rubbing it slightly.

The longer Aether hung out with Nox, the more he started to pick up on some of his little habits, both good and bad. One such habit was sneaking up on him and whispering into his ear.

At first Aether thought it was just a one time thing, but after experiencing it countless times, Aether grew annoyed with the little habit. To others it may have seemed cute, but to him it evoked a strange memory from the original owner. One of the people whispered into his ears before the wind began to surround him and intense pain overcame him.

It wasn't hard to figure out where this memory came from. It seemed that the original Aether was seen as an object to torture and bully for fun. He experienced first hand what that entailed.

Nox reached over and with one hand he gently grasped Aether's waist and with the other he took Aether's hand and led him into the room. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again, okay?"

Aether sighed and shook his head, laughing lightly as he did so. "Okay." He knew better than to trust the others' words. After all, a habit was hard to break.

Nox smiled down at Aether. His eyes were warm and his smile radiant, but like a flick of a switch all warmth disappeared. Nox blatantly glared at the waiter. Those eyes, that look. He knew that gaze all too well. A burning flame of anger burst from his chest devouring his mind until all he could think of was how unsightly the servant looked.

He sneered. How dare someone so pathetic and weak even glance at what belonged to him. With dark eyes the shadows underneath him flicked and churned. The shadows crawled out like thousands of ants, darting towards the unexacting prey.

The waiter, whose face was now pink like cotton candy gazed longingly at Aether, suddenly let out a silent scream. His mouth was agape as drool began to pool down the sides of his mouth. His eyes were wide as he reached out towards his neck only to find that nothing was there. All the color drained from his face and he shook as he reached out to the one person he thought could help him, could save him from this strange and painful experience.

With silent tears running down his face his fingers just barely touched the soft fur on Aether's coat before he froze, choking at the sudden increase of pain.

He shook as his eyes met Nox. It was like he was looking at the eyes of a monster. The waiter took a step back, his legs almost buckling underneath him. He knew what this was, a warning. Without letting his gaze drift from Nox's eyes, he swiveled on his heels and ran away.

With cruel eyes Nox watched as the waiter's figure disappeared from view.


Instantly the cruelness in those eyes had dissolved into warmth and kindness once more. He smiled lightly and softly raised Aether's hand, kissing it lightly.

"Even when you are dressed up, nothing can compare to your beauty."

Aether was too focused on Nox's lips. They were smoother than he would have imagined. When his muddled head finally comprehended Nox's words, his body froze and his mind went numb. Slowly his face turned a deep shade of red. With great effort he tried to lower his head so that he was burrowed in the furs of his coat like a turtle hiding in his shell.

With great embarrassment he let out a small and quiet, "Thank you."

Nox chuckled softly, "I only speak the truth." His voice was deep and alluring, sending shivers down Aether's spine.

Nox smiled triumphantly and gestured for his shadows to close the door behind them.With the carefulness one would show a newborn, Nox led Aether to an unoccupied seat at the end of the table.

"Ah, thank you." Aether numbly stated, trying his best to compose himself.

Nox gave Aether's hand one more squeeze before he sat in the empty spot to the left of him.

"Yuck, Disgusting." Rael's childish voice cut through the atmosphere like a knife. His nose was scrunched up and he stuck out his tongue as if he had tasted something awful.

"Ugggghhhh. Are they always like this?" Ren leaned across the table, his arms spread out in front of him. He copied his brother as he peered at them, sticking out his tongue like the child he was.

Aether gazed at the two brothers at the end of the table. He hadn't seen them since the accident at the palace, but by the looks of it they hadn't changed one bit.

The two were glued to each other's hips. From the looks of it, the seating arrangement was supposed to be two seats on each side of the table and one on each end, yet the spot next to Nox was empty while the other end now had two children sitting next to one another. It seems like Ren was originally supposed to be seated next to Nox, but had moved his chair to be next to his twin instead.

They wore identical outfits. White shirts with matching vests and a pair of black shorts. They both had coats hanging off their chairs, Aether duly noted that those too were identical. The only difference between the two were their birthmarks and their personalities.

"They must be if those two are acting like that." Ren pointed out Erik and Leon who sat beside them. Erik was silently seething as he took a sip of wine, while Leon watched on with a glare.

Rael sneered, "Ugh, if I had to witness this every day I would have killed myself ages ago." Resting his chin on his hand he asked Leon, "How does it feel to know your sweet younger brother-"

"Shut up!" Leon growled.

"Leon." Erik sternly called out. Leon held his tongue and looked at his father. "Remember your place." Erik reminded.

Leon seethed at the words. With a click of the tongue he looked away from the twins and focused his attention back on Aether.

"Hahaha it's like a dog on a leash!" Rael and Ren laughed together, tears forming in their eyes, "Ahhh, I could watch this all day, but…" Rael turned his focus back on Aether and Nox. Nox had taken the liberty to pour a glass of what seemed to be juice into a cup and handed it over to Aether, who in return graciously accepted it. "…this I can't stand." Rael muttered.

Rael grabbed two cups of wine and pushed one into Ren's hands while he took the other. "Maybe a drink will wash away the unpleasantness." The two clinked their cups together like they were celebrating and raised the cups to their lips.

"Stop!" Aether cried out sternly.

Rael and Ren immediately stopped, the cup inches from their mouths. The two looked at one another and then at Aether.

"What?" Rael asked, "Can't stand a little childish banter?" Rael mocked in a baby voice.

Aether ignored Rael's childish taunting and stood up. Grabbing two empty cups he poured juice into them and made his way over to Rael and Ren.

Rael and Ren watched in apprehension as Aether got closer to them. "What are you doing?" Rael narrowed his eyes.

Aether simply smiled. He placed the two cups of juice in front of Rael and Ren and then without warning grabbed the two cups of wine from their hands.

"Hey!" The two said in unison.

Aether walked away before the two could react and said, "Children should not drink wine. Have some juice instead."

"…Are…are you serious?" Rael glanced down at the juice, his lip twitching.

With pursed lips, Ren took a hesitant sip of the juice and immediately pushed it away, his face scrunching up as he stuck out his tongue, "Yuck! It's disgusting." He glanced at his twin and as if he had been wronged he said, "Brother, it tastes horrible."

Rael frowned, taking a sip he too scrunched up his face. Slamming the cup on the table he exclaimed, "This is disgusting! How dare you serve me something like this."

Erik scoffed to the side, "Childish as always." He muttered, but Rael still heard him.

Rael shot Erik a glare and picked up his cup of juice. Turning to Aether, he stared at him dead in the eye, "I am a Prince. I should be given the best of the best, not some garbage like this." With a tilt of his hand he poured the drink onto the ground.

The sound of liquid hitting the ground was deafening in the room. Aether calmly kept eye contact with Rael as he did this.

When the sound stopped, Rael smirked and shook the cup making sure every last drop was out. "Look, the garbage is right where it belongs."

Aether did not react right away. Gently he took another sip of juice from his cup, enjoying the sweet flavor that lingered on his tongue before standing up once more.

"You are right." Aether began as he walked towards Rael with his hands behind his back, "You are a Prince and as a Prince you should be given the best of the best."

Rael smirked and crossed his arms.

"But," Aether continued, cutting Rael's smile off his face, "as a Prince, you should also know how to act in the presence of guests." Aether stopped in front of Rael, "It seems to me that you have been playing around like a spoiled child, using your title to get whatever you want whenever you want." He placed his hands on Rael's shoulders.

Immediately Rael reacted, "Don't you dar-"

"Rael." Nox's voice cut him off. Rael froze and glanced over at his older brother. "Another wrong move and what was promised will be taken back." Instantly Rael paled and did not move.

Aether noted how Rael froze at Nox's words. He wasn't sure what Nox was talking about, but he made a mental note to mention it later on.

He nodded towards Nox, showing his thanks before turning his attention back to what he was doing. "I think it is time you learn some basic manners. If you are to act like a spoiled child then you should be treated as one."

This was something Aether had been wanting to do for a long time. Even when he was reading the novel he found that the youngest twin princes of the Soline Empire were overly childish and spoiled little brats that needed a good beating. On multiple occasions their antics and childish words would lead hundreds to their deaths. Unlike the first prince who eventually learned from the heroine that his actions had disastrous consequences, the twins simply laughed when shown what their actions caused. They treated it like a big game, even going as far as to mock the heroine by purposely causing a sickness to spread within the Empire. Of course it was treatable, but they made it so only those with money were capable of getting the antidote. Leaving those without for dead.

That included the heroine's parents.

Aether wanted nothing more than to reach into the book and smash the two's heads together. How dare they play with people's lives like that.

With those thoughts in mind, Aether maneuvered Rael into the corner of the room. "Stand here and think about what you did wrong."

Aether gave Rael a pat on the shoulder and went back to his seat. Rael stood dumbfounded at the wall. "You…this-what?" He turned around and sneered, "YOU!"


Rael froze and swiftly turned around.

Ren on the other hand, hesitantly reached out for his cup and took another sip, acting like an adorable child that had done nothing wrong.

"Finally." Erik sighed, "Now that the children have been dealt with. Shall we discuss the real reason why we came."

Nox smiled, "Of course."

Aether took a sip of his drink, pretending as if he knew what the two were talking about when in actuality he had no idea what was going on. It wasn't hard to figure out that something important was going on, something that didn't happen in the novel.

Aether glanced over at father then at the twins. Whatever they had planned it had something to do with them, but what?

"The location has been prepared." Nox said.

"Close by I assume?" Erik replied.

"Of course."

Erik scoffed, "I'm assuming it is being guarded? I don't want another accident on my hands."

There was a knock at the door, interrupting the conversation. Two servants, the girl and a different boy walked in with trays of food. One by one they placed plates of food in front of each person before setting down a plate of desserts in front of Aether.

Aether glanced at the sweet cakes in surprise. "This?"

Nox leaned his chin on his hand, "I thought you would like them."

"Thank you." Aether was touched by the sentiment. After the basket of sweets were delivered, Aether only got to try three desserts before his mother took away the basket and he never saw the sweets again.

Rael, who had stood silently in the corner, glanced over his shoulder as the food was being set on the table. His mouth began to water and when his eyes landed on the plate of desserts he stuttered out, "I-I want one."

Nox ignored Rael and picked up a small vanilla cake with a deep purple frosting on it. "Here, try this. It's the Soline Empires specialty."

Aether gratefully took the piece of cake, "Thank you, here you have one as well." He picked up a similar looking cake and placed it on Nox's plate.

Nox smiled.

Rael watched the scene with his mouth agape. 'How dare they ignore him!' He gritted his teeth as the two ate the cakes without even batting an eye at him. If this continued all the cakes would be gone before he got a chance to try them!

"I-I'm sorry!"

The two stopped eating and gazed up at him. Rael's heart stopped and a smile made its way onto his face. 'Perfect! Now they will give me some desserts!'

"What are you sorry for?"

Rael's smile dropped. "Wh-what? But I said sorry. I should be getting desserts now."

Aether shook his head, "A lifeless apology isn't an apology. I need to know that you know what you did wrong."

Rael pursed his lips. "I-I'm sorry." He lowered his head, "I shouldn't have spilled the drink on the floor."

"And?" Aether raised an eyebrow urging the other to continue.

"And um…and I-I won't…" He glanced over his brother who was drinking the juice, watching him struggle like it was a show. "…I won't drink wine anymore!"

The room was silent for a moment. Rael's gaze never left Aether's. His smile had dropped just slightly, fearing that he had said the wrong, but when Aether smiled all his worries disappeared.

Aether gestured for Rael to come and take some desserts. Rael didn't have to be told twice he ran to Aether's side and began to pick and choose, carrying as much as he could in his hands. Once he had all the sweets he could carry he ran back to his brother's side and placed them on their plates, "Look at all the sweets I got. Here, have some." Rael offered a dessert to Ren.

Ren smiled and took the dessert that was offered, gently nibbling on it. Rael smiled at Ren and quickly followed, nibbling on a dessert similar to Ren's.

Aether chuckled at the sight. No matter how much he hated the two, in the end they were just children that needed to be taught what was right and what was wrong.

Erik frowned at the two twins. "Can't believe I'm putting up with these two brats." He mumbled.

Nox scoffed, "These brats are the ones that hold the power to help you."

Erik rolled his eyes and changed the subject, "After dinner we will be heading to the location immediately. No more wasting time."

"Well, of course. We wouldn't want to keep our guest waiting, but…" not trailed off and took a bite of his steak.

Erik's eyes narrowed, "But what?"

"The location is not ideal." Nox glanced over at Aether who was cutting up his steak and taking a bite. With a smirk he glanced back at Erik, "You understand, right?"

Erik's grip on his fork tightened, "There is no need for that. I have brought Leon-"

"Leon will be of use in the room rather than outside guarding Aether."

Erik sneered, "Then the guards will-"

"Although powerful, the guards will only bring more attention. I fear that even more eyes will be drawn to him with them around." Nox leaned forward, the smile on his face never fading.

Erik nearly broke the fork in his hand. He knew what the bastard was playing at and he despised it. "And a Prince won't?" He mocked.

Nox leaned backwards, "I have my ways." Erik went to retort, but Nox cut him off before he could even utter a word, "There is a festival being hosted not too far from here. While you and Leon deal with the guest, I'll take Aether to visit some of the stalls."

"A festival?" Erik laughed at that, "How is that any better than bringing him with us?"

"Because this festival is for commoners."