Chapter 54 - ***

Bert stood in front of the vast hidden garden with apprehension. He had followed his gut instinct and followed a relatively unknown and beaten up path until he came across a field of glowing flowers. A place that the Young Master would most certainly like upon seeing. 

Upon arrival everything seemed normal. Nothing was out of place or missing, yet he had this undying certainty that the Young Master and Nox had definitely been here. 

He took a step forward and a small crunching sound rang in his ears. He glanced down and lifted his foot only to discover a handful of flowers that had been plucked from the ground and thrown carelessly  onto the ground. 

Kneeling down he picked up the small flowers. His fingers rubbed at the petals until they were crushed and only a faint light remained. A knowing glint flashed in his eyes and he let the remains of the flower fall to the ground. 

It seemed his gut instinct was right.

Standing up he said, "They can't be far. Send out an alert-" He stopped abruptly and let out a long sigh, "-It seems discipline is in order." He shook his head at the empty spot behind him. "Not following orders and running off on his own, what is he thinking?" Bert had little to no interaction with Young Master Leon's butler. He had originally thought that the man was disciplined and good at his job, but it seems he was thinking too highly of him.


Aether could barely grasp what was happening. It was all moving too fast. One minute he was being kissed until his legs went numb and the next he was wrapped up in a warm embrace as Nox ran off to who knows where.

  He faintly registered a door opening and young women welcoming them. He could smell food and hear idle chatter. Were they at a hotel? Wait…a hotel!!! 

Aether flushed at the thought and his heart began to beat wildly against his chest. Gaining the courage he lifted his head only to meet Nox looking back down at him, a smile on his face. 

Aether flushed and gave up on his pursuit to see where they were. Without a second thought he buried his head into Nox's chest. He felt a soft rumble and faintly heard Nox laughing, which only proved to make him blush even more. 

Nox was steady as he walked to the point where Aether did not feel any hostel as they headed up the stairs. This should have been comforting to him. It should have calmed his anxiety. He wouldn't be able to count how many steps until they reached their destination, it wouldn't let him think constantly about what was about to happen and how he should mentally prepare himself. No, what it left him with was this hyperawareness of Nox's heart beating just as fast as his was. 

The noise echoed in his ear and for a moment he believed that it matched the same pace as his own. His unclenched his hand and lightly touched the place where the noise was coming from. The soft thumping brought a strange comfort to him and he found himself relaxing. 

He faintly heard a door opening before he was set down on a soft bed. He only had a moment to take in the overly expensive room before his attention was drawn to Nox. 

Nox leaned over him, his knee resting in between Aether's legs, gently pulling them apart. His face was inches from Aether's and for a moment he paused. Their eyes stayed locked as Nox leaned down, capturing Aether's lips once more. This time his tongue went straight into Aether's mouth, exploring, teasing, and stimulating Aether into a wet and sloppy kiss. 

Aether tried his hardest to maintain eye contact with Nox, watching with mild interest and fascination as a deep flush began to spread across his cheeks. Aether let out a startled cry as Nox abruptly pulled back and nipped at his lips. Nox chuckled, a deep and throaty sound that brought shivers down Aether's spine. Not giving Aether a moment to catch his breath, he dived back in for a deep kiss.

Nox made fast work in removing Aether's coat and shirt. He struggled for only a moment at the tight restraining shirt before manipulating a small flame to burn a hole in the fabric, making it easier for him to tear off. 

Aether's mind was muddled, he felt a slight breeze on his chest before warm hands began to roam across his skin. He jumped at every sensation. His fingers glided across his skin like feathers, giving just enough touch for Aether to know they were there, but also enough to leave him wanting more. 

He withered under the gentle touches. Squirming as Nox's fingers circled around his nipples. He would twitch every time his finger got close, but they never touched. Aether let out a small huff in aggravation, his body unconsciously leaning towards Nox's fingers. 

Nox broke the deep kiss and let out a deep chuckle. With a smirk Nox locked eyes with Aether, but Aether's attention was drawn to the hand that was now hovering over his nipple. His breath would hitch every time Nox lowered his finger, tracing around his nipple, getting closer and closer. 

Aether flinched. His head fell backwards and his mouth hung open in a long moan. He was so distracted with Nox's one hand that he didn't notice when Nox's other hand made its way down his stomach and into his pants.


"Wa-wait…mph!" Aether struggled to catch his breath as his lips were captured. He withered underneath Nox. The sensations were becoming too much for him, but the pleasure kept building and building, leaving him breathless and yearning for more. 

Without warning, Nox leaned back, gazing at Aether panting underneath him before dipping into his neck, lightly sucking and licking causing Aether to twitch and spasm, letting out long moans as he did so. 

Nox licked at the now red patch of skin on Aether neck, smiling at how it looked against Aether's pale skin. With a wicked glint in his eye,  he quickened his pace.

"Ah! Wait..wait..gasp…Nox!" Aether wailed, tears gathering in the corner of his eyes. His fingers clenched onto Nox's arms, digging into his skin. He shook his head, his mouth agape and inviting. 

Nox dipped in, silencing Aether's gasps and cries. 

"Mmmmm…Mmmppph!" Aether's toes curled and his back arched, his body spasming. 

Nox leaned back, watching as Aether fell back to the bed, gasping for breath. His pale skin, now flushed red, has a thin sheen of sweat. The tears in the corner of his eyes finally spilled and a string of droll dribbled out of the side of his mouth. He had one hand over his head and the other laying on his stomach as he tried to catch his breath. He blinked slowly, his eyes unfocused. 

Nox smiled, lifting his hand that was dripping with cum, he made eye contact with Aether and licked the cum off his fingers. 

Aether's breath hitched. Embarrassed he twisted his body over and grabbed the beds blankets with shaky hands, trying desperately to hide himself within them. 

"Ah!" Aether cried out as his leg was captured and he was pulled back towards Nox, the blankets dragging with him. Nox lightly chuckled above him. Aether refused to look at him. His heart was beating and he was so hot. 

A soft breath tickled his ear and he found himself flinching at the sudden kiss to his temple. "It's okay, relax." Nox whispered, his voice deep. Aether shivered, he blinked once before glancing at Nox. He sucked in a breath. 

Nox's skin was flushed, a light sheen of sweat flowed down his body. Aether's eyes trailed downward gazing at Nox's muscles, admiring them.

'If he looks like this…then what does he look like down there?' He gulped, his thoughts spiraling. He covered his eyes with his hands, attempting to hide his growing embarrassment. 

"What are you thinking about?" Nox's voice whispered in his ear.

'When did he get so close?' He hadn't heard any movement, not even the rustling of clothes. 

Nox gently laid a kiss on Aether's hand, "Won't you tell me?" Aether blushed even harder, his thoughts running even more wild. He refused to move his hands from his eyes and shook his head, refusing to speak. 

  A kiss landed on his hand once more, and then another. Aether let out a shuddered breath as Nox's hand glided through his hair. 'Had his hands always been this big?'

"Ah!" Aether tensed as a finger probed at his asshole. He unconsciously clenched, his body shivering. 

Nox gently kissed his nose, "Shh, relax, it's okay." 

Aether's breath hitched. His body was on fire, he could feel every probe and gentle touch as Nox's finger teased his entrance. His toes curled as Nox leaned in for a soft kiss. 

"Mmph!" Aether gasped into the kiss as Nox's finger pushed into his entrance. He squirmed at the strange sensation. His moans came out muffled as his body twisted, unconsciously trying to get away from the strange feeling. But Nox held him close, refusing to let him budge even an inch. 

Aether was hypersensitive to what was happening down below. For a while Nox didn't move his finger, but after a couple moments, he slowly began to push deeper and deeper. Aether whimpered. It didn't hurt, but…he shook his head and let out a strangled gasp as another finger was added. This time he could feel the slight stretch. 

The fingers pushed in slowly, moving in and out at first, before abruptly twisting up and down as if Nox was searching for something. He could only squirm, accepting the small kisses from Nox as he worked open. 

"AHH!" Aether gasped, his back arching and his body tensing. 

Nox paused, a smile gracing his lips. "Ah, there it is." 

"Wha-waht?" Aether asked through gasps. His mind was a little fuzzy and he was trying to grasp what had just happened, but Nox didn't give him time as the spot that gave him nerve tingling pleasure was ruthlessly assaulted. 

"Ah…uh..wait…ah, Nox!" Aether cried out, the pleasure too much. 

Nox's face was roused in lust, his eyes raked over every inch of Aether's body. From the flushed face to the perked nipples. He licked his lips and leaned down, enjoying the moans he extracted from Aether as he licked and nipped at his nipples. His fingers dived deep into Aether, his crotch twitched at the thought of plunging into him. Not wanting to wait any longer he took his penis out.

Aether was at the height of pleasure. His eyes were clouded and tears rolled down his face. Being stimulated in two different areas at the same time. There was a pressure building up in his stomach and Aether knew he was close. He reached down, wanting to stimulate himself enough to cum, but before he could his hand was grabbed by Nox and Nox suddenly stopped. 

Aether let out a small whine, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he glanced up at Nox with a questioning gaze. Nox chuckled at the sight and guided Aether's hand to his cock. 

Aether flinched, his eyes going wide. It was big. It was too big! 


Nox leaned down and kissed Aether on the head, "Don't worry, it will fit."


Aether shook his head. He really doubted that. Aether's hand was guided away and he had no time to prepare as Nox pinned his cock up to his entrance. Subconsciously his body tensed and he pushed weakly against Aether's chest, "Wait, wait..I'm not-Arghh!" 

Aether's hands latched onto Nox's arms, his nails digging into his skin. His mouth was hung open and he gasped out in pain as Nox pushed deeper and deeper into him. It was like he was being torn open. 

"Wait…" Aether gasped out, "Stop.." He shook his head, tears spilling, "'s too…much, uh." He let out a shuddering breath as Nox seemed to listen to his request. Aether clenched his teeth, trying his hardest to get used to the pressure, to the pain, but it was just too much. He let out a shuddering sob. 


Nox frowned. Leaning forward, he gently stroked Aether's head and peppered him in gentle kisses. "Shh, it's okay. You are doing amazing. Look how much you took me in." He gently guided Aether's hand to where they were connected. 

Aether sucked in a breath as he felt Nox's length. Why could he still feel it? Glancing down, he gazed at his belly with a pout. He felt so full, he was sure that Nox was completely in him, but…he looked further down and grimaced. He could still see a part of Nox's cock. 

"I-I can't. It's too much. I-I'm too full." Aether let his tears fall as he thought of the pain that would come with the rest of Nox's cock entering him. 

Nox shushed him and gently kissed his eyes, smearing away the tears with his hands. "Take deep breaths, like me." He gently led Aether to mimic his breathing. With every breath he could feel his body start to relax. 

"See." Nox smiled, leaning down to give him a deep kiss. Aether closed his eyes and hesitantly kissed back, experimenting with the way their tongues mingled with one another. He was so focused on the kiss that when the pressure started to build up once more he only faintly registered that Nox was pushing the rest of his cock in him, but all too soon did the pressure fade. 

Aether found himself letting out a settled moan as the pressure dissipated, only to gasp as Nox abruptly rammed back into him. 

"Ah! Oh…ah.." Aether gasped out, his body twitching with every thrust. His fingers dug into Nox's arm, breaking skin. He glanced pleadingly up at Nox. It was too much. 

"AHH!" One swift thrust had Aether seeing stars. His head flinched back and he curled his toes. He took deep breaths, trying to comprehend what had just happened. 

'What? What was that?' He glanced up at Nox with hazy eyes. 

Nox was frozen, staring down at him with wide eyes full of lust. A smile slowly made its way onto his face, "Oh?" Nox slowly began to take out his cock before driving back in, hitting that same spot. When He noticed that it elected the same reaction from Aether, he thrust out and back in without mercy.

Aether flinched, the moans rolling out of his mouth. "Wait…Ah, stop.." He gasped out between moans. The pain he had experienced was nowhere to be found anymore. It mingled and churned with the strange pleasure that tingle up his spine, muddling his mind. 

Nox's thrust became faster and harder, plunging into him at an alarming pace. Aether threw his head to the side, his hands moving from gripping Aether's arm to the blanket underneath him. Every time Aether thought Nox would slow down, he would pick the pace up, slamming into him with more enthusiasm than before. He faintly registered Nox calling out his name as he panted above him.

"Nox..Nox." Aether gasped out between moans, only encoring Nix to go faster. Without warning, Nox leaned down, capturing Aether's lips, one hand nestled into his hair, gripping it lightly and tugging him up. Aether's moans were immediately eaten by Nox. 

Aether's eyes went wide as the thrust got even faster than he could imagine, reaching deeper than before. He squirmed and twisted at the pressure that was building up in his stomach. "Um..oh..AH!" With one last hard thrust Nox emptied inside of him. Aether saw stars as he came. His body spasmed, but he couldn't move as Nox held him tight. He let out a faint sob as he felt the warmth spread deep inside him. 

Nox grunted. Wrapping his arms around Aether he fell to the side and pulled him close. 

Aether blinked, his vision blurry and his mind fuzzy. When Nox pulled him into a tight embrace, he unconsciously leaned into the warmth. His head rested against Nox's chest and he could feel the vibration as Nox chuckled above him. Aether hummed, his eyes closing against his will. He knew that he should get up and clean himself, but he was just so tired.

Nox kissed his head, "It's okay, go to sleep. I'll take care of everything." 

Aether hummed, his eyes finally closing.


A figure walked up to the hotel. His eyes glued to the top floor, watching as the candle light flicked off. He scowled and turned around, ready to head back to Bert, but a small figure ran by him, running into his shoulder.

The figure's eyes went wide and he pulled the coat over his head. Giving one last glance at the hotel, he turned around and disappeared into the crowd.