Chapter 56 - Trials and Talks

Aether sat at the table, his mood fluctuating like a rollercoaster. His brother and sister sat on the other side of him and his parents sat across from them. There was an additional plate set up next to his mother, but the food had long gone cold, the occupant missing.

With pursed lips Aether could only watch as his family ordered Nox around like a dog. He glanced down at the warm tea in his hand. It had been replaced twice now, his mother deeming it too cold for him to drink. Logically speaking a maid or butler should have replaced it, but to his horror his mother had made Nox not only replace it, but brewed it himself. 

Out of fear of his mother making Nox get up once more he quickly grabbed the cup of tea. He could faintly hear his mother clicking her tongue at the loss of being able to order Nox around once again, but that did little to keep his other family members from raising their voices. It wasn't long before Aria was making requests, then Leon, then his father. Aether could only bite his lip and curl into himself on his seat, hoping that Nox wouldn't blame all this on him.

He silently cursed himself. If he had known what it meant to 'pursue' a Frenzel, he would have made Nox wait or at least pushed back more. But what was done, was done, there was nothing he could do now to change it. 

He let out a small sigh. From what Bert had told him if one were to seriously pursue a Frenzel they must prove their worth to the Frenzel household. Running errands, doing every single chore in the house, being able to defeat and hold themselves against others, proving their strength and intelligence, the list went on and on. Apparently his mother had also gone through such trials, but with her obvious power and intelligence, it didn't take long for the Frenzel household to approve her. 

If this had been mentioned in the novel - Aether shook his head. No, it didn't matter if it was mentioned or not. The novel wasn't about the Frenzel household after all.

"This is disgusting." Aria spat out. She had placed her fork down openly sneering at the plate of food in front of her. From what Aether could see the food looked perfectly fine, but a faint burnt smell wafted from them. He grimaced, knowing full well what was about to happen.

Aria turned her attention to Nox, her face stoic as she spoke, "If you are to be a Frenzel then it is only natural that you know how to cook. You should stay in the kitchen until you perfect the art of cooking." 

Aether could see Nox's hands clenched into fist. He couldn't watch any more, "Sister." Aether spoke up, his voice gentle and warm, "It's just cooking, not everyone is good at it." He shot Nox a soft smile, "Besides, I don't even know how to cook, so it shouldn't be expected that he should know how to." 

Aria's frown deepened. "It's exactly because you don't know how to cook that he should. What would happen if one day you two are out in the wilderness and there is no one around to cook for you? Hm, what would you do then?" 

It was Aether's turn to frown. She had a point. He shot Nox an apologetic smile.

Aria smiled triumphantly, but before she could continue lecturing Nox, Aether suddenly turned to her. Her smile quickly fell as she gazed into his eyes that seemed to glow. 

"Since we both don't know how to cook then how about we both learn together!" Aether beamed, "That way if we are ever in a situation where it is just the two of us, we both will be able to cook."

Aria's heart sank. She wished she had never said anything. 

A cough drew their attention to the other side of the table. Their mother put down her cup of tea, a disdainful look on her face. "It is indeed a great idea that you learn how to cook, but it would not be appropriate for you to learn with Nox." She glanced at Aether, "This is a trial for Nox to prove himself to us, not a trial for you." 

Aether deflated in his chair. He couldn't fight his mother on this. After all, out of everyone here she knew best what the trials were like.


Aether perked up.

"If you wish to learn how to cook. I will arrange for a tutor to come over once a week to teach you." His mother turned back to her food and began to eat, ending the conversation. 

As much as Aether didn't want to add on another lesson every week, if he learned how to cook, then perhaps he could help Nox with his cooking. The idea brought a smile to Aether's face and he took a sip of the tea in his hand. His brow creased and he let out a soft laugh. It really was bad. 

"Enough." Their father spoke up, catching everyone's attention. "Nox sit down and eat. Despite your trials, you still have to attend school. Per your father's instructions." He mumbled the last part. 

Nox finally took a seat and began to eat his food despite it being cold. Aether must have been staring too hard as Nox glanced up and shot him a gentle and reassuring smile. 

"Leon." Their father spoke up once more. Leon paused and glanced at their father. 

"The Hunting competition is right around the corner, are you prepared?"

Aether paused. The hunting competition. He had forgotten about it. He knew that pretty much everyone in the Academy was preparing for it, but knowing that he had no ability, it was expected that he would skip it and stay at home. From the sounds of it, Leon will be participating.

"I have been preparing and am ready to win this year." Leon replied firmly. 

"I have also been preparing and would like to participate this year as well." Aria spoke up, gaining the attention of everyone at the table.

"Oh?" Erik glanced at Aria with a raised brow. "You've never been interested in the hunting competition before. Why such interest this year?" 

Aria paused then glanced over at Aether. A silent understanding overcame the table as they all turned their attention to Aether. 

Aether frowned at the attention. From their gazes alone he could discern that her decision had something to do with him, but he couldn't figure out why her reason had to do with him. 

The hunting competition was basically a competition for students to show their strength to the King. It was a perfect opportunity for those that held no standing, but power, to demonstrate their use to the King and if lucky be awarded a title. As far as he knew, Aria had already proved her strength when she used her unique ability to help the King win in a battle when she was younger. So there was no point in her joining the hunting competition. Leon on the other hand was the eldest of the Frenzel children, so it made sense that he participated every year. He had to uphold the name after all. 

Aether was going to ask what he had to do with her decision, but before he could his father continued the conversation. 

"Very well. Sense both of you will be participating, I expect nothing but first place." 

"Yes father." The two said in unison. 

"Good. Bert." 

Bert walked up from behind and gave a short bow, "Yes, Master?" 

"Get everything ready for the hunting competition. I don't want another mistake happening like last time." He paused then added, "Make sure that Aether's personal servants are thoroughly prepared as well. I don't want them humiliating the Frenzel name while we are there." 

"Understood." Bert took his leave.

Aether paused. His brow creased as he thought about what his father had just said. Why would his servants need to be prepared? Unless. His eyes widened and he asked with great hesitancy, "Wait, will I be attending as well?" He pointed to himself. 

Erik nodded, looking at him as if he had grown a second head. "Of course, it is required that the families of the participants are in attendance during the entirety of the competition."

Aether's mouth fell open. He…he had to attend. A competition, where  demonic creatures were running amok and other noble families were conversing with one another while silently thinking of ways to ruin each other. He placed a hand on his head. This was not something he wanted to do. 

"Nox, per your father's instructions you will also be participating in the competition this year, but you will be competing under the Soline name, not the Frenzel." Erik was firm as he spoke.

Nox nodded in understanding and then as if he had a funny thought he let out a small chuckle and glanced over at Leon. "I don't want to ruin your reputation, but I will be taking first place this year."

Leon's eyes narrowed, his hand tightening around his utensils causing them to bend slightly, "I will be taking first, that I can be sure of." 

Nox chuckled, "You can try, but this year first place will be mine." He smirked, "After all, in order to prove myself to the family, I must demonstrate my strength." He turned to Aether with a warm smile blooming on his face, "And what better way to prove my strength than getting first in the hunting competition." 

Leon snarled. "Don't think that just because your-"

Erik let out a laugh, cutting off Leon "Perfect! I would expect nothing less." Erik turned to Nox with a face full of derision, "If you win this competition, you will have my approval." 



"You can't just-"

Erik held up his hand, cutting them off. "Just because he might be attaining my approval, does not mean he has the approval from the entire family." 

Leon and Aria finally calmed down. A glint in both of their eyes. Aether knew that look and a sense of foreboding overcame him. Knowing these two they would make life for Nox a living hell before they gave their approval, and that is only if they give their approval.

Aether shot a worried gaze towards Nox, but to his surprise Nox held a determined look and nodded his head before turning to meet Leon and Aria's gazes. With a firm tone he said, "I will be winning this competition."

Aether was stunned for a moment. The determination dripping from Nox's voice was so strong that for a single second, he truly believed that Nox would win the hunting competition this year. The corner of his lips turned up slightly and he gave a slight nod. 

A loud crack resounded next to him and Aether turned to see a broken fork in a seething Leon's hand. After a long silence, Leon let go of the fork letting it clatter on the table before he stood up and stormed out of the room. 

Aether watched Leon leave with apprehension. He turned his attention to Aria thinking that perhaps she would have a similar reaction, but to his surprise she sat in her seat silently eating her food with her eyes lowered. A perfect picture of a good daughter. Aether pursed his lips. He didn't know what she was thinking, he never did, but whatever it was it couldn't be good. Sighing he turned his attention back to his food.

Aria was not idly eating her food. Her eyes, though seemingly lowered, were actually closed. She was gently probing at the strings around her. First her parents strings then her brother and finally a string she had never got the chance to observe before. Her eyes slightly quivered as she glanced at the string. It was ominous and dark, unlike a person who had awakened all six abilities.

Nox's string should have been like the other Princes strings, brightly colored with all the abilities making their presence known, but it wasn't. There was something wrong with it. A sense of foreboding and wrongness invaded her senses and for a moment she wanted to turn back, but she shook her head. There was nothing to be afraid of, this was her domain after all.

With a hesitant hand she reached out, touching the strange blackness that seemed to leap and lash out at the other strings. She grimaced at the strange feeling as it brushed against her fingers. It was rough and itchy, leaving her revolted. She hesitated. This feeling, this sensation, it seemed too familiar. Her eyes narrowed. Where had she seen this before? She took a deep breath as she stroked along the outside trying to get used to the strange feeling before trying to latch onto it, but the moment she tried the string attacked her.

She let out a soft gasp and opened her eyes. A pair of dark blue eyes stared back at her and for a moment she struggled to breathe.


"Aria? What's wrong?"