Chapter 60 - Run

Aether took deep breaths. They had wasted no time in running from the tent the moment they figured out someone had tampered with the spell. As they exited, three guards came from the shadows, surrounding him like a barrier preventing anyone from being able to reach him. He didn't have time to greet them or show his appreciation as Mina pulled him towards the stage where his father and the King currently were. Of course they had to take a different route. If the previous Aethers memories were anything to go by, then that sadistic fucker was still out their waiting for them. 

They passed by many people. Some in normal clothes, bloodied and ruined. While others carried weapons and were brutally killing any demonic creature that even made a noise. 'It seems the demonic creatures are leaving the forest.' It made sense, why hunt for food when there was so much food laying out in the open for them. It was a sick idea, but one that demonic creatures were known to go by. 

Aether pursed his lips. He narrowed his eyes and tried to focus on Mina running in front of him. It was better to not get distracted. No matter how desperate the cries of help were. 

A child's scream of agony came from the right and Aether found himself freezing in his tracks. The path in front of him was bloodied, bodies lay on the ground, dismembered with organs gouged out. The claw marks running down their mangled bodies was enough to tell him how big the demonic creature was. 

He took a step forward, 'I can't just let a child die.'

Even though he was in danger, he would not let a child die when he could stop it. He had three elite guards with him. A single demonic creature would be nothing for them. Yeah, he could do this. With his mind made up, he took another step forward ready to go and save the child, but before he could even move towards the bloodied carnage his wrist was gripped harshly.

He glanced back, "Mina?"

She shook her head, "Young Master, we can't."

He frowned, "But-but it's a child! We can't just sit here and let them die!" He tried to yank his hand away, but Mina held firm. 

"No. Young Master." She paused, her teeth clenching, "I understand that you are worried, but Young Master forgets. Noble children are trained young to kill, they can handle themselves." 

Aether clenched his hands, "But…"

"Trust me, they will be fine." She gently tugged his wrist, "Now, let's go." 

He let himself be led away. This-this was too much. 

Aether only calmed his mind when he noticed the stage in the distance. He let out a sigh of relief at the sight and started to pick up the pace. 

A figure walked in front of them. His laid back demeanor was a stark contrast to the chaos happening around him. He positioned himself so that he was right in front of Aether's path. Two hooded figures appeared by his side, their bulky forms loomed over him like giant beasts that were waiting for the hunt.

Aether went rigid. The young Prince of the Gelani Empire had a bone-chilling smile as he drawled out, "Now, where do you think you are going?" His dull brown eyes glowed an eerie green that pierced Aether's soul. 

Aether took a step back, his mouth going dry. He reached out for Mina, gripping her hand like a life line.

"Young Master, stay behind me." Mina bristled. She pulled out a knife and held it in front of her. She stepped in front of him, blocking the Prince's view, "Young Master." she whispered. "We need a different plan." 

Aether nodded. He glanced at the three guards around him and then back at the two hooded figures by the Prince's side. Their build worried him and he was unsure what their abilities were, but one thing was for sure, they had no idea who they were up against. 

The Elite guards surrounding him were powerful and most importantly unheard of. His father kept these guards locked away and only brought them out if absolutely necessary. Even in those cases the people who saw them tended to end up dead.

'This could prove useful. The Prince has no idea what these guards are capable of.' He nodded to himself. If they ran, then the Prince would most likely send his two henchmen to come after them. If that was the case, then he could use this to his favor. 

Of course, that was only a temporary solution. 'Knowing the Prince he won't stop until he is injured or dead. The guards could hold their own, but what happens if they can't? What should I do then' Aether glanced over at the forest. He gulped. It was something he wanted to avoid, but it seems he will have to do it in the end. 

 Without breaking eye contact with the Prince he whispered to Mina, "Head to the forest." 

Mina whipped her head back, her eyes wide, "Young Master, but that's-"

"Where my siblings and the Princes are." He cut her off.

"But…the demonic creatures." She turned to him, her hands clenching his shoulders, "One wrong move and you could be killed." She hissed, her nails dug into his shoulders. He let out a small hiss.

Pushing her hands away he reassured her, "We have three elite guards here that can help us." he gestured to the three around him" With their power they can handle any demonic creatures that come at us." Mina pursed her lips, unconvinced. 

Aether let out a sigh, dropping his head he added, "Besides, my siblings and the Princes are in that forest. If we can find them then we can shift this little game he is playing." 

He paused, lifting his head slightly he glared back at the young Prince, "If we do this right, then the hunter will soon become the hunted." 

Mina paused, her frown shifting into one of a smile, but Aether could still see the hint of worry lingering in her eyes. 'Its okay, at least she will go along with the plan.' He gave her a reassuring squeeze on her hand and whispered, "Trust me, we can do this." 

He glanced behind at the guards. He hoped their abilities would be enough. "Alright, when I say so, we run. Got it." 

Mina and the guards nodded. 

Aether waited for the perfect opportunity. He couldn't let the Prince know that he was up to something. He needed him to think that they were stumped, that they were gonna fight head on. He needed just a moment, a single moment of confusion to get ahead of him. If they could do that, then everything would be fine. 

It came when the young prince opened his mouth to start talking again. Aether didn't give him the chance. 


The five of them sprint to the left, leaving the dumbfounded Prince and his henchman behind. They pushed past the people as they scurried to fight the demonic creatures that were slowly invading the grounds. Aether ignored the startled cries of help as he ran towards the forest. He ignored the outstretched hands, the cries, the pleas. He clenched his eyes and focused on the forest in front of him. He couldn't afford to stop no matter how much he wanted to. 

The carnage vanished the instant they entered the forest. Instead they found themselves in the alarming quietness of the forest. 

'It shouldn't be this quiet.' Registering that not a single animal or bug was making a noise. His eyes squinted and without a word he gestured for Mina to lead. Mina understood and together they traveled through the forest on high alert. 

They traveled for a long while. In the distance they could hear the cleaning of swords and the dryness of a demonic creature. It was hard to tell where the sound was coming from, but they decided it was best to head in that direction. 

They didn't make it far. 

"Why are you running away?" The young Prince stood behind them. His eyes crinkled and his head tilted. He gazed at Aether like a lost puppy, but Aether felt more like an insect being dissected underneath his gaze. 

"Did you not hear me? Why are you running?" He took a step forward, the two hooded figures from before right beside him. "I was only trying to help you. Don't you know that the forest isn't safe? There are a lot of demonic creatures running amok." He gestured to the forest around him and as if proving a point all the noise that was silenced before came back in ten folds. 

Creatures small and big were all screeching on top of their lungs. They screeched and hissed out in pain as their bodies were crushed and mauled by demonic creatures that seemed to jump out of the shadows. Their bodies were covered in blood and their eyes were oozing blood. 

It was wrong. So wrong. 

"Young Master." Mina whispered. 

He nodded. He was smart enough to realize that something was horribly wrong with these demonic creatures. They needed to leave and fast. 

"Go, quickly!" Mina yelled as she pushed Aether down a path behind them. The guards immediately took action attacking any demonic creatures that jumped at them. 

"Now Aether, that's not nice."The young prince's sing-along voice drifted into the forest. 

Without warning, the two hooded figures jumped from the shadows. A hand reached out in front of Aether, but before it could grab him one of the elite guards grabbed him and flung him back before attacking the bulky figure head on. 

Aether was caught by another elite guard and quickly dragged away from the fight. 

"Hurry, this way!" Mina called out. She was currently standing above a bloodied figure. Their hands twitched as she pulled the knife out of their throat. She flicked the knife and Aether watched as blood splattered onto the ground. "Let's go. We need to hurry." She turned to face him, a speck of blood on her face, "Keep your guard up. There are more than two." She ganshed her teeth and gestured for the guard and Aether to follow.

Aether didn't have time to react as he was hoisted up into the air by the guard as they ran away. He held onto the guard with a death grip and looked behind him. 

Two of the guards stayed behind slaughtering demonic creatures and hooded figures as they came from the shadows. His heart clenched at the sight. 

Pursing his lips he looked away from the sight. 

'Please survive.' 


"Hmm, what's this?" a figure came from the forest, his body shrouded in shadows. Blood dripped from his hands as he flung a dead body away from him. 

The hooded figures froze giving the guards a chance to strike.

Nox watched idly as the figures fell one after another onto the ground. He lightly kicked one. Blood seeped into the ground, the figure unrecognizable. He rolled his eyes at the hooded figure, but a small glint caught his eye.

He grit his teeth as a small green bracelet fell off the hooded figure's hand. Without hesitation he stepped on the small bracelet, enjoying the crunch as it shattered into pieces. 

"Now then." His voice was frigid as he glanced up at the two guards. 

"What is going on?"