
Daisy couldn't open her mouth. She couldn't even walk if she wasn't told. By now, she had come a long way. A steep hill, with stairs carved into the hard ground. 

In front of her, a young man with cream-coloured hair walked leisurely. Daisy had never climbed stairs this long in her life, and she was already gasping for air, but the young man before her didn't look the least bit tired. 

Behind Daisy, eight young girls in black and white uniforms followed. The uniforms they wore looked a bit odd, like robes with wide sleeves. They carried a bell in their hands, but the bell seemed to be unbeaded, so it could not ring. Their steps were so soft yet fast they didn't make a sound at all. In contrast to Daisy, who was panting heavily, the eight young girls behind her didn't look tired either, as they used to climb these stairs so they move quickly and efficiently.