The Revelation

Came in, spoke without waiting for the others, and left when finished, Roxus' appearance was like a hurricane.

Now, everyone's attention was fixed on Soneillon, who hadn't been able to react well. Oh, they don't blame Soneillon. They themselves do not know how to react to this.

In a deep and calm voice, Soneillon spoke up, "Spread what Madam said tonight to all the people of the Continent of Darkness. Use everything as the core of the preaching that we will spread throughout the world," Soneillon also understood that Roxus was trying to attract the attention of everyone, including the gods only to her.

This is not only dangerous but also incredibly insane.

What is she really going to do? But Soneillon laughed. He laughed in a terrible low voice.

"When Milord Lucifer returns, maybe he will cut off my head."