Preparation (5)

Orcen Rotund saw Caprice was the man the three of them relied on, and he became the groomsman at the wedding of his two youngest sons and the Archmage's wedding—

Of course, this fact only Orcen and Caprice knew about. He was suddenly escorted by Orcen's aide and teleported to Orcen's residence in the Rotund Imperial Palace. Caprice was asked to become a diplomat, while Orcen tries to form the delayed team of ambassadors from all over the continent. In essence, Caprice was appointed directly because Orcen had no one else he could trust at the moment, and Roxus could also trust at the same time.

Caprice has no problem with that.

And for Roxus, Orcen had taken a decision that unintentionally made Roxus acknowledge Orcen's judgment ability. Roxus not only trusted Caprice, but she also admired Caprice. Nodding, Roxus smiled and thought that Orcen had good eyes.

Whereas from the Orcen side, this was all unintentional.