
Ernacht dragged a battered man in his arms. His long red hair caught everyone's attention, but what was even more surprising was Ernacht's expression which was still so calmly restrained. Juverin and Heisch walked behind him, following him with a helpless face.

As the two of them tried to chase after Ernacht and asked him to stop for a moment, Ernacht narrowed his eyes and stopped with them. "I will bring this person before Ayunda directly, with my own hands. Whatever you want to say, you have to wait."

"Delaroce… wait a minute, I have to… Delaroce…" Heisch looked more and more perplexed.

"Son, I heard directly from your sister to prevent you from leaving your kingdom for now. Your Ayunda said this place is a holy place that can protect you. You can't leave from here!" said Juverin.