the beginning

Stupid car" i said while kicking it "calm down"my friend jack says "look theirs a house maybe we can ask for some help" Daniel says point to an old big house with the lights on i nod when we hear a strange noise coming from the woods something grabs jack and drages him into to the dark shadows of the trees he's screaming and then he falls silent me and Daniel make a run for it to the house the we run up the stairs to find the doors already open we rush in and close the door behind us its dark and their are people screaming and running every where other people with weapons chasing them i look for Daniel and he's gone no where to be seen i make a run for a room to hide in its darker in here and it gives me the chills i feel like theirs something else here and i run out of the room people are running around like headless chickens and some are killing each other someone sees me and runs after me i run into what seems to be the kitchen and i seem to have lost them theirs a man standing in front of me and some other girls they seem to think im one of them so i should be okay for now the guy has a sword and he points it to a random girl she say shes honored and she pushes herself against the sword and it kills her oh my god he pulls the sword out and begins moving it around again this time it lands on me in shock i freeze my brain trys processing what this is i make a run for it and he Chase's behind me yelling to get me i run to the stair case where their are lights on he follows close behind me their are others like me who are innocent and scared i turn the corner and slide myself under a couch this another man their but he seems good the guy who was after me gives up and i stay in my hiding spot afraid to move im not sure why but this place seems so familiar to me which is crazy because you usually remember being in a haunted house with a cult an hour goes by and im still under the couch the man who is protecting other innocent people is still here he's seen me but hasn't said or done anything the guy that was chasing me came back up the stairs the mans eyes begin glowing and so does the guys when all of a sudden the guy stabs the man with his sword he then pulls the sword out and begind walking towards the couch im hidden under fear takes over my body as i prepare myself to die i close my eyes and make my back face him ready for the sword to pirce my skin but nothing i wait a bit longer when i hear him say "you made me kill him and i have no more energy to kill you"i turn around and look at him i don't know whether to believe him or not but it doesn't matter i come out from under the couch as more innocent people are being killed he walks down the stairs and i follow him "since your going to be staying here you need to now the rules their quiet simple rule number one dont go into that room unless you have a death wish"he points into the detection of the room i was in earlyer "uh can i ask why because i was in their earlier and-"i said as he cut me off "you where thats impossible" he says looking at me in shock his sudden change in tone makes me jump a bit he grabs my wrist and throws me into the room he just told me not to go in he stands in the door way and begins counting "i dont like liars one.. two..." I sit on the floor and i feel something behind me i try ignoring it but my heart rate begins to pickup fear is creaping up on me and i dont know why i look back at the man in the door way he's looking at me in shock and is still counting "12...13....14....15...16.." i feel a presence of something behind me i try to keep myself from panicking and i resort to the one trick thats worked for me my whole life i turn my head to see nothing and i say "why are you mad?"whispers and screams fill my head i clear my mind and hear one voice "run she's here" my fight or flight instinct kicks in and i run out of the room past the man i grab the door knob and close it i hold it closed when the door begins shaking screaming comes from the room and i scream back it stops the room falls silent i knee on the floor my hand still on the door knob the man behind me trys to move my hand off the door knob but i dont budge i knock on the door three times and ask "is she gone?" The man is staring at me but i ignore him a little boy awnsers from the other side of the door "yes but you shouldn't come in or you'll wake her" "okay im sorry i didnt do it on purpose" i say "i know it was the man in the black coat"the little boy says "i have to go now but ill see if i can vist you later if im not dead" i say "okay can you tell my sister i said hi i really miss her but mommy wont let me see her"he says sad "yes i will i promise" i say i stand up and the man is starring "you didn't lie did you"he says i shake my head saying no he nods and begins walking to the kitchen the light is on now and theirs no longer blood on the floor "rule two don't go into any room if the lights are off" i nod and look at the closet i could've sworn their was someone in their a minute ago "rule three dont talk to the people where going to kill unless your willing to fight for them"he says i nod "wheres his sister"i ask he narrows his eyes at me "i didn't even know the thing in that room could talk all i knew was it killed anything in ten seconds that went into the room but somehow you where in their for 40seconds" he said "hey boss i found this weird looking thing what do i do with it" a guy said while holding an old bunny stuffed animal i grab it from his hand and put it in the closet "hey what the heck"he says i close the door then open it and the bunny is gone "where did it go?"he says theirs a red string and it seems to go through the wall i tug on it and the sound of a bell comes from the next room "can i go their?" I ask the man looks at me and nods "boss you sure about that no one really comes out of their the same"the guy says i open the cabinet and find a tea set i grab it and bring it to the next room the light is off in here too they follow behind me i walk into the room and its very cold they stand by the door way and i sit on the floor placing the tea set down a little girl appears in front of me shes wearing a dirty blue dress and she has dried tears on her face "hello" she says while picking up the tea cup "hello i have a message" i say she looks up at me "carry on"she replies "your brother says hi and he misses you" i replied she smiles a voice comes from behind her "its time for your punishment Lucy"she quickly stands up and turns around "please not today father i have company"she begs i stand up behind her and see the silloet of the man he pulls his belt out from behind him and pulls her hands out as he's about to hit her arms I panic "ill take her punishment" i say the tall figure walks to me and i look down and stick my arms out "okay count"he says with a slight laugh he brings the belt down on my arms "one"i say i winch from the pain he does it again "two" i say i feel a little bit of blood on my arm he does it again "three"i say he does it again "four'' i say struggling to hold my wrist up the belt meets my skin again "f-five" i say the pain is unbearable at this point "six"i say i keep Myself from crying "seven" my arms feel like noodles "eight" i can see them staring at me in the corner of my eye from the door way "nine"i say my arms ache but its almost over i lifts his arm up and it hits my wrist with a loud slap "ten" i say he walks away and i put my arms down blood dripping from them "thank you"the little girl says i nod and walk out of the room my wrist burning once im out of the room i walk to the kitchen and run water on my wrist "are you okay the guy says?" In shock i smile "of course why wouldn't i be" i ask he goes silent and the man wraps my arms in bandages "rule four don't talk to my brother"the man says "now thats quite rude"another man say im assuming its his brother "hello im Mathew and you are" he says im silent "what do you want"the man says stepping in front of me "oh protective are we brother"Mathew says smiling he looks at me arms "what happened their?" He says looking at me its hard not answering its considered quite rude but i cant help it i seem Daniel standing by mathews side he's alive thank good "daniel?" I say he looks at me in shock "your still alive violet!?" He says "rule numbe four"the man says looking down at me "he's not your brother is he?" I ask the man shrugs i feel my blood boil Daniel tricked me and jack into coming here so we could die my hands form into fists but i remain silent "how are you still alive" Daniel says i dont say anything the closet door closes and opens making a loud noise i walk over to it and pick up a note hungry it says i pull on the string and the bell comes from upstairs this time i look at the man he nods i take a kitchen knife and walk towards the stair case Daniel continues trying to get me to talk "violet awnser me"he says up set i dont say a word "was she one of the people you brought?"Mathew says theirs an innocent running away with a crazy person running after them in the corner by the couch i had hid under is a little girl with some crazy guy trying to get to her shes crying for her mom who im going to assume is the dead women on the floor by her i walk up the the man and tap him on the shoulder he turns around and looks at me annoyed the man behind me says "rule three" i nod and stab the guy in the neck he falls to the floor and i help the little girl up of the floor i lift her up into my arms "its okay dont worry" i say she hugs me tight and her crys soften i run my fingers through her hair as i hear the bell once more i put her on the floor and hold her hand i then grab the man who is still half alive and drag him to the room where the bell came from i let go of the girls hand and hide her behind me i take the knife out of the guys neck and throw him into the room i close the door i wait a few minutes and knock on the door three times "did you enjoy the food"i ask "yes thank you no one ever feeds me"the voice of an old woman said from the other side of the door "well if im still alive ill come back tomorrow I've got to go now" i say i clean the blood on my hands on my shirt and turn to look at the man he walks past me and i grab the little girls hand and begin walking i notice that the guy that was stabed with the sword is alive again "thats another one of my brothers Anthony"the man says "you can only talk to him when im around"he says i nod when i hear the little girl scream i stop and see Anthony grabbed her "please let her go" i say he looks at me "oh your the girl i got stabbed over earlier" Anthony says i nod "why should i let her go"Anthony asks holding onto her while she screams and kicks i put my head down "i have no reason just please let her go" i beg he lets out a huff and lets her go the girl runs to me and i pick her up "rule five don't try and kill me or my brothers we cant die"the man says "violet im sorry"Daniel says "dude let her awnser him he's over here begging"Mathew says to the man Anthony laugh's the man looks and me and says "go ahead but only when i allow you"he says i nod i hand the sleeping little girl to the man who is in shock and has no idea what to do with her "you got my best friend killed!" I say trying not to yell because the little girl is asleep "your a murderer and if it weren't for you i could've been home minding my own business" i continue he looks at me uncomfortably while everyone else just stares in silence "I wish i could kill you but rule five keeps me from doing so!" I say upset i hear the doors begin to rattle i hear the screams and whispers in my head 'are you okay' the old lady asks 'yes'i respond "Daniel who exactly did you bring here!?"Mathew says staring at me the doors stop shaking and everyone falls quite i turn around and take the little girl back into my arms "by the way you haven't told me your name" i say to the man he smiles "my name is luke"he says i smile back i follow behind him as he walks towards the couch he sits down on it and i lay the little girl down on it "ask any questions you might have"luke says i nod and sit on the floor "what are you guys your not ghost i know that"i say they all look at each other "what we are doesn't have a name where one of a kind now what are you"luke says

"Im human" i say Anthony narrows his eyes at me "what are you really?" He asks "human" i say confused Matthew whistles and someone comes out of no where from behind me and tackles me down "get off me" i scream the little girl wakes up and begins to panic at the sight in front of her she was about to run to me when Anthony grabs he preventing her from going anywhere i she starts screaming and i bite the girls arm she lets go of my arm and i grab my knife flip her over and press the knife against her throat she looks up at me in shock and i jump off her letting her go i jumps up and runs away Anthony lets the girl go and she runs to me i hug her and lay her down again "just because i beat her doesn't mean im not human and is their a way to take her back to her home?" I ask they all nod "will one of you take her back she doesn't belong here" i say they all look at each other "we've never token anyone back"

Matthew says i let out a sigh "stay here ill be back okay"i say to the little girl she nods i walk a bit and see a woman about to be killed by a girl i whistle to get the girls attention she turns to look at me "hey can i have that lady behind you?" I ask she rolls her eyes and turns back to the lady "you know its really rude to ignore people" i say the girl looks back at me annoyed she throws a knife at me but misses "missed" i say she runs up to me angry and is about to stab me when i grab the knife with my hand which hurts a lot i turn the knife around and stab her in the stomach i then push her over the ledge and she falls to the floor i look at my hand and see its bleeding i walk towards the lady and extend my other hand out to her "come on i know this can be overwhelming i was just in your position about an hour ago" i say she takes my hand and follows me i walk towards the couch the the lady the little girl jumps up and hugs my leg i let go of the ladys hand and give my other hand to luke who begins wrapping a bandage around it "since no one wants to take her home i found her a nanny" i say pointing to the lady who is standing their awkwardly "just tell everyone not to kill theses two" i say handing the little girl to the lady they all look at each other "alright deal"Anthony says "they need a room that isnt haunted" i say "theirs only one room available and we where planning on giving it to you"Daniel says "ill be fine i can sleep on the couch"i say "anyways lady sadly your stuck here like me good thing is you wont have to worry about being killed now here are the rules one if the lights are off stay away two dont go outside you might think its safe but its not their are things out their three protect her with your life four dont go in or put anything in the kitchen closet" i say she nods "you can have my room"Daniel says i look at luke and he nods "i don't want anything from you Daniel"i say he goes quite the little girls eyes begin to glow like how lukes and Anthony's did earlier i take her into my arms "youre eyes are beautiful"i say the all stare in shock the little girl smiles and puts her hand on my cheak "thank you"she says which is the first thing shes said to me i flash her a smile as her eyes still glow a bright blue she lays her head on my shoulder and relaxes "what did you do to her!?" Mathew says "nothing" i say looking at him "well her eyes didn't glow before you met her" he says i glare at him "youre the one who brought her here!?" I say raising my voice he's quite and nods my free hand that i had gotten cut forms into a fist and blood starts leaking through the bandage "rule 4" luke says i feel my heart rate increase "if you brake the rule again you'll have to be punished"luke says "looks like you have a very disobedient worker"Mathew says looking at me i glare at him "watch how obedient my workers are"mathew says he whistles and another girl comes he looks in the detection of the lady and within a second shes dead on the floor looks like im going to need a new nanny i cover the little girls eyes which had stopped glowing but started again she holds onto me tighter i walk to the dead ladys body and say sorry i then look at the girl who killed her shes now sitting on Matthews lap starring at the little girl in my arms luke stands up and walks over to me he picks my hand up and unraps the bandage which is now covered in blood "rule six dont try and kill anyone with that tattoo their faster and strong then a human"luke says pointing to the girls shoulder with the tattoo of a circle and an x inside it i nod he takes the badge off and throws it to the side he then wraps my hand again with a fresh bandage "are these all your brothers?"i ask looking up at him he shakes his head no "i have three more"he says i nod my head the girl with the tattoo is gone now she left after Mathew whispered something in her ear "youll meet them soon"Daniel says i just look at him luke goes back and sits on the couch and i sit on the floor with the little girl still in my arms i look at Mathew and the girl is sitting on his lap again "whats your name"the girl asks me "violet" i say she nods still starring at me i hear footsteps behind me and see three guys behind me "who is this?"the guy with black hair and glasses says looking down at me another guy with a gray t-shirt on crouches down to touch the little girl but i move her out of his reach he just glares at me "this is lukes newest recruit violet"Daniel says "why does she have a child?"the third one that looks emo says "i don't know shes weird"Mathew says i ignore his comment and pay attention to the little girl playing with her beautiful brown hair i flash her a smile and she flashes one back "can i see the kid" the one with the gray t-shirt says moving closer to me i stand up and move away from him with the little girl in my arms he stands up to and looks at me he snaps and some guy comes from the stair case with a knife he walks up to me and i notice he doesn't have a tattoo "get me the kid"the guy says to the other guy with a knife he nods and swings the knife at me i hand the girl to luke who just sits her down on his lap i reach into my boot and grab my knife the guy swings at me again but i back up i trip and fall over my feet but i quickly get back up i see a girl going to get the little girl from luke and i throw my knife hitting the girls head and it kills her intintily the guy smiles at me because im now weponless i push him back and he stumbles a back to the door of the old lady i knock three times while everyone watches me like im crazy except Daniel Mathew luke and Anthony "desert"i say and the door swings open and grabs the man he begins screaming as the old lady drags him into the room i close the door and walk to the little girl i pick her up and she smiles happily the three are starting at me in shock "what the hell was that!?"the one with glasses yells looking at me his eyes begin glowing when i don't awnser soon enough all of the brothers eyes are glowing i tighten my grip on the little girl i look down at her and smile i then turn to luke "what are your other brothers names"i ask it seems to distract them all and their eyes return to normal "mark is the one with glasses adian is in the one who wanted the kid and sam is the one with the black hoodie"luke says "you could've just asked us yourself"mark said i look at luke and he nods "im sorry luke set a rule for me and i couldn't speak to any of you because of it" i say they all nod looking at luke "is she your sister?"adian said looking at the little girl in my arms i shake my head no he goes to touch her and her eyes begin to glow he backs up surprised he snaps his finger and this time a guy with the tattoo comes and takes the girl out of my arms she starts kicking and screaming as shes in the his arms "give her back!"i yell "rule 4"luke says raising his voice i feel my heart rate increase my hands form to fists and blood starts seeping from my hand the doors can be heard rattling and the guy with the tattoo stares at me i pull the knife out of the girls head from earlier "rule 6" luke says i turn to him and say "rule seven dont touch the girl" he narrows his eyes at me the little girl screams my name crying i take the knife and swing it at the guys legs it cuts his calf and he lets the girl go i catch her the set her down on the floor the guy looks at me angry and he begins running around me really fast he then pushes me and my back hits the wall making me fall to the floor he grabs my hair and makes me look at him i swing my knife at him but he moves back somehow i manage to kick him off me he quickly gets up and runs towards me i let out a sigh and sing "he went to bed then woke back up only to fill up his cup with the blood of this man" he stopped in his tracks when all of a sudden his body started shaking like he saw something i continued singing "he is my friend the Boogeyman you see him in your dreams he is not bad just don't get him mad for he will not be pleased he'll tear you up" the man began to blood and everyone stared at me i sang more"then drink your blood and when he is done he goes right back to sleep my friend the Boogeyman protects me"

The mans lifeless body falls to the floor the little girl runs to me and hugs me "i saw him"she says i look down at her i knew who she was talking about i gave her a soft smile "he won't hurt you don't worry"i say she nods i stand up and pick her up then walk to luke "whats my punishment?" I ask he stands up and begins Walking i follow behind him and so does everyone else i followed him down the stairs and he turned into a hallway at the end of it is a door i stop in my tracks and give him a pleading look i shake my head no but he just nods yes im not even in the room and i can hear their screams and pleas their where a lot of kids who died in that room he takes the little girl from my arms and drags me towards the room i begin screaming and everyone just stares luke gives Anthony the girl and pushes me into the room luke stays in the door way as i sit in the middle of the room their voices fill my head their crys and screams for help i see sam walks into the room and lays on the bed tears roll down my face and i curl into a ball and try sleeping hours go by and im pretty sure its morning i tried to sleep but i didn't really it was more of a restless sleep im still on the floor crying sam and is still on the bed "i can't hear them you know"he says "you don't want to"i say in a raspy voice "what are they saying?" He asks "their scared and in pain they want out"i say he nods he gets up from the bed and walks over to me "why are you crying?"he said sitting down by me "i can feel their pain and hear their screams they where just kids"i say he nods "have i been here before?" I ask he gives me a shocked look "no i don't think so" he awnsers i nod my head and whipe my tears i see a little boy appear in front of me "violet I've missed you"he says crying i stare at him i try and see if its another ghost playing tricks on me but no its him i begin crying "im so sorry leo" i say he disappears "who was he and how did you know him"sam said looking at me "my brother he was killed by my dad"i say crying "how is he here though you have to die here to-" he says i cut him off "this must've been the house he died in" i say the door opens and luke says "rule 4" i turn and look at him and nod he opens the door all the way signaling i can leave i stand up and walk out the door to see the little girl playing with a toy on the floor and i see Anthony and adien arguing the girl looks up and runs to me "violet!"she says happily as she hugs my leg i crouch down to her level and hug her i need to get her out of this place its not safe and i now know he's here which makes it even more dangerous her small hand touches my cheek and whipes my tears away "oh hey violet"adien says i stay quiet "dude she looks sick why would you put her in that room!?"athony says upset at luke "sam sleeps in the room all the time its harmless it was just a bunch of kids crying"luke says to Anthony i narrow my eyes at luke as he says this he doesn't pay much attention to me though i hear Leo's voice again he laughing like when we where little i look and see him at the door of the room i was just in the girl looked like she wanted to go play with him and i would've allowed it but i heard the door by him creak open and leo quickly ran back into the room i felt my heart beat increase as i heard the footsteps coming from the room i pick the girl up as i stand up "dont ever go into that room! theirs a bad man in their okay?" I say the guys look at me like im crazy but the little girl nods understanding "that room is fine.its actually the room we where planning on giving to you?"Anthony said as luke and adien nodded their heads in agreement with him i"call someone you don't care about to die and send them in their then" i say as i look up at luke they all call one person a girl a guy and another girl These three walk in at the exact same time and sit their for a few minutes they then walk to the open door and it shuts you then hear screaming cussing and banging on the door i cover the little girls ears as she burys her head into my neck a few more minutes go by and the screaming has stopped the guys look at me then back at the door when they hear it open theirs blood everywhere with writing on the wall in blood that says "the Apple doesn't fall to far from the tree"i look down to make sure the little girl cant see the horrific sight i jump a bit when i hear the door slam close. "what the hell is in that room it wasn't their before you came here!"adien says i look over to luke and he nods "my father is in that room and the presence of his daughter being back woke him up from his slumber" i say the all look at me in shock "how is your dad here thats impossible!?"luke says