Chapter 2:Ian Braxton

Its been a few days after the embarrassing post and things are starting to cool down. I still get a snicker here and there, but mostly everyone has found something else to laugh about. I wasn't exactly mad at Max for keeping the post from me, I know he just wanted to protect me and I appreciate that. But I hate that he knew about it and yet he didn't even bother warning me about it. He just wound up hurting me anyway.

I pick outfit on consisting of a skin tight pair of black jeans,a white tee shirt that has metal loops with strings attached on each side of my hips that shows off a little of my skin, a pair of simple white sneakers and gold hoops.As I am putting on my make up and doing my hair, my mom comes in to check on me. And I can't really blame her I did just barge through the door a few days ago crying and not saying a word to either of them."Hey sweetie. You don't have to go to school today if you don't want to." I smile and turn to kiss her on her cheek. "Thanks mom. But I need to go to school I can't just run away from my problems. Besides it is Friday and I get to go to the bowling alley with Max." Mom smiles and I realize how alike we look. Same smile same icy blue eyes and nose. The only thing that is really different is our hair, hers is light and mine is dark. Plus I am a few inches taller than her.

"Okay. If your sure but if you decide you want to come home than just call your dad or me and one of us will come and get you." "Thanks mom." I finish putting my hair up in boxer braids and walk past her. I notice her face in my mirror. She looks.....worried. "Mom? What's wrong?" She purses her lips. " What? Oh nothing." "Mom. I know that face. You're worried about telling me something. You had the same face when you told me dad got cancer, when grandma died and when Mist ran off. I wasn't to worried about Mist she is a dog, a pit-bull at that. So what is wrong?" Mom huffs then walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. I feel her shoulders heave and hear her quietly sniffing. "Mom? Why are you crying?" She pulls away and rubs my face. " You're so beautiful. I want you to stay at Max's tonight." I look at her confused. "What? Why? It's my birthday Mom. " Mom shakes her head. " I know honey. Just go home with Max tonight. Please no questions I just need you to be safe." Mom kisses my cheek softly and walks out. I blink a bunch of times trying to absorb what just happened. " Ok weird." I shake my head grab my bag and head downstairs.

Both Mom and Dad are standing at the door holding big puffy duffle bags in each hand. I slow my walk. Dad smiles at me. "Hey sugarcake. Here are your bags for Max's house." I glance at the bags." That is a lot of stuff for just going over to Max's house. And how in the world did you pack those without me noticing?" Mom's eyes start to fill with tears again. " Yeah well can't be to careful sweetie. Here Max is waiting outside we will help put them in his car." Mom and Dad follow me out the door to Max who is leaning against his car. Today he is in dark boot cut jeans,a red tight t-shirt,leather jacket,and boots."Wow nice look Max. Trying the bad boy style?" I tease. Max rolls his eyes and opens the door for me." Yeah okay. Just get in the car." I giggle and do as he says.

My parents walk over and talk to him I can't hear what they are saying but my mom soon pulls Max into a hug and Max hugs her back. Mom eventually let's go and heads to the house just before she goes inside she turns and waves bye to me. I wave back. Dad and Max shake hands before he pulls Max in a hug. He whispers something in Max's ear. 

Max nods stiffly to him and my dad lets go of him and comes to my side of the car. "Hey sugarcake. Have a good day today. " I smile. "I will dad." Dad leans in and kisses me on my forehead.He pulls away and looks me in my eyes. "Don't lose yourself. No matter what happens do not blame yourself. Whatever happens just remember it is not your fault. Look out for Max he's going to need it and take care of yourself. Please." "Dad? What are you talking about?" Dad shakes his head. "Don't worry about it.You will figure it out when the time is right. Just remember how much your mother and I love you." He pulls out a navy blue velvet box and hands it to me. "Happy birthday sugar cake." I want to ask him again what he means but the door shuts in my face and my father is walking away,dread settles heavily in my stomach. Something is telling me this is the last time I would ever see my parents the same again.

School was okay today. It seems that everyone has almost forgotten the post, except for the one guy who caused it all. Ian Braxton. The bane of my existence. I can't believe I ever had a crush on him. He spots me at my locker getting my things to leave. My dad's gift falls from my bag. I didn't have the heart to open it this morning. He looks back at his friends,says something,then walks to me. Oh great. Here we go. He picks up the box and smirks. "Well look who it is the Instafamous SlimeGirl. Got a secret admirer do ya?" I sigh. My face is still hidden by my locker. I put a smile on my face and close my locker halfway and look at him. Gold hair. Brown eyes. Football body. Good looking face. Every girls dream. Huh. As if. "Jealous Ian? " I look at the velvet box he is holding. " Give that back Ian." I snap. He looks surprised at my words. "Cause if you are I would much rather stick needles in my eyes then waste my time with you. And that's from my father." Ian regains his composure. "Hiding our feelings now are we? Better keep it that way. Remember what happened last time?" I laugh darkly. I have been dealing with people like him all of high school. I know how to handle this. "How could I forget. I have to say I must thank you." I say and snatch the box away from him.

His eyes become wide with shock. I smirk at him with cool amusement. "I mean you did make me Insta-famous. So now everyone knows me. And the nickname Slime-Girl? You and your goonies were to thick headed to come up with a better name? So either come up with some better way to annoy me or get on with your life and stop using me as a target for your pathetic life. I just don't have time for you anymore. I have much better things to do." I slam my locker shut and swing my bag over my shoulders. "Unlike you I actually have a life that doesn't involve bullying others. Because the most fun you get apparently is annoying the crap out of people, which for a school famous quarterback is kind of sad. You should have much better things to do. Like practice and to not rely on just looks and talent alone. Bye." I turn away from him,leaving him in a state of shock. I smile darkly, knowing that all of his friends heard me from the quite oohs and snickers. Take that Ian Braxton. I'm 19 today and I'm done letting you ruin my life.