
It's been a week since the ball. A week since the attack. After a while guards came to get us from our hiding place and I met up with my parents. Dex retold what had happened to us and the way I fought.My mother was hysterical. My father impressed. Along with the Morrison's. He couldn't stop smiling at me. Even though my mother kept smacking him on the arm and scolding him for encouraging such reckless behavior. He tried to stop smiling and he succeeded. For about 5 seconds. I laughed and was led away by Marie,Amber,and Lily.

They kept thanking me for the night and for saving Lily. It took me 2 hours to get them to stop. Now I am sitting in my room at my window seat reading Pride and Prejudice. I have a simple blue sundress with black and blue flats. Diamond star earrings hang from my ears and my hair falls in ringlets down my back. A knock comes at my door and I set my book down,escaping from Mr. Darcy's opinionated ways towards Elizabeth Bennet. I open my door to a wave of ice. Dex. He kind of reminds me of Mr. Darcy. With his cool demeanor as if nothing gets to him. He glances over my shoulder. "Pride and Prejudice? I didn't peg you for one to like the kind of book which involves a sort of opinionated set of main characters." "In this case these opinionated characters both hold to heart the same thing. The fact that either of them is to prideful to admit when they are wrong. And to prejudiced against eachother to even consider the idea of entertaining the others company. In Mr. Darcy's case he judged Elizabeth and her family rather quickly. Its not her fault nor her sisters that her mother is so prone to dismiss the way others may feel about having decisions made for them. Elizabeth just happened to be strong enough to stand up to her mother."

Dex smirks. "So in this instance Mr. Darcy is in the wrong because he specifically heard Mrs. Bennet state that Jane marrying his best friend,Mr. Bingly, would benefit their family greatly due to the amount of money he obtains each year. So to protect his friend he sent him away to avoid a broken heart." I snort. "Mr. Darcy didn't prevent his friend from a broken heart. Rather he caused it in separating Mr. Bingly from the women he had grown fond of and perhaps the love of his life. Not only did he cause his friends pain but also that of Jane,who in no way said she was into the chance of marriage to Mr. Bingly for the money." "You argue your points very strongly. Perhaps Elizabeth is right and Mr.Darcy is to prejudiced." Dex is still smirking. "What do you want? I assume you came here for something other than arguing about a book that contains so many different views." Dex drops his smirk. "Yes. I am here to ask if you would like to take a walk with me?" "Take a walk with a guy who agrees with Mr. Darcy? Much less one who knows who Mr. Darcy is? How enlightening that would be." I smirk and close my door stepping out into the hallway with him.He holds up his arm and I wrap my hand around it.

We walk to the garden where Max and I had sat together for what felt like so long ago. "Are you really that shocked to know that I have read Pride and Prejudice?" "Only as shocked as one can be when it comes to a man who has much the same view points as Mr. Darcy that he wouldn't need to read the book to be satisfied." Dex laughs. I mean he genuinely laughs. "So you believe that I think a women should have extensive knowledge on most things especially that of which her man wants?" "I never said that. I just mean that maybe your opinions may lead people to believe that you think more of yourself than others." "Princess. I suppose I may have given you the wrong impression of myself." He stops walking and turns to me. I raise my eyebrow. "Really? What told you that? Your cold demeanor towards me,or your lack of noticing others feelings?" Dex winces. "Yes. Sorry." I stare at him dumbfounded. He smirks that irritating smirk of his. "We may not like eachother much right now but that dosent mean we have to show it." Hmm using my own words against me. "Touche." He shrugs. "Maybe. Look I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I should not treat royalty that way. It's disrespectful." Although I appreciate his apology,the Dex I know never says I'm sorry. I am about to open my mouth and say as much when a shout comes from behind me. "Oxford!" I turn to see....Dex? But he is standing right in front of me. Although looking at this other Dex rushing towards us he holds the icy chill that the Dex I was talking to does not. Instead he is genuine and warm. "What the hell are you doing?" Old Dex storms at us and stops right beside me I look back and forth confused. New Dex holds his hands up on surrender. "Just trying to do you a favor." He smiles and then he shimmers like water under the sun and in his place stands a tall, short brown haired,golden skin,muscular body,and electric green eyes.

He notices my look of confusion then a voice enters my head. Told you we would meet when we landed. Its just been longer then I had hoped. I try to remember him then go back to when I first arrived here and the male voice that entered my head. So you were the one intruding my thoughts that day. Yep. That was me. "Oxford. Why aren't you at your post?" Oxford. What a unusual name. "Its up. I am done for the night." "So you thought tricking the princess sounded like a good idea?" Oxford glares at Dex. Guess I am not the only one who doesn't approve of his attitude. "For your information I was just fixing your mistake. Colonel told me to do if you have a problem take it up with him." The closer I look the more I have a feeling I know him. His eyes remind me of someone. "Wait have we met before?" Oxford looks away from Dex and bows to me.

"Knight Ian Oxford at your service." Ian. Now I know who he reminds me of. "Ian Base?" He smiles. "Hey SlimeGirl." My face turns red. "Your from here? And your a knight? I thought knights were supposed to be filled with honor,and to treat people right? Because no offense but you were a jerk to me." He winces and shrugs. "I had to keep an eye on you somehow." I wave my hand at him. "By making my highschool life miserable? You literally destroyed any chance I had at a somewhat nice highschool time. You couldn't have just become my friend instead?" He winces again. "It was easier to be mean to keep an eye on you. I had to make sure you were safe." "Safe? You asked me out on a date then when we were about to kiss you and your goonies dumped slime all over me and then posted it on Instagram. I became Instafamous but not on the way I would have liked. Did you know I had to deal with snickering and name calling for a while because of that post?" He rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah sorry. But I didn't post that Taylor did. I told her not to but per Taylor she didnt listen." Taylor Rion. Ian's girlfriend. "Ok so if you were a knight at the time why did you get with someone like her?" He shrugs. "I needed to blend in. And she was really nice to everyone. At least thats what she made me think. Eventually after about 2 months of us being together she showed her true self. Cruel and unfeeling." "Well if you didnt like her why didnt you just break up with her?" "Because if I had she would have thrown a fit and I still needed her for cover. But I did end it with her when I knew I would be coming back home. I knew that she wouldnt be able to find me. Besides she was always suspicious and jealous of you because she thought that you were trying to take the only person she ever really loved from her. Taylors words not mine." We both laugh at that. Taylor is incapable of feelings,much less love. She was only ever cold and cared about how she looked and who had money like she did."Ian Base. The jock of the school a knight. How ironic." He smiles. "You would be surprised at how different I am princess." I smile." I am sure I would."