
I kick the ground angrily and sit back down against the tree. Onyx comes over to me and nudges his nose against my cheek. I rub it. "Im ok Onyx. Hes just a stupid boy." I sit for a few more minutes rubbing Onyx's nose when I notice its getting dark. I guess that I was out here longer than I thought."Guess we better head back huh boy?" He whinnies a response.I get up and dust off my butt about to mount Onyx when I hear something rustle. I take out my sword again. "Dex I swear to god I meant it when I told you to leave and not return.This is my place." The figure steps out of the trees.

"Well if thats true I guess I will have to leave. Wouldn't want to intrude on your place." I drop my sword back into its sheath. "Oh Ian sorry. I thought you were-" "Dex. I got that. No worries. So what did he do to piss you off?" I groan. "He was just being Dex." Ian smiles. "So that would be icy,mean,and rude. Basically hes being a jerk." I nod my head. "Yeah that pretty much sums up Dex." Ian laughs. "Come on. We better get back everyone is looking for you." "About that how did you find me?" He shrugs I was in the vicinity and heard you talking to Onyx I presume." I roll my eyes. "My hero." We stop in front of Onyx and Ian puts one arm across his stomach and one sweeping out. "Happy to be of service my lady." I giggle and mount Onyx. Ian smiles up at me and leads Onyx out. "I can lead him myself you know." "I know but I want to be ready in case you fall off." I roll my eyes.

"Please how could I possibly fall off of him when the ground is perfectly flat?" Ian winks at me. "Anything is possible princess." Suddenly Onyx flicks his rear up and sideways which sends me toppling into Ian's arms. I gasp as Perry's arms wrap around me. I look up into his green eyes. "So is this how you get girls to like you? By playing corny tricks on them and making them see you as their hero?" Ian shrugs. "No usually I give them flowers and say things that make me sound like I am from the 16th century. Which they end up not understanding and I scare them off." I laugh. "Ok put me down." Ian sets me down slowly. "Of course ma'am." "Thank you kind sir." He smiles and mounts his horse. Which is white with black socks and blue eyes. I pet the horses nose. "What a beautiful horse." Ian smiles and pats its neck. "Thank you she has been my friend since I was a boy.She was a gift to me from my sister." His eyes fill with so much emotion I can see how much he adores his sister. "Hey how come I never heard about your sister?" Ian's eyes suddenly become sad. "She disappeared a few years ago.She went out to hunt with her boyfriend cor a few hours. At first we werent really worried about her because sometimes hunts can go for a few days to a week. But after about four days we really got worried. She never stayed away from us longer then two days. We started doing search parties of the forest after two weeks. One day her boyfriend came back without her. He looked like he had been in a war.Cuts and bruises everywhere. Red,swollen eyes. Dirt covering his face.My sister's horse was with him but without its rider. Everyone jumped into action. When we got him to an infirmary he was almost instantly interrogated. All we got out of him was that a black ghost attacked them in the middle of the night a few night into the hunt.And that my sister fought the ghost protecting him. He got on his horse and rode.

Turns out his injuries were worse then we thought. He died a few days later from a clot to his brain. We have the technology to fix that kind of thing but we figured it out to late. We also never figured out what happened to my sister. I found the necklace that I gave her for her birthday.After a while everyone stopped looking and believed her to be dead." I sigh. "But you don't." He shakes his head. "There's a bond between siblings that parents wont understand if they don't have their own siblings. It's like-" I finish his sentence. "An invisible cord that is bound to each of you so you feel what the other does. Yeah I know." He gives me a quizzical look. "I have an older sister and little brother." "Oh right.Look we had better get back. Your parents are worried." Onyx nudges my arm. I sigh and turn to him. I swing up onto his saddle and grab the reigns. "Then I guess we better get going. Its a long ride back."