Chapter 220 - Adjusting

Yue got the spare tire from the totaled car, and they swiftly got the jeep ready.

Then they ran into a small problem. The jeep was made to fit only four or a maximum of five people. Now there were eight people there.

"We can adjust." Yue peered at the road ahead. The fog had cleared up and He could see the end of the cornfield just a few meters from here. "First let's clear the pathway."

They got to work, clearing a small way for the car to travel in.

After doing so, they all got in. Yue sat in the driver's seat. The soldier who was previously driving the vehicle glanced at him with a pitiful look.

"I can drive through this terrain much better. Don't worry."

"But... but didn't your jeep...."

Hary patted his back. "Go sit in the back," he tried getting in the passenger seat but Tian beat him to it. She sat there comfortably. "I'm not sitting on anyone's lap."

Pouting Hary and Fan Xui got in the back.