Chapter 310 - Fall on each other

Prisitsky peered at the lotus in all directions. "It's a weird flower that's for sure.... did you touch it."

"um yes, we all touched it. Why is there something wrong on it," he hurriedly whooped Zi Chen's hand with a tissue. The little kid just confidently looked at him.

"There's nothing wrong,"

Yue let out a breath. "Oh."

"But there might be something else,"

Yue tensed up. "Stop playing around. Just tell me if it is poisonous or not,"

Prisitsky just smirked. "Wait ten minutes and I'll let you know,"

Yue sat on one of the tables with Zi Chen on his lap.

"hey there, big man," Hary handed him a candy. "How was your day's adventure today."

"Oh so you and uncle P fall," he said, licking the lollypop.

Hary just gaped and peered at Yue. "Fall? ... yes we fell."

"You're heavy uncle Hary, you would have squeezed uncle P. It's not good," he shook his lollypop at him.