Chapter 9 - Runaway sister

Ten minutes ago,

Hearing a car zooming close the skeletal zombie took off in a run. its bony limbs creaked loudly but it did not slow it down.

A small Maserati drove close to it and the windows rolled down to reveal a young teen girl

"Woohoo. Who knew you had it in you? those bony legs are working like magic~"

The zombie roared out loud shooting out spider-like webs.

"That was unexpected. you throw up stiff huh?" The car quickly veered away from the attack.

Places where the web touched turned to ashes leaving behind smoke.

The young girl gazed back at this through the rearview mirror. "this one can really do some damage. Too bad it's only a level seven one." Mumbling she caught up with the zombie.

"You can't keep running forever…"

With one hand on the handle, she pulled out a huge fishing net from the passenger seat. "if you melt this my uncle will kill you. I swear. Don't melt this okay,"

She skillfully tossed it out.