Flipping it

{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

{The story on P-a-t-r-e-o-n is at 120+ chapters.}

Jess follows me to a restaurant with plenty of players and aliens coming and going. It's nice to see that players didn't pick humanoid races only. I see players with characters that aren't close to humanoid at all. I see a free table, and I walk towards it. I pull Jessica's chair out for her and be a sort of gentlemen. A holographic menu pops up from the center of the table as we sit down so we can eat. There is food from the real world and very alien-looking food too. "Let's order some cold drinks and fattening food. You look like you need it." She looks away with a large blush.

We both order our food, and after a second, a robot comes and gives it to us. Immediately I pay for the service. This restaurant is different than the last one I was in. The last one was a self serve. This one is more human. This means it's probably run by humans or a race similar to it. "I really am sorry for what I said... I wanted to see how you would react... You're always so level-headed and calm... I didn't think you'd be like that..." She sounds like she is truly sorry. She has already apologized, but that's probably because I made her.

This one is from her, and it means much more. Albeit, the last one was asserting my dominance in a way that I've never done before. The way her words came out, and the time she said them. It was the perfect storm to get a reaction from me. In hindsight, I regret such a brutish reaction, but my instincts took over. "I accept your apology. Just don't try anything like that again. How would you feel if I said that to you about woman and me?" I say this to try and put her in my shoes for a second. However, my words have a much bigger effect on her than I thought.

Her frown is prevalent, and her eyes are dark and slightly glazed over. The blue light in them dims, and her long flowing white hair spreads apart a little bit. A cold breeze enters the restaurant, and she looks me dead in the eyes. "I don't like that thought one bit. Not. At. All." She would terrify any person with a response like that, and I'll admit it sends a sliver of fear up my back. "I'm even more sorry for what I said. That was truly a horrible thing to do. You promise you won't do it to me?" That last part is a hint of crazy obsession and desperation.

I could say I promise and put her nerves at ease, but she should feel how I felt. My eyes drift around the restaurant, and I see a beautiful alien girl with dark skin and golden hair. Her canines protrude a little more than humans. Jess sees my gaze shift, and she looks to. Her aura further darkens. "I wonder if she feels as soft as she looks..." My words hit Jess hard, and I see her entire body clench hard. "I bet she is warm and wonderful... A lover than can sat-! *SLAM*" Before I can continue, Jess slams her hand on the table, and her food almost spills.

She looks at me with hurt and anger. Then a flash goes through her eyes. She just went through what I went through. She understands now. She looks down in shame and plays with her food slightly. "Please... Don't do that again... It hurt so much... I'm sorry..." Her voice is cracking in pain as she tries to hold back her tears. I've gone far enough, and that should get the point across. I pick up my chair, bring it over to her side of the table, and sit next to her. She looks at me from time to time, wondering what I might say or do. She mostly keeps her eyes down, though.

I grab my food from its spot and lay it next to her plate, and start digging into the juicy burger. She starts to eat too, and we also drink from the cool refreshments. "I'm sorry I did that, Jess, and I'll never do it again. Now you know how it felt when you said those things to me, though." She nods her head slowly as she bites her bottom lip as her chin quivers. She is back on the verge of tears. I don't know what's hurting her more. The fact I gave her a taste of her own medicine or that she did what she did in the first place. She looks at me with tears leaking. I wrap my arm around her, and she buries her eyes in my shoulder. I'm glad we handled this.