Naresh was an optimistic guy, having such freedom notions at such a tender age made me proud. And now that I was with these people, but newly found dream started looking possible.

They have regular meetings here, they discuss about lot of things, and these people helped out each other in tough situations. I realized that Ghatbors have unity but they needed to generate power from this unity and bring the change.

Naresh walked up to me and said, "We need to shift your family to some better place, they aren't safe out there. The Rohas will get hold of them anytime soon, we can't risk them."

A guy showed up from behind Naresh, he said, "Hi! myself Samar. We need to get your family here. The whole Shahbagh nagar has people like us, ladies won't have any problem fitting in. But them being out there alone is risky."

"Alright then, let's get them here."

We reached my house with two cars; it was only me, Naresh and one other guy. We sat on the couch placed in the lawn. We three, Ramaiya and father sat there discussing my proposal of the shifting. Neelam, mother and Radha stood in the veranda listening to s. The kids were playing in one corner.

"Where is Sashi?" I asked.

"He goes to a college, he isn't an idiot like you who found many idiots like himself and want a revolution." Ramaiya said angrily.

"Please try to understand, people in Shahbagh are all related to our restoration unit one way or the other. They will help you settle in over there. After what Vikrant did, he has become a hero for people of Ghatbor community." Naresh spoke.

"You want us to risk our lives for this man who didn't even think about us for a minute before taking a step against Rohas!" my father said.

"White Tiger! That is what I call this guy." Naresh pointed towards me, "A white tiger takes birth once in thousands! And he one in millions. For centuries Ghatbors are living under oppression, but this guy had the guts to speak up, risking it all. You shifting to Shahbagh would be only a single step towards your safety. That's all."

My family was still unsure, I thought what would've happened if I didn't do what I did, if I would've died in the attack the day before; I parted these thoughts aside.

The bell rung, Naresh pulled out a gun, I stood up and walked to the door, it opened it. It was Shalini with her family. I welcomed them, they walked in, Naresh gave up his seat and stood in a corner. I closed the door. They were sitting on the couch, Neelam bought in tea for them. I said, "I didn't know you guys were coming."

"How would you? Weren't you away in your club?" Ramaiya replied.

Shalini's father spoke looking towards my father, "What was so urgent sir?"

"We are calling off the wedding!" my father answered.

"Calling off! Is there anything wrong?" the smiles of the family faded.

"Nothing is wrong with your daughter, we would've been lucky to have her as our daughter in law, but something is wrong with our son. And we don't think it is wise to get these young people married."

Naresh interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt but do you guys came here in a car?"

"Yes, why?" Shalini's father answered.

"Ok, this is bad!" Naresh said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"They would've seen them coming in and now they are in danger too!"

"No way!" Ramaiya said.

"We have no option but all of us to come with me right now!" Naresh said.

"What is going on?" asked Shalini's father.

"We have no time to explain, but sir, please come with me!" Naresh kept convincing.

'THUD! THUD!' someone banged the door hard, Naresh and the other guy pulled out their guns, everyone turned towards the door, Naresh signaled everyone to stay put. I walked towards the door and opened it.

There was no person, only a leg, cut down from thighs, with a normal shoe and a jeans, it was blood covered.

Sashi was dead.