Princess in the modern world

'Hmm?' She opened her eyes in confusion, blinking until she regained her vision. 'I didn't die…?'

Disappointment flickered across her hazel eyes as she stared at the white ceiling. She remembered jumping from the window into certain death. How did she survive it?

She bit her dry lower lip, tasting a tang of iron from the crack of her lip. Her life was too cruel. She couldn't attain anything — even death. 

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she thought about the inevitable torture that awaited her. She lamented internally, trying to get up when something warm squeezed her right hand. 

She turned her head to the side, only to find a man she has never seen before. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked gently. 

She remained silent as she scrutinized his delicate yet suave features. His royal blue tux seemed odd, but that wasn't all. She looked behind him and saw a transparent floor-to-ceiling window, showing towering buildings dawned with gradient colors of gold and tangerine of the sunset. 

'What are those odd castles?' 

"You've fainted and were unconscious until now," the man explained, leaning closer as he pressed a button from the headboard. "The doctors said it was fatigue. You also had a mild concussion, so it is best if you rest more."

She finally returned her gaze to him, and her brows frowned, swiftly withdrawing her hand. 

"Presumptuous…" she whispered under her breath.

The man knitted his brows as he studied her hostile expression. 

"I'm sorry. I thought you needed someone to hold you since you had sweat a lot last night." 

"Hold you?" She scoffed in disbelief. "Why would I hold the man who came to behead me?" 

"What? What are you saying?" 

"Stop the act. Behead me or stone me to death; burn me or violate me… I won't yield and acknowledge…" she announced bravely while suddenly realizing something. 

She looked up, seeing a recessed ceiling light. It was not like the crystal chandelier candelabra she knew back home. 

'Is it lighting coming from the inside?' She wondered, blinking her curious eyes at this unknown object. 

"Are you okay?" the man asked, snapping her back to the current lapse. 

"What is that…?" she muttered without thinking.

"A ceiling light?" He answered, puzzled.

"How is it radiating with such a bright color?"

"Uh…" The man scratched his temple. "With electricity?" 

"Electricity…" she whispered. "What is that?"

A sudden knock on the door disrupted her question. A group of men and women in white cloaks came in, bringing back her hostility from before. 

'The members of the church?' 

They nodded in greeting and began inspecting her. 

"It seems like Miss Lin is fine, Mister Qin. But, we will still check if she…" 

Before they could finish, the Princess yelled defensively, "I always knew the members of the church were filled with disloyal, self-proclaimed, hypocritical servants of God! How could you yield to those barbaric murderers who usurped the throne with violence?" 

Her throat hurt from the yell, forcing her to swallow. 

The room turned silent as everyone furrowed their brows. They exchanged puzzled gazes before setting their eyes back at her. 

"Doctor Shen, are you sure she only had a mild concussion?" Mister Qin inquired as he massaged his temples. "To me, it looks like a head trauma." 

"We will run a few more tests to make sure, Sir," Doctor Shen reassured before shifting his attention back to her. 

"Miss Lin, we are not members of any church. We're doctors and medical personnel that look after your condition," Doctor Shen explained patiently. "You fainted in your room, and Mister Qin rushed you here last night. Hence, we're here to make sure you will get the best treatment." 

Doctor Shen displayed a smile, but Princess only narrowed her eyes as his words didn't add to her memory. 

"I didn't faint. I jumped from the window. How dare you revive me back when all I want is death?" 

She couldn't think of a different explanation for what's happening. How else was she still alive?

Doctor Shen cast Mister Qin a look as if asking for help.

"Mister Qin," Doctor Shen muttered helplessly. 

The man by her side pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a heavy sigh. 

"Doctor Shen, will you give us a moment?" 

Doctor Shen shivered at his words. 

"Yes, Sir. We will be outside." 

They all bowed swiftly and left the room right after, leaving the two of them together. She was about to challenge him as well when Mister Qin stood up abruptly and pushed her shoulders against the bed. 

Her eyes went wide as a pair of menacing black orbs hovering over her. 

"What are you doing?" she asked sternly. 

"I'll smother you," he replied with disinterest, causing her dry lower lip to tremble.

Mister Qin nodded at her yielding reaction, but he didn't draw away as he looked at her dead in the eyes. "See? You don't want to die. Don't take life and death so lightly." 

"No one will behead, stone, burn, or violate you, alright?" he reassured her with sincerity. "No one here is from whatever church, and no one usurped a throne. Nightmares are just nightmares. They're not real. So, calm down. They will help you — I will help you." 

Princess tried to push him away, but she was too weak. 

"If no one wants to behead, stone, burn, or violate me… then someone wants to smother me."

She gave no room for false hope. 

"I'm not serious. That's illegal," Mister Qin muttered along with a weary sigh. 

'Wait…' Princess suddenly froze, staring intensely into his eyes.

"What happen—"

She cut his words halfway when she sandwiched his cheek and drew his face closer, staring at the stranger in his eyes. 

"Who is she…?"