Princess's past


"Forget it." Devon shook her head profusely. "I mustn't think of such things!"

She slapped her cheek lightly, waking herself from thinking about such an obscene thought. Even if it turned out that it was normal, she was not emotionally prepared for it.

Devon trudged towards the couch and plopped down carefully.

"But what if…" She trailed off as she raised her gaze toward the door he entered. "What if he had done it before?"

She gasped, covering her lips with both her hands. It was possible since they slept together.

The real Devon even snuggled and held hands with him in the past. What were the chances they did more than that?

"But he said… he won't force me, right?" She murmured to herself, reevaluating Lewis.

From the beginning, Lewis had been kind and gentle to her. Although there were moments he just snapped abruptly and act coldly, he still tried to be patient with her.

"I want to believe he's a good person." She sighed, patting her racing heart.

This place, this entire kingdom, was entirely different from her homeland. Their carriages didn't need horses. They had technologies far surpassed her imagination, and even other convenient inventions.

If she would return and tell anyone about this, they would surely deem her as delusional. It was just unbelievable.

Devon clasped her hand on her chest. She slowly traveled her gaze around.

Even when she was alone right now, a subtle smile resurfaced on her lips. It was strange to be in a place she was never been before.

However, she didn't feel fear. In fact, she's relieved even though her circumstances felt very surreal.

"This is my home now." She murmured under her breath.

Right. For now, she had to embrace this new life gifted to her and start over. How it happened? She didn't know. But that didn't matter.

She didn't even hope to return to her world. That thought never even crossed her.

"Devon Lin…" she whispered, touching her face gently. "I don't know what happened to you. However, let me borrow your life until you come back."

Devon leaned back and tilted her head back. Staring at the ceiling, a glint of bitterness and satisfaction flashed across her eyes.

Although she was satisfied with this new life, she wondered what happened to the original owner of this body. Did she wake up in the princess' body?

There's a small possibility. But thinking about that, it tugged the princess' conscience.

Why? Because that place she came from was a cruel place to be born into. While she lived this peaceful life, the real Devon, if ever, she woke up in the princess' body…

"Please forgive me, Devon Lin." she whispered bitterly.

The real Devon might live with nothing but misery. After all, the princess inside this body, her life, was never her own.

Dying was her only ticket to freedom. Finally, after decades of nothing but torment, she could finally breathe.

Soon Devon's eyes felt heavy. Until they closed and she fell into a light slumber.

Once she closed her eyes, Devon had a dream. No, a nightmare… or rather, a memory of her life as a princess. Like a broken tape playing right in front of her eyes, she couldn't even stop or close her eyes.

Back when she was a child, she used to play with her step-brothers and step-sisters. Since they have a large family as her father, the emperor, had many consorts.

She was a child of a high-ranking consort. Rumor has it that she's a bright, lovely girl whose beauty, even as a child, exceeded one's imagination.

A princess labeled as the hidden pearl of the imperial family. A beautiful flower bloomed in hell.

Yet no one had ever laid their eyes on her. Many said that the emperor kept her hidden and treasured her, afraid someone would tarnish her beauty just by leering at her.

But that was far from the truth.

They locked away the princess in the tower was because of someone: her brother, the crown prince. She didn't know the reason back then, but as she grew up, she realized the reason they took away her freedom.

It was because she caught her own brother, the crown prince's eyes. It was his jealousy and possessiveness that drove him to lock her from civilization.

A beauty that far exceeded one's imagination was her curse.

The only reason she was able to live through all those damn years was because of her friend: the archduke's son who would often come in the palace to play. He was the only person who truly cared for her, and he had become a big brother figure for her.

He would tell her stories about the outside world; taught her many things, and just play with her.

Years had passed, and his visits grew more infrequent. Still, he made a promise to show her the world. That he'd free her from this tower. She held onto that promised, but…

He had perished. The only friend she had ever made and also the older brother she never had, died in the war.

Dying for the country… no. He didn't die in the hands of the enemy. He died in the hands of the foolish crown prince.

She knew it because the crown prince brought his head to her chambers himself. His severed head being served in silver platter.


"Miss Lin!? Miss Lin! Dev!"

Devon gasped for air as she snapped her eyes open. Lewis' pair of worried eyes hovered over her.

She's breaking buckets of sweats as her lips pale. Panting for air as she felt relieved seeing him again.

"Are you okay?"

Just as he asked, Devon suddenly jumped and hugged him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her face buried in his shoulder.

He stiffened. But feeling her trembling shoulders and back, and the way she clutched onto him desperately, tugged his heart.

Lewis raised his hand and stroked her back.

"It's alright. You'll be fine." He whispered, brushing her back, drenched with sweats. "I'm here. No one will hurt you."