How they met II

That night, Lewis and Devon had talked about random things. They were silly conversation, but the two somehow enjoyed their time together.

Also, Devon stayed true to her words. She bought drinks for herself and for Lewis until her little savings went down to zero.

"I didn't think you'd actually hold Mister Qin a hostage." Marl yawned as he gazed at Lewis.

Lewis had fallen asleep on the bar counter. They had a drank a lot, and it was almost morning.

"Did you add something to his drink? Mister Qin never gets drunk." Marl wondered as he shifted his eyes towards Devon.

After serving Lewis drinks for a long time, Marl had never seen Lewis fall asleep. Even though whenever Lewis drink in this bar, he would drink until they close the shop.

But even so, Lewis would just be a little drunk. He could still walk back to his car and wait for his assistant to come to drive him home.

Marl knew those details. Because he had been observing Lewis for a long time.

"Marl, my dear friend Marl." Devon shifted her drooping eyes on him. It was pretty amazing how she could hold her liquor well, despite all her alcohol consumption.

"This guy has a problem of sleeping, don't you know that?"


Devon giggled as she rested the side of her head on the bar counter. Her gaze on Lewis as the side of her lips curled up.

"I'm pretty updated in gossips, you know? Few know about his problem, because of his success. But he's a poor soul." Devon muttered as she hiccuped.

"Devon, I know Mister Qin is a popular businessman. But, you shouldn't approach people with ulterior motive." Marl shook his head as he continued to clean the place.

"Is that how you think of me? You're such a meanie, Marl." Devon frowned and let out a deep exhale.

Slowly, she raised her hand and fixed Lewis' stray hairs. "It's really just a fateful encounter. It just so happen I recognized him. He's handsome, you know? One will remember him easily."

"En." Marl replied in disinterest. "Don't sleep here, though. I just can't kick Mister Qin out. He's an exception."

"Marl, he will wake up if I'm not on his side~ Don't be harsh to me!" Devon teased, as she yawned.

"His assistant will come pick him up soon." Marl ignored Devon as he mopped the floor.

"Even if he does, tell him his boss is sleeping." Devon muttered, but was still heard by Marl.

Marl paused as he turned his head in their direction. "What are you saying? How can I do that?"

"Ask his assistant to pay you twice as much as the most expensive hotel in the country. This guy's sleep is more precious. Also, lower your voice." With the same drowsy tone, Devon instructed.

"You're confusing me. I don't take advantage —"

"It's not taking advantage." Slowly, Devon pulled herself up to sit.

She turned to Marl, brushing Lewis' hair gently, as if petting him.

"I only met him last night, but I can tell he hadn't had a wink of sleep for who knows how long. Let the man sleep. That's what you call being considerate. You can also think you're helping him."

Marl remained silent as Devon had a point. He had noticed Lewis' mood. The bags under his eyes also worsened from five months ago. No wonder Lewis was in a terrible mood; he's just good at controlling his emotions.

"If you don't want to take advantage of him, don't accept their compensation. But if I were you, I will because it's still money." Pleased that Mark yielded, she cocked her head to Lewis.

"And for some reason, I pity him." Devon muttered, stroking his hair gently. "Just looking at him makes me want to cry."

Her eyes softened as she rarely pity anyone. For Lewis to have everything but sleep, it was something money could never buy.

"Dev, you're saying nonsense. Just take a rest if that's what you want." Marl advised as he arranged the table. "I'll wait for Mister Qin's assistant."

Devon glanced at Marl, blinking her drooping eyes. "But this guy doesn't make me sleep. I think he's sucking my lifetime of sleep."

"Tsk. Stop saying nonsense. Oh, I think that's Mister Qin's assistant." Marl snapped as he rushed towards the entrance upon seeing Lewis' assistant.

Marl and Derek conversed in a low tone while Devon glanced at them. A sigh escaped her lips as she shifted her gaze back to the sleeping Lewis.

"I'm not lying, though." She mumbled, slowly resting her head over her arms while staring at Lewis. "I want to sleep, but I can't… for some reason. I shouldn't have asked that fortune-teller wannabee slash homeless Chacha to take my sleep away."

Devon closed her eyes, her hand on his head. But sleep never came. Her mind was active and conscious, yet she kept her eyes shut.

Time has passed. When Devon then felt movements from Lewis, her eyes slowly opened.

When she did, Lewis groggily sat up, as her hand on his head fell down. Devon didn't move, watching him blink his eyes as he looked around in puzzlement.

"Good afternoon." Devon greeted lazily without moving a muscle.

Upon hearing her, Lewis furrowed his brows as he shot his eyes at her. He winced as his head throb. Before he could ask, Devon spoke.

"I think you've snatched my sleep. You should pay me because I realize being broke just added to my stress. I can only think of stress instead of inspirations." She mumbled almost lifelessly.

All this time, while she kept her eyes shut, Devon regretted her impulse decision last night. Thinking about how she would eat tomorrow stressed her out a little.

Well, just a little. She didn't actually care if she became homeless. Reaching success from rags was a wonderful story to tell, after all.

"I fell asleep?" Lewis mumbled, massaging his temple. He then checked his wristwatch, surprised to see it was already past noon.

"How…" He trailed off. Even though Lewis got some sleep after a consecutive sleepless night, he barely considered them a quick nap.

So, sleeping for over seven hours straight was something surprising for him.

"Hey." Devon called out, snapping him back to his senses. She pushed her heavy body up to sit and faced him, taking him by surprise.

"Have you heard about professional cuddling?" Devon raised her finger at him, making him draw back.

"Huh?" Lewis covered his nose by the back of his hand. Devon reeked of alcohol.

"Let's test it!" Devon proposed. "It's actually one of my many dreams to earn while sleeping. Let's test it if I can put you to sleep!"

"What are you talking about?" Lewis furrowed his brows, confused and had a terrible headache.

"I'm broke. Please adopt me." Devon's entire expression left her face. "But instead of saying that, I'm telling you to hire me."

It was a ridiculous proposal. Devon didn't also think it would work. She just proposed it because she watched those video while researching.

"Put me to sleep?" Lewis arched his brow, a little confused at this crazy proposal as soon as he woke up. Not to mention, from the person he drunk with.


"That's crazy." Lewis shook his head as he fished his phone out. Without a word, he called Derek who was responsible enough to leave a driver to wait for him.

After his brief call, Lewis put his phone back and grabbed his wallet. Taking out the cash in it and placed it on the bar counter.

"Thank you for the drinks last night. But I can't accept all that." He said nonchalantly before prompting to leave.

Devon glanced at the money and shamelessly took them with a shrug, "Thanks! Think about my proposal, though! Call Marl if you need me~"

Lewis shook his head as he left the establishment. Little did he know, her silly proposal -- which both of them didn't think seriously -- would commence after a week.