Do you want me to be bad?

"Anything for you, my lady." Lewis didn't know where he got his sudden confidence.

Was it from the fact he wanted to make it up to her? Regardless, if that could make her happy.

"Really?!" Excited, Devon's eyes sparkled.

She truly wanted to give him a heart attack. But Lewis endured it. No matter how dazzled he was by her smile.

"Really. So, you better get up and eat." Lewis nodded as he drew back and perched on the edge of the bed.

Before he could get up to set up the food tray, Lewis turned his eyes towards her. His brows furrowed.

"What?" He asked, despite guessing her dilemma.

"I… I can't… I'm -- help." Devon flushed in embarrassment. It seemed the blanket just tangled around her after rolling around too much.

A faint sigh slipped past his lips. "Really… I feel more helpless than you."

Despite that, Lewis only assisted himself up. He stood on the side of the bed, grabbing both ends of the blanket.

"Roll around while I pull." He instructed.

Devon nodded in obedience. Lewis counted down from three and pulled the blanket with all his might. At the same time, Devon rolled her way to freedom.

Alas, her freedom went all the way down the bed. With a loud thud, Devon rolled off of the bed.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, rubbing her back.

"Are you okay?" Alarmed, Lewis rushed over the bed to her side.

She was rubbing her lower back, and turned to him. "I'm alright."

"Are you sure?" Worried, Lewis scanned her thoroughly.

"Mhm." Her brows furrowed, but said nothing. Devon secretly bit her inner lip as her eyes fixed on his side profile.

To her, it felt good to have someone who genuinely cared.

"I am alright, my friend." She reassured with a subtle smile.

That instant, Lewis froze. My friend... why did it sound so annoying to him? He raised his gaze at her. "Are you sure, my FRIEND?"

"Yes." Devon nodded reassuringly. Her landing wasn't that bad, and the pain was bearable.

Lewis clicked his tongue. He stressed the word friend, but her lack of reaction annoyed him more.

"Come. Let me help you." Still, he offered his arm for her to cling on.

She pursed her lips in a thin line and accepted his arm. With his help, Devon stood up. But she winced a little, gritting her teeth from the little pain on her lower back.

"Stay here." Lewis sat her down on the edge of the bed.

Without wasting a second, he grabbed a few pillows and set them up below the bed's headboard.

"Move here. Can you do that? Or do you need my help?" He asked, patting the space near the headboard.

"I, uh…" Baffled by his gestures, Devon pursed her lips. Instead of answering, she dragged herself to the space he told her to sit.

Slowly, but surely, Devon succeeded on her own. She watched Lewis grabbed another pillow. Her back was against the headboard.

"Let me put it behind you." He said, gesturing her to lean forward, which she did.

Lewis then slipped the pillow behind her. Afterward, he placed his hand on her shoulder and carefully pushed her back gently.

"Better?" He asked. His eyes sought for confirmation.

"Uh, yes." Devon nodded, baffled at his action.

"Alright. Don't move carelessly. Wait for me." Lewis instructed and immediately walked towards the breakfast he prepared.

Devon watched him in silence, blinking innocently. She knew she's the employee. However, Lewis was treating her like a guest.

Even in her previous life as a princess, she had to fight for her authority. Or else everyone would mock and mistreat her. Worse, she could lose her life attaining nothing.

'But he just treats me really good…' She thought, staring at Lewis who was carrying the tray of food towards her.

'Devon really had a good friend.'

The thought suddenly disheartened her. Although she already promised to live in this body and enjoy her freedom, she felt guilty.

Seeing Lewis' concerns planted a seed of guilt in her heart. She knew he cared, only because he thought she was Devon.

But that wasn't the case. The real Devon was gone and the person inside this body was someone else.

'What will happen if he figured out I'm not the real Devon?' She wondered, making her heart pound against her chest.

That question and the answer terrified her. It was selfish of her to steal Devon's life. But she never truly thought about it. She just accepted this life easily, assuming it was a blessing after living her cursed life.

Devon bit her lower lip as hard as she could. Her eyes fixed on him.

'Will he still look at me with such concern in his eyes?' She wondered internally. Devon felt like choking, feeling a knot in her stomach.

After a moment, Lewis furrowed his brows as he glanced at her. Seeing her pale alarmed him, picking up the food tray and placed it on the side.

"Are really you okay? Be honest. You look pale." He asked, moving closer to her side.

Moments ago, she was full of life. But now she's just staring at him. When tears formed in her eyes, Lewis snapped.

"What, what, why are you crying?" He asked, panicking, as he didn't know what to do. "Does it hurt that bad?"

He shouldn't have listened to her reassurance. Lewis thought he should've called a doctor to rush in here, or he should've rushed her back to the hospital.

"Wait, let me call a Dr. Shen." He said, springing up as he prompted to call for her.

However, just as he did, Devon grabbed his hand. He froze and slowly gazed down at her.

"It's... it's not that." She said with great difficulty. "It's, it's because my friend is so kind."

Lewis furrowed his brows as he watched her wipe her tears. Slowly, he sat back down, tilting his head, sighing helplessly.

"What? Do you want me to be bad so you don't cry?" He asked in disbelief.