Returning the body

"… not ever."

A bitter smile turned up on Devon's lips as her eyes softened. There was part of her that felt like crying, but the dominant part of her brain screamed at her to remain strong.

'Thank you, my friend.' Were the words she whispered in her head.

Devon would finally return, and everything would be back in its rightful place. She enjoyed her fleeting time in this world and would treasure the short-lived memories they had.

After some time, Devon let him go, as she took a step back and looked up to him. Lewis frowned when he saw the bright smile on her face.

'She's forcing it,' He thought but decided not to point it out. 

"What are you making, my friend?" Devon asked almost cheerfully as she skipped her steps towards the kitchen counter.

He didn't respond immediately as he studied her. "Are you going anywhere?" 

Devon halted and froze. "Huh?" Her expression was quizzical.