I'm my own world

Meanwhile, Devon and Ghost Lin entered the apartment after Dion dropped them off. As Devon changed her footwear into house slippers, she gazed at Ghost Lin's back, who was floating ahead of her.

"Uhm, Ghost Lin," Devon called awkwardly, biting her lip as she watched Ghost Lin turned around.

"What?" asked Ghost Lin with a frown on her face.

"About… that man," Devon said, taking off another shoe before slipping her feet inside the house slippers. "I think I'm prepared to hear your relationship with him."

"You mean Quen… you mean that son of a bitch?" 

Devon pursed her lips in a thin line as she nodded. Her brief walk outside with Dion and Ghost Lin helped alleviate her mood. Devon thought, if she wouldn't face this problem now, she might meet him unexpectedly, with no ammo.