How can you trip on your own?

[ From Assistant Wang :

Young master, Mister De Luca, seemed to have attended the same university as Miss Lin for a short time after Miss Lin stayed abroad. We're still digging it up since it concerns Mister Quentin's private matters.]

Derek's message, along with the background information, kept repeating in Lewis' head. Quentin De Luca and Devon Lin… this world was strangely vast and small at the same time, Lewis thought. No wonder they had to do an extreme investigation to uncover this fact, as the De Luca was like the Qin's. They protect their private lives as it could be used against them.

Lewis snapped back to reality when Devon spoke beside him. "My friend, you're drinking too much." He turned his head to his side. Devon was blinking cluelessly on the other side of the couch in the living area.

"I can handle my liquor well, don't worry." He reassured with a smile.