I got your back

Lewis took a deep breath as he held on to the doorknob of their bed, hesitating to enter, as he really had to apologize first. It was the basic human decency he could show her and maybe… just maybe, he could explain himself more.

'That's right, apologize first and bribe her tomorrow.' He told himself as Lewis slowly opened the door and unknowingly tiptoed his way in. He didn't know what Devon liked, so he should ask her first.

His eyes landed on the hill-like bump on the bed, with Devon under the thick blanket. A shallow breath slipped past his lips as she seemed truly upset.

He marched towards her and perched on the edge of the bed. She was using the entire blanket as if it was her little act of revenge as to let him sleep without a blanket. 

"I'm…" Lewis trailed off as he noticed the blanket flinch. "I'm sorry." He cleared his throat as he apologized in one go.