Stop sabotaging yourself!

Devon clicked her tongue as she trudged towards the couch and sat her butt down beside Dion.

"You're over-reacting," she commented as Dion was such a drama king. Although Devon was embarrassed to wear a maid costume at first, it instantly faded away, with Ghost Lin being happy. Also, it was not like it was truly that bad.

Dion was still covering his eyes and yelled, "Sis, you don't know the 'over-reacting' you're talking about!" 

"Why?" she asked, staring at his shuddering back. "I don't think your brother will really kill you."

"Sis, really…" Dion sighed helplessly. Of course, Lewis wouldn't literally kill him, but it was not like life was the only thing that Lewis could kill; he could kill Dion's spirit!

Devon stared at him momentarily, pursing her lips as she pondered.