The real problem

"… even if that was the devil himself," Dion murmured to himself as he watched Devon and Lewis from the corner table. "Does that mean she already knows Ge's feelings?" 

Dion felt like he had reached a dead-end in this entire 'best wingman' ordeal. He had believed Devon was as innocent as a child because she couldn't pick up Lewis' flirting. However, after their brief talk today, he believed that wasn't the case.

Devon knew, and she wasn't that clueless as they thought she was. She merely tried not to make a huge deal out of Lewis' actions, as she had been clear that she didn't want to get tangled in a romantic relationship just yet. But she already considered the possibility that she MIGHT date Lewis romantically. 

"I think… no, I'm sure..." Dion trailed off as he closed his eyes, sucking air through his gritted teeth as he finally figured out the problem. "… the problem is not my sister-in-law."