Party III

"Uh… Dev? Do you hate me?"

Devon frowned. "What gave you the impression that I abhor you?"

"You win. I will… drink for you." Mike's breath hitched as he poured himself a glass of wine with his hand shaking. The game was just a simple truth or dare, but her initial questions indirectly told them she won't be playing fair.

"This game is quite confusing," Devon commented as she turned her head to Bella with puzzlement in her eyes. The latter could only smile and chuckle weakly.

"You are an expert in chasing away flies and bugs." Bella chuckled while shaking her head, realizing she was being a bit overprotective of nothing. Now, she understood Dion's action… or what she wanted to think.

Devon didn't understand what she meant, but she ignored it. Again, Mike just drank three glasses, making Dion shake his head as he just shot himself at the foot.