So many D in the world

Devon slid down in the tub, her lips sinking while staring at nothingness. She felt hot. Even the water in the tub couldn't cool her body down.

'I can still feel his firm grip around my waist,' she thought, thinking of what just happened between her and Lewis. 'Strange… how I love his hunger.'

Her cheek flushed in red as she recalled what happened earlier. This was what happened…

"Scram!" yelled Lewis as soon as he threw the pillow. Her breath hitched, froze underneath him as realization snapped her awake.

"Tch." Lewis clicked his tongue in irritation as he breathed out, stretching his neck in a circular motion. "I should've locked the door."

Lewis quirked a brow as he gazed down at her, seeing her shocked expression. "Awake now?"

"I —" She pursed her lips, staring back at him as he got off of her. He hooked her legs up and sat down, letting her feet rest on his lap.