Not alone anymore

"Come here."

Lewis had already pulled her wrist to him and leaned forward before she could react. His sudden action caused her eyes to dilate, but it slowly closed at the warmth of his lips.

His hand reached for my jaw while he deepened the kiss. Devon didn't fight back and let him conquer her lips for as long as he wanted to. She would give everything to him, but her body wasn't the top of his priority. 

"Lu," she whispered while catching up to her breathing. Lewis rested his forehead after their long and passionate kiss.

"I love you." She confessed just to make sure he was aware of it.

"And I love you even more," he whispered back, with his chest moving in and out heavily. "God... it's so hard to resist you."

"Then, don't."

A shallow sigh slipped past his lips. "Then all that self-control we did will be for nothing."

Did that actually matter? Was the question she resisted asking. Of course, it mattered.