Be a good girl

"How can you forget? We promised, didn't we? That we will get married and you will be by my side forever."

Devon's heart sank upon recalling that memory from the deepest part of her consciousness. So in the end, it was her fault? For adoring her big brother as a child, it led to this crazy obsession? 

"I tried, sister. I tried to support it when Father planned to marry you off to that bastard Duke, but I can't. Just the thought of him having you whenever he pleases makes my blood boil." Julian's eyes glinted with malice, and seeing her in tears, just fueled his anger. "I just saved you, sister. But why can't you understand that?"

"It's really isn't hard to understand that, right? That I locked you up so I can protect you from everyone," he added under his breath as if desperate to be heard. "But that guy... that damn Arthur fed you with lies and tried to steal you from me. So I lost my cool."