You don't love me anymore

Three months later...

Devon was sipping through the straw, enjoying the orange juice while watching the news. After her visit with the Lin Family, she told Lewis she would try the therapy once again and take it seriously. That was to seek help and not see it as a threat or someone invading her privacy.

So she did.

Along with her therapy to walk again, Devon had also been making time for her mental health. So far, she was doing better day by day. The process was tough for her, but she was taking baby steps; a gradual process. Although there were still days she would feel bad, the thought of dying rarely crossed her anymore.

Lewis had always been there for her and his brothers. They made it a bit bearable.

"Wow, Sis... you look beautiful on TV!" Dion made her snap her eyes as soon as he spoke. She turned her head to the couch near her wheelchair, where he was watching comfortably. 

"I look fat."