[ Entry: May 18, 2021 — Night (6:31 PM) Tuesday

Struggling has been a part of our daily lives. But why are we all struggling... no, struggles are part of life itself. To live, we all undergo pain, sadness, happiness, and all sorts of emotions. By this, that means we are alive. 

Questioning why do we struggle so much is akin to the question, why do you scream during a rollercoaster ride despite knowing where it ends? It was akin to the question of why do we eat if we will let it out? Why 

  Akin to the question of why do we love if the heart can change? 

Why do we live?

Why were we even born?

And a myriad of questions that no one could answer but ourselves. That was life. Full of uncertainties, surprises, unanswered questions, unfairness, and many more.