A Conversation with Luiz, the hotter, younger, nicer Lopez Son.



Consciousness slipped in with each sound.


Andrew let out a deep breath. His body felt stiff like he hasn't moved for a long time. His mind was telling him to move and stand up, but his body wasn't listening. He breathed in and breathed out. He tried something simple. He tried to curling his fingers into a ball. One finger at a time.

"Son, WAKE UP!"

A roaring voice jolted Andrew from sleep. He was ripped away from his bed by a powerful tug on his thin arm. His legs were too late to react. He tumbled to the floor, causing a sharp pain to explode in his knees. His young mind was still trying to comprehend the situation when he was dragged on the floor by an excruciating hold on his wrist. He stumbled to stand up while eyeing the back of an old man's silhouette against the bright neon light. The vile smell of alcohol wafted from his whole body.


"Dad?" Andrew's small voice trembled with fear.

"So, you're wasting our money with Rio," dad replied. "Eating outside when we have perfectly good food here. How many times do I have to repeat myself?"

Dad clutched Andrew by the crown of his head and shoved a plate of rice and fried eggs in his face. The silverware clattered on the ground.


Andrew saw the disgust reflected in his Dad's eyes that watched the tears flow down Andrew's cheeks.

"Crying...why are you crying? How 'bout I teach you how to be a man?"

His chest pounded. Its rapid beating drowned out his dad's mumbling. Andrew clawed at the hands of his dad. Andrew stepped on the discarded knife on the ground and dragged it along with him.

They entered the bathroom. The fluorescent light blinded him. His dad filled a tub with running water. Andrew took a huge breath of air. A strong force shoved his face down the water. Water filled his lungs, his throat.

...Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Andrew gasped and shot up from his bed, his breath out of control, finally awake. There was a rapid beeping noise from somewhere in the room, but Andrew's vision was fuzzy. By instinct, his hand went to his bedside table to grab his glasses, but it wasn't there. There were voices calling out to him, hands that tried reached out to him. He slapped them away.

"Get away from me!" He exclaimed, his throat scratchy and burning. Everything looked like a mosaic painting. The rapid incessant beeping drowned his thoughts. But then he got a whiff of a familiar scent, one he smelled everyday but it was faint.

Someone took Andrew into their arms ang caressed his back. Andrew clutched at the man's shirt. He hummed and Andrew felt the smoothing vibrations on the man's chest.

"It's okay," he whispered, in-between his soft tune.

The room had gone silent. No beeping, no running water. Only the soothing voice and Andrew's shallow, uneven breaths. After a few moments, the situation had sunk in Andrew's head.

His first sober thought was This is what I get for sleeping sober.

A calm Andrew released the man from his clutches and raised his head. He cleared his throat and scooched back to the bed and away from the gentle arms.

"I can't believe I just did that," said Andrew, his face caught between a smile and a cringe. He rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "That was so like unflattering, oh my gosh. Can somebody get me my glasses because-like you all look like Japanese porn to me, so...oh thank you."

The blurry man passed Andrew a pair of round-framed glasses which Andrew was reluctant to wear in front anyone. But he did anyway, and—

"Oh my gosh, Luiz."

Luiz was sitting in his hospital bed with rumpled corporate cloths. There were still the marks left on his polo caused by Andrew's manhandling.

"Expecting somebody else?" asked Luiz with a goofy grin.

"Pfft, what? You crazy. Stop with the crazy talk." Andrew denied vehemently. "Thanks anyway for helping me through that. I must've slept sober—" A fit of coughing interrupts Andrew.

A cup of water is brought to him by a timid-looking Allen that popped out from behind Andrew. He had brought up a sit near Andrew. He snatched the cup of water and downed it.

"Ew-it's water. I thought it was gin."

They were in a private hospital room. An expensive looking one. This better be coming out Allen's paycheck. He noticed the heart monitor had been unplugged. Andrew looked down on himself and his drab scrub attire. In one of the empty seats on the side, were his dirty old clothes. And Allen was still in his old clothes from...last night? The man looked weary.

Luiz stood up and straightened his clothes with his hands, a hopeless case he realized. So, he flashed a rare smile, though awkward, but still there. "I should notify the doctor that you've woken up, and I do hope you two use this time to have a diplomatic conversation. Big brother has been pouting nonstop since last night."

"I was not," refuted Allen, but without any heart.

Luiz ignored it and stepped out of the room with one last glance of the couple.

"Also, he hasn't had any sleep because he required himself to watch over you."

Allen sat in his seat with a frown, leaning forward with his arms on his knees, playing with his fingers. He cleared his throat. He glanced at Andrew's bandaged ear.

"Do you feel any pain?"

Andrew felt his bandaged right ear with his hands. It wasn't painful but it was weird, because of the muffled quality to his hearing.

"It doesn't hurt but am I going to go deaf? A PWD discount sounds nice."

Allen shook his head. "A portion was bleeding out because of the bullet, so stitches were required. The doctor said that there would be no hearing loss, but we'll have you undergo some tests to confirm."

Andrew nodded. He brushed away a piece of dirt he found on his bed sheet. And he saw his face reflected on the metal handle on the side of his bed. He was horrified at the grotesque black eye on the left side of his face.

"Oh my gosh. I have a black eye—why do I have a black eye? I was punched in the jaw, not the in the eye. I can't go out looking like I lost a fist fight. Do you know how much skin care I use to maintain my chocolate complexion?"

Allen blinked at Andrew's outburst. But a small curl appeared on his lips. His tensed body previously held taut had sagged down in a round chuckles.

"I do not know," he replied, watching Andrew with gleaming eyes. Though its recipient was too self-absorbed to notice.

Andrew turned to Allen and glared at him. "A lot. It's a lot."

Allen took Andrew's fingers away from his face and brought it down to the bed. Andrew felt every movement of Allen's thumb caressing his fingers.

Allen looked up and locked eyes with Andrew. "For what it's worth. You still look brilliant to me."

Andrew still felt numb to the face, so he wasn't sure if the shock he felt was displayed.

"I... Ah—would like to apologize for my behavior last night. If I had just reacted the way a normal human being would when someone is in danger, you wouldn't be spending the night in a hospital bed."

"Thank you for apologizing. It was a dick move."

Allen nodded with a heavy scowl on his face as he started gnawing on his lower lip. "And what you spoke of last, had made me recall the six years we've worked together. All of the moments that I could remember, trying to see where I got it so horrendously wrong."

"Were there a lot?"

"Oh, there were plenty." A chuckle fell from Allen's lips, but his face fell into seriousness again. His eyes dropped and stared at their fingers.

"But the memories that shined the most to me—all the moments that replayed over and over again in my mind were...moments of you, Andrew."

Andrew was at a loss for words. It was the way Allen carried his voice as if he spoke the absolute truth of Andrew, to the strong, glittering gaze he directed at Andrew so intently that...Oh my gosh, Andrew didn't like these emotions at all. Why is stupid Allen being so dramatic suddenly?

"And I'm sorry that I have made you feel anything less than the amazing secretary that you are. It... This is going to sound absurd to you, but I was already impressed by you from the start. This kid was fresh from college with a degree so far from his job, but it was this specific quality that had brought our team together."

"Well, I am amazing," murmured Andrew, jokingly.

"And I thought I was pushing you to greater feats. I thought that by assigning greater responsibility unto you, you would flourish. So that, not a single person in that building would ever doubt your capabilities again. But now I realize... I succeeded because of you. I owe all of it to you, Andrew."

After a moment of panic, Andrew had blurted out whatever his brain could cook up. "Well, if you're feeling so grateful. I take cash."

Allen stood up, bent over, and cradle Andrew's head gently between his hands. Allen gazed at Andrew's. "No, listen, Andrew. I know you use humor to stave off discussing emotions like how I ignore it through work. But this is important."

"Um. Rude much?"

"What I'm trying to say is...I need you."

"You need me?"

Allen nodded, decisively. "Yes. I need to make up for what I've done. To you and the employees of Lopez Co. And I can't do that without Andrew by my side. Not secretary Andrew. But the real Andrew Garcia. This Andrew Garcia. And after that..."

Sadness painted Allen's eyes, but vanished as quickly as it came.

"After that you I promise to bid you goodbye. No hard feelings. Just goodbyes." Allen brushed away a lock of hair that has been bothering Andrew for a while now but didn't want to ruin whatever was going on.

"What about the whole boyfriend thing?"

Allen blinked at the younger man. "If it's alright with you I would love to continue having you as my fake boyfriend. That is until we fulfill the agreed conditions, or I inevitably become a monster again. Then I'll gladly hold my end of the bargain. And again. We say our goodbyes, hopefully as friends and not strangers."

Andrew puckered his lips, narrowed his eyes. He knew he should be reading between the lines, but his hearing was muffled, and he just experienced a terrifying kidnapping, then offered employment to said kidnappers.

Allen cleared his throat. "So, it's like VP Allen and Secretary Andrew Garcia's last project together. Are we in agreement?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever. But like didn't I punch you last night? How come you don't have any marks on your face? While I have this bitchin' redness all over my face."

After a moment, a short beat of silence. Allen exhaled and let Andrew go. "It was a pretty weak punch," he replied, glancing sideways.

Andrew rolled his eyes. He sat back on his bed.

"So, is these what you've been pouting all of last night?"

"Oh, um. No. It's nothing." Allen's pale cheeks reddened at his reply. He rubbed the back of his neck as he sat back on his seat.

"Then what was it? Hey, if we're going to do this special project, we're doing like were in big brother's house or something. We need honesty, so spill."

Allen bent his head down and mumbled something incomprehensible. "It's petty."

"Hmm! I am the queen of pettiness. One time you told me my necktie looked like it came from Sonna's garbage bin, so I used your card and bought myself a new phone. So, com'n. Spit it out. I won't judge."

Allen groaned. "Alright, alright. It's just. The first time you called me by first name was because you were outraged. It's stupid, I know. Forget it."

An embarrassed smile slowly crept up on Andrew's face. He wasn't embarrassed, but he was embarrassed for Allen. This earned Allen a cackling laugh from Andrew. One that had Andrew in tears.

"Stop laughing."

"That possibly can't be the first time I called you by your first name."

"Well, it certainly is to me."

"Oh yeah... I have spitted out your name so many times when we talk about you behind your back. I had so many good burns! Like this one—forget it, you had to be there."

Allen's scowl got deeper and fiercer.

Andrew snickered. "Alright, alright. I'll call you by your first name from now on, alright?"


"Allen... Oh my gosh why are you blushing?"

"I am not blushing!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Congratulations for getting back together!"

The pair swiveled their heads to the source of the remark.

Mrs. Lopez burst into the room with a huge grin on her face. She dashed to them and enveloped them both in her arms.

"I am over the moon that my wonderful couple has once again ben reunified! Alfonso, you must be famished."

Mrs. Lopez grinned at Andrew and waved over her husband and Luiz carrying paper bags of food. With the doctor standing meekly at the door, massaging his legs. Looks they've been there for quite a while.

"They're your favorites," said Mrs. Lopez. "Fettucine from the Pacific Hotel, Seafood Pasta from The Rolling Scones, and Allen's Kiwi shake. He sent me the recipe and I made it myself."

"Oh wow, Mrs. Lopez. You didn't have to."

She pinched Andrew's nose and snickered. "It was actually your beau who practically ordered us to obtain these items by reason of—wanting Alfonso to wake up to his favorite meals."

"That's... really thoughtful."

"That is the least he could do after his abysmal behavior. Don't worry, dear. My husband and I are amenable to Allen prostrating himself on the ground and begging for you take him back. And the way he was tearfully staring into your slumbering face, I really thought he would. I even had my camera ready—What Luiz?"

Luiz had cleared his throat to prevent Mrs. Lopez from embarrassing his son any further. While said son was beet red in the face. He stood up and motioned to leave, but not before fixing a small table onto Andrew's bed. Then he left the room.

"Honey, I think you've embarrassed our son in front of his lover."


It was Andrew's last night in the hospital. The past three days had been wonderful and surprising. The Lopez family had visited every day after office hours, but Allen...Allen stayed with Andrew for the whole three days. Who knew an emotionless tyrant had a mother hen streak? But tonight, he had finally convinced Allen to go home and sleep in a bed—after much debate.

Andrew's new focus was on the shadow of the younger brother, pacing, just outside Andrew's hospital room. Andrew sat up on his bed and chuckled at the antic of Luiz.

And just as he thought Luiz would never find the courage to come in, the door slid open. Luiz stepped inside the room with a weak greeting. He walked around the room, gauging where best to sit, while his face flashed a nervous smile. Andrew simply watched him skitter around the room.

The two brothers really were different. Allen, when nervous, would always scowl and be still like a statue. His refusal to show any form of weakness was a double-edged sword that drove him to success. No seeds of doubt were ever planted on his ability to perform. Unlike Luiz who had concealed his identity in another company and had the leisure of a career unburdened by the expectation of the whole company.

"You seem nervous," Andrew observed. He bent down and grabbed a bottle of wine hidden under his bed. He flashed Luiz a toothed grin. "A shot for your thoughts? They say alcohol is the lubricant for a good conversation."

That stopped Luiz's skittering. Though, he blew out air from his nose as he went to Andrew in big strides. He snatched the bottle and took a huge gulp of the wine. Damn hot.

Luiz was like a younger, more eager Allen.

Luiz finally brought down the bottle and was about to wipe his lips with the back of his hand but thought otherwise, instead he used a neat handkerchief he pulled out from his trousers. He sat down at the end of the bed.

"I know you've been lying to my family this whole time."

The room was quiet. They watched each other, cautious of the other's reaction. "You're the secretary behind the perfect Allen Lopez, Secretary Andrew Garcia. Infamous for being at big brother's beck and call, but the longest secretary he's ever had. That's why I didn't doubt for a second you would play along my older brother's antics."

Andrew nodded as embarrassment tainted his cheeks. "So, you knew all along, huh. That is so weird. I really thought I was selling it y'know. For a moment, I was like Maybe I have career path in showbiz you get me, Luiz?"

Luiz was quiet.


He sighed and his body finally relaxed. "Can you please stop this Alfonso façade?"

"What d'you mean?"

"Your speech," Luiz exclaimed.

"...This is how I normally talk."

"I apologize," replied Luiz. "Only now do I realize that we have never had a conversation before our meeting at brother's house. It's just that the image I had of Secretary Andrew in my mind was...different."


"No, no, no," Luiz hurried to say. "Not disappointed...surprised, rather. I have grown fond of Alfonso. You're also a stellar a secretary and-based on recent events-a good person. I just want to ask why? What's your goal? Why pretend to be this person? Are you guys actually dating?"

"Slow down," replied Andrew. "That sad boy Allen hired me to be his fake alcoholic boyfriend, so that he wouldn't be forced to become CEO by his parents and let you inherit the position."

"So, he does that instead of telling our parents that he just doesn't want the position and that I might actually be a great alternative as CEO. As if they have no other choice than Allen when I'm just as competent as him." Luiz scoffs. He looks down on his feet with his hands balled.

As competent as Allen? Andrew doesn't think so. But the poor boy misunderstood. "Do you know why Allen was assured that the company would be in good hands?"

Luiz looked up.

"Because he was confident that someone capable was replacing him. Someone who was happy to do it. Someone the family trusted, but honestly. Your family hasn't been the most conversational family, hasn't it? And I apologize if I made you feel this way."


"Yes," exclaimed Andrew, rolling his eyes. "You've had a great career so far. And Allen knows you've been making waves in the corporate world. So, stop sulking. Geez, look at you brothers. Silently caring for each other. Kind of sweet in a forbidden love kind of way."

Andrew scooched closer to Luiz and roughly ruffled his neat hairstyle. Surprisingly, Luiz didn't resist. He glanced up at Andrew instead with glittering eyes.

"How about you, Secretary Andrew? Do you think I could be CEO? I need your honest opinion." There was hope in his voice, as sort of inquisitiveness to re-affirm his opinion from someone he held in high regards. Though he tried schooling his expression back to his usual indifferent gaze.

"CEO? No, not yet. You're still too young, too green for the most powerful position in the company. You don't even know that company's people. That goes for your brother too. Honestly, if he becomes CEO, do you know the work load I'll have to put with? I'll also have to fend off spited old people who have deserve the position more."

Confusion was written all over Luiz's face. "You think we are both unqualified?"

"Yes! My gosh, you're both not even in your thirties yet. At least Allen knows how pressuring it is to be CEO. Besides, you don't have to prove yourself to me. You still have so much to learn. Why do you think I gave you those notes?

Andrew took out a glass and filled it with wine. While Luiz finally slumped back on his seat and relaxed. He avoided eye contact with Andrew.

"Then I am going to need a tutor...Maybe someone who knows the company, have anyone in mind?"

Andrew sipped his wine and rolled his eyes. "Gosh. You and your brother have some genetic coding that makes it you so awkward in asking for favors. Yes, yes, I'll teach you some things I know."

Luiz hid a grin behind his hands, but Andrew could tell from the flashing dimple on the young man's cheek.

"Well, um. If you need someone to talk to—I do have a master's in psychology. That is—about your nightmare."

Andrew cackled. "Don't worry—nothing a glass of wine can't fix."

"That is also another problem we have to address," Luiz mumbled, shooting Andrew a worried look. "Some people find alcohol as relief from stress, while some use other means. I, for example, am fond of spacing out at the rooftop of Lopez Co. when I am particularly stressed out."

Andrew ignored him and invited him for another bottle of wine. They eased into idle conversation. Andrew found out that Luiz was extremely sociable when relaxed. Both men had mental images of the other that didn't quite match when they got to know each other.

At some point in the night, Andrew had noticed the shadow of someone against the light slipping underneath the door. Andrew had wondered how long the demon was going to stay there, but instead he received a text from Allen.

Hope you have a good night.

Can't believe ur using proper punctuation in text, replied Andrew.