Secretary Andrew Receives A Gift

There was a commotion in the executive elevator that caught the attention of those who were lucky to see it. Secretary Andrew's joyous laughter slipped out of the executive elevator and echoed in the vast and pristine lobby of Lopez Co. When the startled employees turned their heads. They saw a rare glimpse of the newly reformed Sir Allen giving an indulging smile at his secretary.

"Your mom's hilarious," said Andrew as he swiped through the photos she sent from their amusement park trip. Mrs. Lopez gave the finger to one of the staff who said she was too old to ride the carousel. "Years and years of being a stiff and your parents are finally indulging themselves to do anything they want. I wonder when the son will do the same?"

Andrew pinched Allen's left cheek teasingly.

"Is a tattoo not rebellious enough?" Allen replied, muffled. "How about stealing from a convenience store? And who told you to order that many cocktails during lunch?"

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not even tipsy."

Allen sniffed in disbelief. "My secretary's drinking during work hours. No wonder when you are scared or frightened you always disappear and come back in a better mood. "

Andrew released the man's cheek just as the elevator doors open. They stepped out and Andrew showed Allen some ugly photos of Sonna. Andrew found it hilarious, but Allen couldn't understand why. He just ruffled Andrew's hair before returning to his office.

Sonna and Claire saw this and signaled Andrew to follow them into pantry. When they were alone they slammed the door and cornered him.

Claire giggled with a bright smile on her face. "I've never seen Sir Allen happy like this for the past few days. Everybody's been talking about it. He was hot before but now he was like a sexy puppy."

"Sexy?" Andrew rolled his eyes, but his heart pounded in his chest. "Oh, please. Allen's as sexy as an ice cube."

"You say that, but what's really going on with you and Sir Allen, huh?" Sonna bumped shoulders with Andrew, as if he was being interrogated. " Something changed ever since the incident a few weeks ago. I'm sure you remember how cold and quiet the executive elevator was befre, and now everyone's been messaging that you twos' been acting all chummy-chummy with each other inside. Spill. I still dream about Sir Allen's heroic entrance you know."

Sonna and Claire locked eyes with dreamy gazes and squealed.

"The way he rode into our rescue with Leon security," Claire sighed.

"And the way he hugged you from behind," Sonna chimed in. "Andrew, I don't know what I'll do without you...I didn't exactly hear what Sir Allen said but that seems about right."

Claire fanned herself. "And now Sir Allen and Secretary Andrew are exchanging glances. Having lunch together, laughing together, ruffling each other hairs, while Sir Allen is redeeming himself in the eyes of the employee. And he seems much happier when he's with you. The way he smiled as he said I'll take care of him is proof enough."

Andrew was quiet. He hadn't realized things had changed so drastically. Was it because of the fake dating situation?

Sonna grasped Andrew's hands with her eyes desperate for gossip. "Please tell me if you're together."

"Of course not," said Andrew. "Can you imagine? Allen and I dating? Not only are we incompatible, what would it look like if the secretary started dating his boss?"

"Ladies," Mike announced himself with a resigned grin. "Kindly stop harassing our secretary Andrew. I think Sir Allen wants to see him. He's been glancing at your desk ever since you guys got back"

Andrew nodded anad slipped out of Sonna's grasp. He went back to his desk where he noticed a yellow note posted on his table.

Good job, today. It read.

Andrew's lips curled into a smile. Andrew tucked away the little note into his drawer, and upon seeing the sea of notes he's kept hidden over the years. He realized that once he leaves Lopez Co. to open his restaurant, he won't receive notes like this anymore. Fear once again crept into his heart.

Andrew eyed the sign on Allen's office doors: Allen Lopez, Vice President.

When he first read that sign it was still Team Manager. They really have been through thick and thin over the years, but has their relationship really changed that much that everyone's talking about it?

Maybe Andrew was thinking too much. He ducked down his desk and took out a chilled Margarita from his mini fridge. He gulped it down and savored the sweet burning sensation that ran down his throat. He felt energized and numbed down.

Andrew peeked at Sir Allen through the glass panel on this side of Allen's office door. It was used mainly so Allen and Andrew could see each other. Andrew decided to investigate. He knocked on Allen's office and slid inside.

"Were you looking for me, Sir Allen?"

Allen had been pacing in front of his desk with a stoic face but froze with Andrew's voice. He stood awkwardly. He eyes darted all around the room and he kept wiping down his hands on his slacks.

Andrew observed Allen. "Ah. Either you need a new speech about compassion and humanity, or your mother's setting you up on another fixer. I can guess which one you need since you already have a hot fake boyfriend in the form of my hot existence. I'll get right on your speech."

"No—wait. It's not that." Allen cleared his throat. He took out a luxurious paper bag from behind his seat and motioned Andrew to come closer.

Curious, Andrew did, and Allen shoved the paper bag into Andrew's arms.

"It's a gift," said Allen. "From me. To you."

Andrew took out the black leather messenger bag and he looked up at Allen who kept fidgeting and rubbing his nape.

"Six years ago today, you came into my office and started working," said Allen, nervous. "So, i guess what I want to say is congratulations on your sixth year here at Lopez Co. My gift's a bag. A messenger bag. It's your favorite type of bag. I noticed you haven't purchased a new to replace your current one...So here you go. Congratulations. Again."

Andrew hadn't bought one because Andrew planned to leave, but Allen didn't need to hear that. Besides, it was a sweet gesture and weirdly romantic.

"Thanks, I hadn't realized today was my sixth year." Andrew grinned. "It's like an anniversary gift. Sweet and thoughtful."

Allen cleared his throat, a hint of redness spread on his cheeks. "Well, we are fake dating so."

A photo slipped out from the bag and fell to the ground. Andrew knelt to pick it up, but he was astonished by the photo of a young Allen in his pristine suit and signature glare while a shabby Andrew stood beside him. It was time-stamped five years ago when they celebrated Andrew's first year at Lopez Co.

Allen also crouched down. Their eyes level with each other as they gazed at the photo.

"It is a memento for when you leave. As a reminder of our time together here," Allen continued after a brief pause. "I do know it hasn't been a smooth path for the both of us, especially for you, but I need you to know that I have enjoyed your company for these past few years."

Andrew stared dumbfounded. Then he laughed, his back arching in uncontrollable laughter.

"I can't believe you're laughing."

"No, it's just. Seeing this photo, then hearing your sappy words made me realize that if I heard that during the time this photo was taken. I would be—as Luiz calls it—through the roof."

Allen's brows quirked in curiosity.

Andrew edged closer to Allen. "I had this massive crush on you during my first year. Massive. Huge."

"Huh," Allen exclaimed with stunned eyes.

Andrew rolled his eyes. "Yeah, cringe. I know. It was because you believed in me so much when no one else did. And every time I was afraid you would give me courage. Cringey stuff like that anyway let's take a selfie."

Andrew saddled on a flustered Allen, closing the space between them. With Andrew's back to Allen's chest, he felt the rapid drumming of his boss' heart. Andrew raised his phone to take a selfie.

"Say Drinks!" Andrew didn't realized he had the settings on Burst capturing dozens of shots of the pair laughing with the widest smiles and tinted cheeks of the terrifying Allen Lopez.

When their laughter died down and Andrew had brought down the phone. They saw Luiz on the other side of the glass panel taking photos with a weird look on his face. Andrew, whose initial instinct was to throw up a peace sign for the camera, was shoved to the ground by, yet again, a flustered Allen.

"Oh, I apologize." Allen helps a disgruntled Andrew to stand up.

"I'm adding this to the list of abuses I've received in the office," Andrew mumbled. He brushed off his brand-new bag and kept the photo inside.

Luiz, in his immaculate suit, entered the room and threw a raised condescending eyebrow at them. Andrew jiggies up to him and elbows him on the side.

"You're early," Andrew teased. "You must be so excited for this project that you left work this early."

"Good thing I was early today," Luiz replied. "Or else I would not have caught you flirting during work hours. It is highly inappropriate of you, especially you brother."

Andrew rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. Your brother has terrible flirting skills. Besides, today's special. It's my sixth year working in Lopez Co. Can you imagine? I really thought I would've quit by now, but here I am."

Luiz offers a handshake and a rare smile. " And here you are. The employee known as the best secretary. Congratulations, Secretary Andrew. This calls for a celebration, don't you think?"

"Yeah, that sounds good, and I know the perfect way to celebrate my six years of slavery." Andrew looks to Allen. "Why don't you cook the team a meal? Not only will it serve as a team bonding—it can be a double celebration with the success of our project. Oh, and you can get feedback on your cooking, what a win!"

"I can't cook for eight people tonight," countered Allen. "I don't have the time."

"Well, why don't you start right now?"

"I just can't leave in the middle of day, Andrew. It's unprofessional. Plus, I have meetings. You should know this. You're my secretary."

"You're family owns this hellscape. You could burn this place to ground if you wanted to. Besides, Luiz here can take your duties and he can attend your meetings in your stead."

"I can?" Luiz's question was met with Andrew's elbow on his waist.

"I mean I can," repeated Luiz with more conviction. "I will not let anything happen to the company."

"Luiz needs to be pushed off the cliff someday, Allen. Now go! You have me here. I promise I won't let anyone burn the place down." Andrew started packing up Allen's belongings.

Allen sighed. "Are you sure this the way you want to celebrate? I can treat you somewhere far nicer."

"You've already treated me to a nice place just an hour ago." Andrew stepped closer to Andrew. He smiled and patted down the creases on the lapels of his coat. "And yes, this the way I want to celebrate. Enjoying my fake boyfriend slash boss' cooking with the team and his brother. Now go."

Andrew pushed Allen to the door and though a little bit disgruntled, Allen did leave eventually. This was first half-day in his whole career. Andrew could not be more prouder.

Andrew turned to Luiz with a smirk. "Are you ready for an afternoon of whirlwind meetings and loud, angry, old men? I'll let you take the lead this time."

Luiz broke in cold sweat. A shaky "Yes," came out from his lips.

"Don't be nervous. I'll be with you every step of the way." Andrew gestured to leave the room towards his desk, but Luiz caught his wrist to stop him.

"Secretary Andrew," he said, unsure. "Are you truly positive this thing between you and my brother is purely platonic?"

"Rest assured, Luiz," Andrew replied, in a sure voice. "You don't have to worry about some middle-class worker snatching up your brother. I don't have feelings for Allen. Maybe anger and rage, but that's it."

Luiz shook his head. "You misunderstand me. I do not find you two incompatibles because of your social classes. It's the opposite actually of what I feel."

Andrew was taken aback. "Are you confessing to me?" He exclaimed.

"No, no, no," denied Luiz. "What I'm saying is if you and my brother were to end up together. I would be happy."

Andrew paused for a while, trying to understand Luiz's intention. But he couldn't help the bubble of laughter that burst from his throat

"Com'n Luiz. Everyone knows he would be lucky to have me. But alas, we don't like each other, but thank you for accepting this hot piece of ass. Now, if you would excuse me."

"I think my brother does," said Luiz. "I think my brother actually likes you."

Andrew who was about to leave, glanced past his shoulder at Luiz with a weirded-out face. "Ew."

"I cannot believe you just said ew to my brother's romantic feelings."

"Because it is—first, ew—second, I am not his type. Third it is so not true."

Is it?