Secretary Andrew's Goes To Rich People Mall

Andrew got dressed in casual but stylish branded clothes. He strode in the mall with immense confidence. There were sparks and glitz from the chandeliers hanging from high ceilings to the marble floors. Fashion boutiques of well-known brands lined one side while lavish dining outlets lined the other. He popped-in the stores where his acquaintances from college worked at, and inside one of them was the Lopez family having snacks. Or whatever it is that rich people call them. Mrs. Lopez waved at him, but in a classier manner where her hand only reached her ear.

Without a word, Luiz vacated his seat and signaled Andrew to seat beside Allen. He begrudgingly followed and sat down with a faint smile.

"Nice bag," said the pest known as Allen, glancing at Andrew's messenger bag.

"I didn't have enough time to change bags. Besides, some asshole got it for me," Andrew replied under his breath. He still has a hard time not cringing from the night they spent together in each other's arms in Allen's bed. Andrew couldn't even stomach the thought of it.

A familiar waiter approached their table. He offered a courteous smile to their table, but when his eyes landed on Andrew. A huge smile grin came across his face. Andrew returned the smile with a wink. Both were unaware of the unimpressed look Allen was shooting their way.

"What are you doing here Oliver?" Andrew asked, surprised to see his colleague here.

"I know the owner of place. She asked me to cover for an employee who got sick today," Oliver replied. He eyed Andrew's unusual choice of wardrobe. "You're dressed down today. Anyway, you'll order anything?"

"I'll have a glass of Rose, please, thank you so much."

Luiz quirked his sharp eyebrow at Andrew. "It's barely past lunch."

Andrew agreed. "I know right. I can't believe I'm craving for a breakfast wine at lunchtime."

"I believe that was not the point," Allen mumbled.

"Oh, and a grilled sandwich to go, please. Make it cheesy."

Oliver jotted down his order and said, "Got it. I'll put it under your boss' tab." And proceeded to glance at Allen. Another courteous smile and he left.

"Boss?" Mrs. Lopez asked Andrew as she stared at Allen.

"I like to call him boss when we're in bed," said Andrew, hastily.

"I understand," she replied matched with a wink. "How are you related to our server earlier?"

"We grew up together in the orphanage."

Allen turned his head to Andrew in a sudden motion. "I didn't know that. I though he was—ouch."

Andrew released his Allen's foot from his stomp. He couldn't say that Oliver was a friend from college since Alfonso didn't go to college. Besides, it was the truth anyway.

Mrs. Lopez giggled. "It seems you have some competition."

Allen rolled his eye and scoffed. "We're not even in the same league."

"Yeah, Oliver's leagues above you," Andrew said behind a fake cough.

But Allen seemed to hear it still. Based on the glare on his face when Oliver brought Andrew's wine. He took a sip, and his worries went away. He was still feeling awkward with Allen though, refusing to acknowledge his existence.

They finished their meal amicably. They got up to leave. Luiz and Mrs. Lopez waited by the entrance while Andrew passed by the counter. Oliver took out a take-out container and handed it over. Andrew pushed it back to Oliver.

"Keep it," he said. "I ordered it for you. Share it with the rest of the staff."

"Woah, thanks. Does this mean you'll finally take me to dinner?"

An arm snaked around Andrew's waist and Allen's familiar scent brushed Andrew's nose. His heart jumped inside his chest and the cuss he was about to throw were caught in his throat.

"He does these donations to staff on a regular basis, so you're not special Oliver," Allen hissed at him and pressed Andrew closer to him. "Let's go."

Andrew was practically manhandled into leaving the café with a single retort. But as they left, Mrs. Lopez just as quickly took Andrew from Allen's clutches.

"Stop being so jealous of a childhood friend, son." She said with a teasing smirk. "Don't be selfish with Alfonso's time. You still have the rest of your lives to be together. Let me have Alfonso for today. Let's go, dear."

She locked arms with Andrew and dragged him along to several boutiques. Mrs. Lopez picked out any item that caught her eye and presented it to them. Allen and Luiz only gave shrugs as their response because fashion-wise, they only cared about their suits. So, it was all up to Andrew to muster all his gay energy to make a sensible and fashionable counsel.

But alas, his poor upbringing had made fashion a little bit low on his priority list. So, he might be forgiven for not knowing the difference of dolphin gray and cement gray.

Mrs. Lopez was presenting two different scarfs of said complex colors on both hands for Andrew to choose from.

Allen, that bastard, finally took pity on Andrew by helping him out with a casual comment. "Luiz, have you been to the gardens in the left wing?"

"This one is better," said Andrew. He chose the dolphin gray scarf on Mrs. Lopez's left hand.

"It suits you," he added.

Mrs. Lopez grinned at him. She returned the other scarf and faced the mirror, trying on her dolphin gray scarf. She wrapped it around her with such sure movements as if she originally wanted this one right from the beginning. She admired herself in the mirror and let out a contented sigh.

"Finally, I have a son with good taste."

Andrew's body stilled at her words. His eyes dilated and became distant, an unseen force pulling his gaze towards a memory he had long forgotten.

Mrs. Lopez directed her eyes at Andrew's reflection on the mirror. She turned around. "What's the matter, Alfonso? You seem…shocked. Did my words offend you somehow?"

Andrew apologized and waved off her question. "No. It's just—It's nothing. I was just surprised."

Though he never mentioned what word took him off guard. Mrs. Lopez caught on. She chuckled and pinched Andrew's cheeks.

"I understand, Alfonso. I also apologize if I surprised you with the endearment. But that is what I'm going to call you from now, so you adapt soon. Now, why don't we buy something for you? How about our Allen here purchase you a suit?"

"I would love to," Allen replied with a hint of a smile. He glanced at Andrew to assess his mood. "Then we can stop by your favorite store on our way out. The liquor store."

Mrs. Lopez brushed some loose lint on Andrew's shoulder as she offered a warm smile. "Let's go?"

Andrew could only nod.

At one small boutique, Allen inspected the navy-blue fabric that Andrew wore.

"Why did you buy me all those suits?" Andrew asked. "I know it was out of pity and a little bit of frustration on your end."

"Nothing of the sort. I simply wanted to spoil my excellent secretary," Allen replied without taking his eyes of the lapels.

"It wasn't because people were talking about behind my back?" Andrew caught Allen's gaze. "You knew that people were throwing insults at you because of your shabby secretary who went to a small college and couldn't even afford to buy a branded suit for the office."

"A secretary should be judged by his actual performance and work ethics, and not something as shallow as the clothes he wore to the office."

Allen nodded at the sales staff and took his hands off Andrew.

"And I also did not like it when people insulted you."

The evening passed. And the pair stood outside of the mall by the entrance, staring at the sky.

"It's drizzling," Andrew commented.

With years of working as a secretary kicking in, he pulled out a foldable umbrella from his bag and opened it.

"Wait right here, Sir Allen. I'll bring the car around."

He took a step forward, but Allen caught his wrist. Allen reached out and felt the raindrops on his open palm. Andrew watched as Allen's expression turned from a measuring gaze to a rare and carefree smile. He closed the spaced between them. He bent down and whispered in Andrew's ear.

"We can go together, Secretary Andrew."

He pulled Andrew by the arm and raised his coat to cover their heads. Under the rain, they dashed to Allen's car. Allen flashed a wide, happy grin at Andrew.

Water splashed beneath their hurried steps. And for the first time today, laughter trumpeted from Andrew's chest. They shared smiles, laughter, and happiness under the pitter patter of the rain. Andrew's heart felt light like cotton.

They got inside the car soaked, but unworried. Allen took out a handkerchief, leaned across his seat, and patted Andrew's face.

Andrew was happy.

Until the next day when he woke up.