Last Warning

Complete silence fell upon the royal court of Welahan when King Edric announced his plan. The King glanced at the look on the official's faces and he knew what they were thinking. However, he didn't care about it.

"Your Majesty, isn't the Prince still too young to bear such a title? What about the responsibilities that will come with it?" The Duke of Lazzel was the first to speak up. Several officials nodded their heads in agreement.

"What are you talking about?" The Duke of Raymont asked. "Prince Karium had already fought for our kingdom for years now. In our Welahan, can you name anyone who is the same age as him and exceed his contributions and achievements?" He turned to the King and added, "Age isn't a problem here, Your Majesty."

King Edric Maselli nodded. "The Duke of Raymont is right. Besides, Karium is already 20." He shifted his gaze to the Duke of Lazzel and said, "Age is never a matter whenever Karium returned with victory for our Welahan. Why must it suddenly be brought up when I try to give him the reward which he deserves?"

Hearing the King's words, the Duke of Lazzel lowered his head and he couldn't say anything now. Of course, the King won't accept any words against his younger brother. Everyone knows how the King was always a loving brother but...

"The Prince of Morham is a title that carries huge honor and power, Your Majesty. I think someone like Prince Karium shouldn't be given such an honorable title." It was the Marquess of Veron who spoke up.

Was the Marquess a fool?! How dare he say such a thing about the Prince to none other than... the King?!

When the King darted his eyes to him, every official hold their breath!

Was he asking for death?

King Edric Maselli tilted his head and observed the Marquess who just spoke up while all the officials wondered what would happen! Not to mention that the King's face had already turned sour the moment the Marquess finished talking!

To make everyone more nervous, the King rose from his throne. "What are you trying to say, Marquess?" he asked as he slowly made his way to the Marquess of Veron who was now realizing his mistake!

Thinking of what he just said, the Marquess gulped in fear! But the King was still walking towards him.

"Why don't you answer me? I'm asking you a question," King Edric asked. His voice was too low to the point where it could be deemed as frightening!

Yes, he was someone to be feared, especially when provoked. He was the King who had the highest power. Around him, one mistake could easily cost them their lives!

When the young King stood right before the Marquess, his face was now devoid of any expression. He was more than similar to his younger half-brother who left the royal court just a while ago.

"Seems like you don't want to answer me," he uttered.

"Your Majesty -"

"Then I will answer it for you," King Edric said, raising his voice so that everyone in the royal court could hear him clearly. "Someone lowly like Prince Karium shouldn't be given such a title. That's what you're trying to say, right?"

"Please forgive him, Your Majesty. The Marquess -"

The Duke of Lazzel was trying to speak up for his friend who was too scared to utter anything now. However, a dismissive gesture from the young King was all he needed to shut his mouth. If he tried to defend his friend again, he will also be in danger!

"Then tell me, Marquess," King Edric said with his gaze fixated on the Marquess of Veron. "If Karium is lowly, then what does that make me? We are both the sons of the late King." He made a deliberate paused and added, "Are you trying to say that both I and the late King are also lowly?"

Shock was evident in everyone's faces when they heard the King's question? Who would dare to say such a thing?! As such, the Marquess of Veron's face turned pale in the blink of an eye! Then he quickly dropped to his knees.

"I don't mean to say that, Your Majesty. Please forgive me! It was a slip of tongue!"

King Edric clenched his fist too tight to the point where his nails dug his palm and caused it to bleed! How dare they look down on Karium!

He glanced around and when he saw the sword hanging on the waist of a guard, he walked there and unsheathed the sword.

"Please calm down, Your Majesty. The Marquess deserved to be punished but please spare his life." The Duke of Raymont quickly got down on his knees and pleaded with the King when he saw the sword in his hand.

King Edric was a great and intelligent ruler despite his young age but... he always lost control whenever his brother was brought up in a negative way. He could never tolerate it.

Edric Maselli glanced at his most trusted official who pleaded with him. The Duke of Raymont was his advisor since he was young and he always listened to him. However, this time, he finds it too hard to do that!

His brother had suffered enough! Why must these ungrateful officials always try to add salt to his wound? He couldn't understand it.

The King was about to lift his sword when his brother's words came to his mind. Karium had once begged him not to went too far to defend him. It happened a lot when they were young and even now, it still happened from time to time.

After thinking about it for a while, the King finally threw the sword to the side with reluctance. He didn't refrain for the sake of his official's pleas but his brother's begging.

"This is my last warning to you all. You should watch your mouth if you value your life," he declared it loud enough for everyone to hear. "Is there another opposition?" he asked and glanced around.

"Court is dismissed," he uttered when no one attempt to speak up. Then he left the royal court right away.

In no time, everyone left the royal court. Though it was normal for the officials to stay behind and discuss the meeting topics after it was over, there was no such thing on the particular day as the King himself made it clear. They should watch their mouths unless they wish to die.....