Colorless Life

Attending the huge feast prepared by his brother to celebrate their victory was just a torment for someone like Prince Karium who always loved to be alone. What's more, many people came to him and congratulate him after he was given the new title which was the 'Prince of Morham.'

After endless conversations with the officials who strike up a conversation with him, Karium Maselli finally finds a way out of the spotlight and retreated to a chair on one corner. Right next to it was a door to the balcony and the quiet loving Prince ended up gazing at the outdoors for a while.

When the cold breeze of the night blew in his face, there was a subtle yet rare smile on his lips. However, his quiet time alone was cut short by someone who was making her way to him.

"Congratulations on your victory and your new title, Your Highness."

When Prince Karium heard the familiar voice, he shifted his gaze and saw a beautiful young woman standing just a few steps away from him.

"Thank you, Lady Sophie," he replied and forced a smile.

Though the young woman named Sophie Loria was considered as the most beautiful unmarried woman in Welahan, Prince Karium tried to turn away again after he responded to her but... he noticed the stern gaze of his sister-in-law by coincidence.

"Why don't you have a seat?" he finally said to the young lady who nodded with a smile. After all, she was the only daughter of the Duke of Raymont, his brother's most trusted official and advisor. Besides, he wanted to save himself from his sister-in-law's nagging.

"I've been to the market a few times these days and people can't stop singing praises of you, Your Highness," Sophie Loria said to the Prince with her usual elegant smile. Rumors have it that throughout Welahan, no one could exceed the elegance of this young lady who was just 18 years old.

There was a faint smile on Prince Karium's face when he heard what Lady Sophie said. "What's there to praise about? All I do is taking lives." His voice was so low that the lady failed to hear him.

"Pardon me?"

Prince Karium darted his eyes to Sophie Loria and forced a smile. "It's nothing. Our victory is the fruit of our soldier's sacrifices. I only contributed to a bit of it."

"Everyone knows that you're the one who laid out all the plans. That's why we get to achieve victory with minimum sacrifices," Lady Sophie argued.

Prince Karium only smiled and didn't say anything. When he shifted his gaze back to the dark outdoors, he felt more than tempted to leave this noisy hall but... he barely holds back himself not to disappoint his brother.

The King spent quite an effort to throw a feast for him and the soldiers who fought beside him. He didn't want to ruin it by leaving early.

The silence that goes on for a while was broken again when Queen Eliana came to them. At the sight of the Queen, Lady Sophie quickly rose from her seat and bowed to show her respect. "Your Majesty."

"It's great to see you, Lady Sophie. You're so beautiful tonight," Queen Eliana said to the young lady while she glanced at her brother-in-law from time to time.

Sophie Loria flashed a smile. "You flatter me, Your Majesty. Everyone knows that you're the most beautiful woman in our kingdom."

"Didn't you know that people are more interested in a blooming flower than the ones that are already plucked?" Queen Eliana said with a smile and briefly glanced at the Prince once more. "One should learn to appreciate such a flower before someone plucked it before them."

Prince Karium understood what his sister-in-law was saying. However, he feigned ignorance and simply continued staring at the outdoors.

"Karium," Queen Eliana finally muttered his name when she noticed that his brother-in-law was still feigning ignorance. Then the Prince finally shifted his gaze to the Queen.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Your brother told me that there would be a lantern lighting ceremony to honor and pray for the soldiers who died during the war. Why don't you go and participate with Lady Sophie?"

Karium Maselli blinked when he heard the Queen. It seemed like his sister-in-law still hasn't given up on that habit. Ever since he turned 20, she always tried to pair him up with the daughters of the officials, saying that he had already reached the age for marriage.

He tried to refuse and say that he preferred to watch it from his chamber alone but... the Queen glanced at him and kept on pointing her chin at Lady Sophie.

Like always, Prince Karium gave in and turned to Sophie Loria. "Shall we?"

Sophie Loria nodded and the two walked to the big balcony on the left.

Soon, the lantern lighting ceremony started and the flying lanterns were released in the air while people prayed for the souls of the deceased soldiers.

Standing in the front with the Duke's daughter, all Prince Karium could think of was the sound of wars and the smell of blood.

Why can't every being just live in harmony and avoid wars? Was fulfilling one's greed important than a person's life? This was the question which he always asked himself for years.

"Your Highness, do you think the sacrifices of the soldiers are worth it?"

The Prince was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Lady Sophie's question. He glanced down at the people who were standing in every street of the capital, praying and showing their last respect to their heroes.

"It should be," he muttered. "At least, the people are safe and alive. Seeing this should be enough to make them feel that their sacrifices are worth it."

Lady Sophie quietly stared at the Prince and noticed the torment beneath his seemingly blank face. Why did he was surrounded by so many rumors? She couldn't understand. He didn't seem like a demon at all like the rumors said!

"I hope they rest in peace," she muttered and stared at the sky where the flying lanterns were scattered.

Meanwhile, the King and the Queen also stood a few steps away from the two. King Edric stared at the blank expression of his brother. As the older brother, he knew Karium well and he could always saw through him. Even this time, he didn't fail to notice the pain and anguish beneath the seemingly blank face.

Then the King inwardly sighed. What was he supposed to do with him? He didn't want him to live such a colorless life.....