The Beginning Of Her Dark Life

Yara Amiel returned straight to the palace but by the time she reached there, the sun almost set. Her brother who patrolled around the capital with his guards had also long returned.

The Princess was alone in her room when the wife of her brother, Queen Helen Amiel came to her. However, lost in her thoughts, Princess Yara blankly stared out of the window and she didn't even hear the sound of the knocking on her door.


She flinched and quickly turned around when she heard the voice of the Queen. Then she forced a little smile. "Sister-in-law," she muttered and walked to her.

"I heard that you haven't come out since you return from the forest and it's already time for dinner. Is something wrong?" the Queen asked her in a calm voice.

Queen Helen and King Malon have liked each other ever since they were young and the Queen spent a lot of time with the royal family since childhood. So, she knew everything about the Princess and her double life even before she married the King.

For the Princess who lost her mother at a young age, Queen Helen was the one who always looked out for her ever since she was young. Though the Queen was older just by 2 years, she was a reliable sister for her and she respected her a lot.

"No. I only spent some time alone in the forest. I return right away," Yara Amiel replied.

The Queen remained quiet for a while but her gaze never left her husband's younger sister. "You went to the Muric Forest, right? Isn't that -"

"Can we talk about it later, sister-in-law?" Yara Amiel suddenly said before the Queen could even finish talking. "I'm a bit tired today."

Queen Helen stared at the Princess for a while before she finally nodded. "Alright. Let's go and have dinner. Your brother will be waiting."

Without saying anything, Princess Yara followed the Queen to the dining hall and just as the latter said, King Malon was already waiting for them. There was a little smile on the young King's face when he saw his sister but... when he noticed her dull expression, he had an idea of what's going on.

When he returned in the evening, he looked for her but he was told that the Princess went to the Muric Forest alone. Was that why? He glanced at his wife but the latter shook her head. Something wasn't right.

"Yara, are you alright? You don't look so well." The King finally asked his sister after hesitating for a while.

Yara Amiel shifted her gaze to her brother and forced a little smile. "I'm fine, brother."

The short response and the obvious fake smile only worried the King more. He thought that his sister already stopped visiting that forest but... what made her go there all of a sudden?

"Yara." He calmly called his sister's name once again. "In the future, don't go out alone anymore. I know you can protect yourself but... we're still worried about you. You can bring Andrus with you and if not, General Zaria can also accompany you."

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me," Yara Amiel promptly replied.

King Malon and Queen Helen glanced at each other with concern. They thought that they had already gotten through this but... were they wrong?

In the past, Yara always had a smile on her face when she was with them. Though they knew that they were one of the very few people who can witness such a side of her, they have to be satisfied with it as they knew that it was hard for her too.

"What if you -"

"I won't do that again," Princess Yara quickly said when she knew what her brother was trying to say. Then she slowly put down her spoon and glanced at her brother. "I won't do anything silly to make you worry again like last time, brother. So please, can you not complain about me going out alone? I don't think I have other ways."

"Yara -"

"I'm still alive thanks to that sacrifice. So, believe me, brother. I won't give up on my life again," the Princess muttered and narrowed her eyes. "I was young at that time and I don't think clearly. It won't happen again."

King Malon maintained his silence for a while. Then he finally nodded. "Alright. I never doubt you."

After she heard her brother's response, the Princess rose from her seat. "I'm a bit tired. Please excuse me." Without even waiting for the King and Queen's response, the Princess retreated to her chamber.

King Malon blankly stared at his sister's food which the latter barely touched. Then he let out a sigh and closed his eyes.

"Let's trust her for now," Queen Helen calmly said to him. "You know that Yara never lies to you."

Hearing his wife, King Malon opened his eyes. "I trust her but... it's clear that she is still tormented. It's been two years and I thought that she's fine now. She never showed it before." He paused and added, "It's my fault."

"You only do what you think should be the best. Besides, it was Kamryn who insisted to go there. You don't force him to do that," the Queen argued. "Don't blame yourself, Malon. Yara is strong and I'm sure that she will be able to go through it."

"Yara don't know that it was Kamryn's wish to go there for her rescue. If she knows it, she will be torn than she is now," King Malon muttered and shook his head.

When he saw the concern on his wife's face, he forced a little smile and holds her hand. "It's hard for you too, Helen. I'm grateful and I'm also sorry. I keep on worrying you."

"Don't say that," Helen Amiel quickly said. "We are all family. We should be there for each other."


Princess Yara was all alone in her chamber while the King and Queen were talking about her. Sitting on a chair, all her thoughts were occupied by the past. In particular, the friend who sacrificed herself to save her life two years ago.

Was that the beginning of her dark life? Maybe.

However, she was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when the stranger she met in the forest crossed her mind. She still hasn't deal with him as she was interrupted by the appearance of those hunters.

Losing no time, she recalled the facial features of the man and drew it. Then Andrus appeared.

"Find this man in secret," she ordered as she handed the portrait to Andrus.

Andrus took the portrait and glanced down with a confused face. An unfamiliar young man with a brown cloak that covered his hair? He was curious but he knew better than to raise a question on the man's identity.

"What will we do with him once we find him?"

Princess Yara didn't even have to think twice before she commanded, "Kill him right away."

With that said, Andrus bowed and quickly left the Princess's chamber.....