Not To Kill

Karium Maselli was on his way to the Muric Forest for the third time in three days. Before he entered Avaria, this wasn't his plan at all.

He had many other places which he wished to explore as it was more than risky for him to enter this kingdom, but... that woman ruined his plan!

"Your Highness, are you sure that she will be here again today?" General Cassius who was beside the Prince asked. When he knew that the Prince was going out again, he asked to tag along as it had become more unsafe for Prince Karium. Many men were looking for him right now!

"I'm not sure," Karium Maselli replied. "But if she is someone who hates when someone stands in their way, she will surely come considering what I did last night."

General Cassius helplessly shook his head when he heard the Prince. "I doubt we won't find peace even today." He paused and quickly shifted his gaze when he said, "Shall we just kill her? What if she caused more problems... "

The General's voice trailed off when he noticed how the Prince's face turned sour in the blink of an eye!

"I'm here to explore nature while taking a rest," Prince Karium said and firmly added, "Not to kill."

"I apologize, Your Highness," General Cassius promptly said with his head lowered.

He knew that the Prince never wanted to wield his sword against innocent people, especially women. He felt the same but... this woman seemed to be above average. If anything happens during their time here in Avaria, it will be more than hard to solve!

"We are almost there," Karium Maselli said as his eyes trailed to a distance in the front. "Be careful while addressing me. We can't afford to draw suspicions."

"I understand."

* * *

Andrus was standing in the Muric Forest with Princess Yara sitting on the ground a few steps away from him. In fact, he was feeling quite lost.

What business would the Princess be having here? Most importantly... with whom?

He had no idea.

"Your Highness, we already waited for more than an hour. Is the person not coming?" he asked, cautiously reading the Princess's reaction. When it comes to Princess Yara, being too curious or asking many questions was never a good thing.

"He will be here soon," Yara Amiel simply replied and shifted her gaze to Andrus. "Do you think you can kill him?"

"I will do it as long as you give me the order."

"It won't be easy," Yara Amiel muttered and stood up. "I'm not confident either."

Andrus blinked when he heard the Princess. "Is that a joke, Your Highness?" he asked, confused.

Princess Yara glanced down at her sword and recalled how he easily made her dropped it the day before. "No, I'm serious. I have never seen someone with such great agility."

"Who is he?"

"That's what I want to know," the Princess promptly said. "All I know is that he is not from our kingdom."

When Andrus tried to speak up again, Yara put her finger on her lips and darted her eyes to the left. "Quiet. Someone is here," she murmured.

Andrus's eyes trailed to the direction where the Princess was looking. Then soon, he saw two men riding horses towards them.

"He's here. You should be careful with your words," Yara Amiel said to her right-hand man and the latter quickly nodded.

Meanwhile, General Cassius observed the man beside the Princess before he said, "She brought someone too."

Karium Maselli didn't say anything and he halted his horse a few steps away from the two. Then he gets off and made his way towards the Princess. "It's you again. Were you waiting for me?"

Andrus instantly felt offended by the way the stranger talked to the Princess. No one ever dared to talk that way to the Princess before! However, he glanced at the Princess who was just... calm.

Calm? Did he see it wrong? Princess Yara he knew would never be this calm if someone ever talked to her that way!

"Aren't you also coming to see me?" Yara Amiel simply asked and observed the Prince from head to toe. "You are completely fine. Seems like my men do a poor job."

She briefly glanced at Andrus before she turned back to Prince Karium and said, "You came out each day yet they failed to catch you each time."

"Aren't you just like them too?" Karium Maselli asked with a little smile. "You ignored my warning yesterday. When did you plan to stop?"

"You - "

Princess Yara quickly holds back Andrus by slightly lifting her right hand. "You attacked my men last night. Do you think I will just retreat after that?" There was a slight smirk on her face yet she was still curious.

Her men were one of the best but... this man just knocked them down like that?

Just who was he?

Prince Karium rubbed his temples and let out a sigh. She was more tenacious than he thought!

"Alright. Tell me what I do to offend you two days ago. Then I'll apologize for it."

"Milord." General Cassius glanced at the Prince with a flustered face yet the latter simply nodded.

Yara Amiel raised a brow when she heard him. He seemed to have a huge pride but... was he this easy-going?

She shifted her gaze to Andrus and nodded. Then the latter walked a few steps away from the Princess, giving her some privacy. Prince Karium did the same and General Cassius walked away.

"You took a peek of me that day, right?" the Princess promptly asked.

Prince Karium knew very well that he arrived first that day. He even saw her when she arrived but... he decided to not argue.

"I watched you practising your swordsmanship. That's all," he calmly replied.

"Don't lie," the Princess said in a cold voice.

"I don't. I see you talking to yourself but I don't hear anything you say," Karium Maselli firmly said. "Just what are you scared of? I don't even know you and I'm just a traveller who will leave this kingdom in a day or two."

Yara Amiel was struggling for words to say! What was she afraid of?

Nothing. She only wanted him dead for witnessing her weakness. It's not like he knows her to even spread a rumour!

"Why can't you answer me?" Karium Maselli asked. His calm gaze was fixated on her the whole time.

Just when Yara Amiel attempted to speak up, she heard the sound of footsteps coming in their direction.

Hunters... again?

Without thinking of anything, she rushed to her horse and started riding the moment she mounted!

Karium Maselli quickly followed suit as he was determined to solve everything that day! However, just before he started riding, he pointed his chin at Andrus who was about to mount on his horse too. He glanced at General Cassius and nodded. The General understood his instruction right away.

Then he chased the Princess who was in a hurry to not get spotted by the hunters.....