This Should Be Written In History

Lena Parish let out a sigh when she looked at the mischievous face of the Prince. "You didn't play fair," she whined. Placing her hands on the table, she leaned down and stared at him with a pretty displeased face.

"You're wrong," Karium Maselli simply replied. With a playful smile even wider than before, he corrected, "I never play fair."

Lena Parish rolled her eyes at her best friend. "At least you admit that."

Karium Maselli chuckled and rose from his seat. "I truly pity Commander Niklaus. He has such a noisy and whiny General like you by his side." Turning to his friend who glared at him, the Prince added, "Oh! I forgot that you're like a scaredy-cat when he's around. After all, he is your Commander." He clicked his tongue and shook his head as if he pitied her.

"Karium!" General Lena shouted and grabbed the Prince on the part of his clothes that covered his chest. "Do you have a death wish?" she threatened him in a deadly low voice.

Prince Karium let out a chuckle once again. Apart from the King and Queen, the only person whom this daring friend of his actually obeyed was the Commander of Elan Army, Nicklaus Elan.

The Elan Army was the biggest private army in Welahan and the family behind it, the Elan family loyally served the kingdom for almost a century now.

Of course, his friend was one of the most capable Generals in the Elan Army and Commander Niklaus also trusted her a lot. Even her father and grandfather were past Generals of the Elan Army and she decided to follow in their footsteps.

Knowing how his friend was loyal and devoted towards the Commander, the Prince always took an advantage of that and often teased her for it. However, on the inside, he was proud of her capabilities and loyalty. But why would he say that? It will only work to her advantage!

"You should know that laying a hand on a royal is a crime punishable by death," the Prince simply warned his friend with a menacing smirk. Just as he predicted, his friend tightened her grip on his clothes before she eventually withdrew her hands from him.

"You should learn to be less annoying, Your Highness," Lena Parish remarked with a cold tone. "If you behave like that often, you will surely have many enemies."

Of course, she knew that apart from his family and General Cassius, she was the only one who gets to witness this humane side of him. All others thought that the God of War was like a block of ice!

Cold, hard, emotionless and tough. That's how they used to describe him.

"You returned after travelling around for weeks but you leave again without even seeing me just once. So, don't you think that Commander Niklaus sending me here is quite great?"

The Prince returned to his seat when he heard the General. "Not that great," he replied. "I'm here to solve an issue, not to argue with a noisy General as you."

Disappointment was written all over the General's face. However, she put herself in check this time.

What's the use of getting worked up at his every teasing? He always won without even losing his composure for just once!

"I heard from General Moris that you suddenly cancelled the meeting with the Avarians at the last minute. What's wrong with you, Karium?" She inquired. "That's so unlike you."

Once again, the Avarian Princess which he forgot due to his best friend's arrival crossed the Prince's mind. He maintained his silence for a while, recalling what happened. Then he said, "I ran away."

General Lena's eyes almost popped out when she heard the Prince's response!

What?! Karium Maselli ran away?

What a joke!

"I'm serious here but you're still joking," she complained.

"I'm not joking, Lena," Karium Maselli argued in a pretty much serious face. He simply wanted to let his friend know that he was more than serious too.

Observing her friend's expression, the General finally understood that he was serious. Finally, she pulled a chair and sat down opposite him. "What happened?" she asked.

The playful aura was gone and she had switched to an attentive friend.

Recalling what happened during his visit to Avaria, Prince Karium wiped his face and let out a sigh. "I made a mistake during my visit to Avaria."

Lena Parish frowned at his confession. "I always told you not to visit our enemy kingdoms. Besides, why is that associated with today's cancelled meeting?"

"I met a woman on my journey," the Prince started. "I have -"

"A woman?!" the General exclaimed, interrupting the Prince. Did her friend just talked about a woman?! She blinked in surprise but soon, there was an exciting smile on her face. "Is she pretty?" she asked with curiosity written all over her face.

Karium Maselli hopelessly sighed. That's not what's important right now!

"You should hear me out first." His voice hinted at nothing else but tiredness. Dealing with his energetic friend was always so taxing!

"This should be written in history, Karium. For the first time in 20 years, the Prince of Morham talked about a woman!" Lena Parish exclaimed in a loud voice. However, when she saw the Prince's annoyed face, she collected herself and sat straight like an obedient student.

"Sorry," she muttered with an appeasing smile. "Where were we?"

Karium Maselli stared at his friend with displeasure before he turned away. "Forget about it."

"You can't do that," Lena Parish protested. "Why spoil me if you were going to back out like that?"

Karium Maselli barely resisted the urge to snort at her. "Look who's talking. Who interrupted me and started speaking nonsense while I was about to explain?"

"It's my fault," Lena quickly said. "I won't interrupt anymore and shut my mouth until you finish explaining," she promised, trying her best to sweet-talk her friend.

She was curious to death right now!

"No. You must wait until tomorrow," the Prince simply said without even thinking. Then he rose from his seat. Wondering how his best friend might even lose her sleep due to curiosity, he walked out of the tent with a victorious smile.

Tomorrow? Lena Parish blinked. That's the same as telling her to die out of curiosity!

That cruel Prince!