Did You Fall For Her?


General Lena looked at Prince Karium as if the latter had gone crazy!

The woman he met turned out to be the Princess of Avaria?!

"Don't give me that face," Karium Maselli whined. "I already feel worse enough without you giving me that look."

"So... " the General mumbled and blinked. "You ran away and avoid the meeting not to let her find out your real identity?!" she exclaimed to which the Prince nodded.

"Will that solve anything?" she questioned him.

"I don't know," Karium Maselli muttered and covered his face with his palms. "I'm at my wit ends."

If the one sitting opposite him was anyone else, he won't make such a face, let alone confess. He can only do that because she was Lena Parish, his best friend. With her, he can let his guard down completely.

The life of a royal wasn't easy.

As a warrior herself, General Lena understood her friend's concern. The true nature of the Karium Maselli she knew was very different from the image he built. His enemies and even his soldiers thought that he was a cold-blooded Commander without a heart.

Then he made a mistake by showing his true easygoing self to none other than the Avarian Princess! If the Princess indeed came to know his identity, it will only be a headache!

Wait... Lena raised a brow when she realized one thing that the Prince said. "Didn't you say you met her alone in the woods, practicing her swordsmanship?" she asked with disbelief.

The famous Princess with heavenly beauty who was well known for her elegance and well-sheltered upbringing did that?!

Karium Maselli nodded. "She is also nothing like the rumors. She is bold, daring, sharp-tongued and... quite cruel. However, I think she is someone who hides a lot of things, like me."

Lena Parish stared at her friend observing his expression for a while. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide. "Oh no, Karium! Did you fall for her?"

Fall for her? Karium Maselli indeed admitted that the stranger he met made him felt amused and intrigued. Did he felt attracted to her? Maybe, but...

She's the Avarian Princess. Didn't that define everything?

"You don't answer me," Lena pointed out. "It seems like there is indeed something between the two of you."

"What's the use of that, Lena?" Karium Maselli sighed. "She is the Avarian Princess. Judging from her nature, she will be very eager to kill me once she finds out that I'm the Prince of Welahan."

"You talk like you will let her do that to you," the General remarked with a light chuckle.

"You are indeed amazing," Karium said, sarcastically. "You can still joke around in this situation."

"Don't worry," General Lena stated with confidence. "If anyone tries to harm you, I will make sure to kill that person."

"What makes you think that I will need you to defend me again?" Karium Maselli argued with a menacing smile.

General Lena sighed and her thoughts were finally back to their original topic. "Then how do you plan to solve this? You can't postpone the meeting for long. You won't want another severe problem to rise, don't you?"

The Prince gave a quick thought and asked, "Do you have any advice?"

Lena Parish crossed her arms, concentrating on her thoughts. "Let me think," she muttered. After a few seconds, she looked at her friend and said, "Just meet her. It seems like you also hold some of her secrets. So, you can be yourself... " She paused and corrected, "I mean, you can act like the God of War."

Karium Maselli wasn't pleased to hear the absurd title. Why must people call him that? If he was indeed the God of War, he will never allow wars to take place!

Then he considered his best friend's advice. She made sense but... he wasn't too confident. That woman... no... that Avarian Princess had something in her which always made him say and do strange things. No matter what his decision was, it was a huge risk in any way!

Karium Maselli made up his mind and later before noon, the Princess in question received a message from a messenger that says 'Prince Karium wants to schedule the meeting for the evening. However, this time, it will take place in the camp of the Welahan soldiers inside his tent. She can bring along as many soldiers as she wishes if she feels unsafe in the enemy territory. However, only she will be allowed inside the tent to have the negotiation.'

Despite the strong protest from General Korin and General Zaria, the stubborn and bold Princess still agreed.


"Your Highness, are you sure about this?" General Korin asked Princess Yara who only maintained a blank face. They were about to cross the border to attend the meeting.

"The Welahan Prince said that you can bring as many soldiers as you want, but you still insisted to go with just me and General Zaria. What if they have other plans? You even have to meet him inside the tent, alone," the General added.

"You worry too much, General," Yara Amiel calmly said. "Prince Karium is not a fool. If he dares to touch any one of us, he knows that war will follow right away."

"He has fought many wars and lose none of them, Your Highness," General Zaria said. "It won't be hard for him to wage another war."

"I don't think that's the case," the Princess insisted. "If he wants a war, he already has the reason to start a war when our soldiers crossed the border. But he didn't and instead, he is even willing to negotiate. His action didn't match of that someone who is eager to start a war."

When the three saw someone from Welahan who was waiting for them, they halted their horses.

"Greetings, Your Highness," General Moris said and bowed out of courtesy. Royal or not, they really weren't bound to show respect to someone from another kingdom, especially an enemy kingdom like Avaria.

"General Moris," Yara Amiel greeted him back with a nod.

"His Highness Prince Karium wants to make up for last time and he is already waiting for your arrival. Everything is prepared, Your Highness. Please follow me."

The Princess nodded in approval and they followed the Welahan General inside the camp. When they reached the largest tent in the middle, they all get off their horses.

"His Highness waits for you inside this tent, Princess. As the messenger says, you can only enter alone. Others will have to wait here, outside," General Moris said to the Princess, gesturing her to enter the tent.

"Wait here," Princess Yara commanded the two Generals, ignoring their concern. The two men had no choice but to step back as per the Princess's order. Then the Princess nodded to General Moris once again and made her way inside the tent of the so-called God of War.....