The Specialty of the Avarian Princess

After reaching the palace before noon, all Yara Amiel did was briefing her brother on the negotiation. Since then, she was alone in her room and now, it was almost time for dinner.

Ever since she met that strange man who turned out to be none other than the infamous Prince of Welahan, she can't stop thinking about it. No matter how much she tried to brush it off her mind, she still failed.

What the Princess hated the most was his calm and composed demeanor when they first met at the tent. He didn't even seem to be surprised and it's clear that he already knew who she was.

Did he really approach her on purpose? But if that's the case, why would he tell her about himself? After all, they were enemies.

The many questions in her mind since that day made her felt like she was going crazy! She hated when she felt helpless and... that's exactly how she felt right now.

When the Princess heard the sound of knocking on her door, she responded. This time, it was Andrus who entered her room in a normal process as they weren't any guest in the palace to be wary of, for now.

Andrus got down on one knee to greet the Princess and like always, his gaze met the floor. "Greetings, Your Highness."

"What is it this time?" the Princess asked. She turned away from the windows and took a seat on one of the couches.

"I have to send a letter to the spies in Welahan and inform them that you're going there. Do you have anything you want to add, Your Highness?" Andrus asked the Princess.

"No. I don't expect much from them," the Princess shrugged.

"Don't you trust them, Your Highness?" Andrus asked, cautious not to annoy the Princess by his question.

"Of course, I trust them. If not, they will already be dead," Princess Yara simply replied. "I just don't believe that they are capable enough to handle the Welahan Prince. Even after weeks, they can't get any information on him."

While she finds out many things, unintentionally.

"You already meet him, Your Highness. At least, you now know what he looks like," Andrus said to the Princess with his gaze still glued to the floor.

"That's right," Yara Amiel muttered.

Not only his face, but she also knew how mischievous he was! She won't be able to forget how he provoked her continuously, taking advantage of the situation!

She will surely pay him back for that.

"Seems like the God of War love to play games. But he doesn't know that I love it too," Princess Yara said and rose from her seat. "Once I reach Welahan, it will be my turn to pay him back for everything. Let's see how he reacts."

Andrus almost blinked at the Princess's words. A game?

Did the Princess said that the God of War was playing around with her? And... he still lived?

Andrus concluded that it must be because killing the God of War wasn't an easy feat. Though the Princess was well-trained, she might not be a match for him when it comes to skills but... in the case of mind games, he doubted that there was someone that could surpass her.

That's her specialty.

Once Andrus left, the Princess walked out of her chamber to have dinner with her brother and sister-in-law. When she reached the dining hall, the King and Queen were already waiting for her and she quickly joined them.

"I heard that you will be going to Welahan. Will you be fine?" It was Queen Helen who asked the question. As always, she was worry about her sister-in-law.

"I will be fine, Your Majesty," Yara Amiel quickly responded. "My brother has many matters to solve here and he can't go to Welahan. In that case, I'm the best choice to replace him."

Hearing this, the Queen turned to her husband, the King. "Do you think the negotiation will be a success this time? All the talks that the past Kings had with the Welahans always fell through. If that happened too, I'm worried about the Princess's safety."

King Malon looked at his wife and smiled to assure her. "Don't worry too much, My Queen. Yara will be there, representing our Avaria. No kingdom will dare to lay a hand on the envoy as that will make them lost the trust and respect of other kingdoms. King Edric Maselli is not a fool."

Her husband's reassurance indeed calmed down the Queen a bit. After all, the King had a point.

"By the way, Yara, I heard that the Welahans will be celebrating the quincentenary of their kingdom's foundation after three weeks. Will we suggest for the negotiation to take place after that?" King Malon said to his sister.

"Their kingdom is turning 500 this year?" the Princess asked. She still remembered how her kingdom celebrated their 500th anniversary six years ago.

The King nodded. "It seems like they are preparing for a huge celebration. It will last for more than a week."

That long? The Princess thought about it and when an idea crossed her mind, her lips curved into a smile. "Can you tell the King of Welahan that I wish to attend the celebration too? After that, we can hold the negotiation."

Malon Amiel raised a brow at his sister's request. "The negotiation is still in progress and I don't think the Welahans will welcome you."

"Your brother is right," the Queen chimed in. "Why would you attend just to face the sour faces of the Welahans?"

"My brother already said that I will be the envoy," the Princess simply said. "Besides, they won't dare to show it even if they loathe me. They're no match for me," she added with a sweet smile, making her brother chuckle out of amusement.

"Alright. Let's give a try and we will see what King Edric's response is," the King mused. In all honesty, he knew that his sister will be able to deal with the Welahans as long as she put her mind to it.

The next day, the Avarian officials agreed to the King's suggestion and a few more days passed when the Avarian King's letter reached the hands of the Welahan King. Coincidentally, the Prince was also with his brother when the letter arrived.

"It seems like the envoy from Avaria is interested in attending our 500th-anniversary celebration," King Edric said to his brother while his gaze was still fixated on the letter.

Hearing his brother, Karium Maselli blinked.

The Princess? What did she want this time?!