I Can Give A Try

The tournament was almost over but Karium didn't see the Avarian Princess anywhere.

Did she really miss the tournament? Then where was she?

When the Prince thought of his current situation, he was feeling helpless.

He felt uneasy when she was present and still felt the same when she was out of his sight.

Since when did he become this ambivalent?!

Finally, the tournament was over and the huge feast will begin in no time. However, the Princess was still nowhere to be seen. After a lot of debate on his mind, Karium finally walked inside the main palace to look for her.

When he reached the door to her chamber, he saw a familiar face standing guard on the door. He had seen the man in the Muric Forest beside the Princess and he also saw him yesterday when she arrived with such confidence.

Andrus slightly bowed at the sight of the Welahan Prince and briefly glanced at the door.

"Is your Princess inside?" the Prince asked the guard.

"Yes, Your Highness."