No ill Intention

Lena looked at Crown Prince Tristan with an apologetic expression on her face and he briefly narrowed his eyes before he looked at her again. "It's fine, Lena. I understand."

She tried to speak up, but...

"I have to return to the palace," Tristan promptly said. "I have to be on time for the hunting event."

"Can you participate in that kind of event?" she quickly asked. Thinking of his illness, her gaze hinted at concern.

The Crown Prince smiled when he noticed this. "If I skip, it will draw unwanted attention. So, I will just participate and slack around somewhere."

"Be careful," she said in a calm voice and he nodded.

"Take care," he muttered and turned his back at her. 

Tristan Castelof mounted on his horse and his right-hand man, Dario followed suit. The Crown Prince gave Dario a side glance as he ordered, "Find out what happen."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Then the two men returned to the palace right away.

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