Do You Love Me?

Lena Parish noticed the sincerity in Tristan's eyes and there was one thing that surprised her.

The Tristan she knew was always a composed man but this time, he sounded desperate for the first time since she know him. It's strange considering the fact that she never once witnessed him losing his cool!

Nevertheless, she was still struggling for words to say.

She wasn't ready for this.

"I will be leaving the day after tomorrow," Crown Prince Tristan spoke up. "I will return and wait for your answer there. If you say no, there's nothing I could do but if you accept me, I will cherish you and protect you for the rest of your life. That's all I can say for now."

For the first time, General Lena saw just how hollow his life was!

He seemed to have everything but... that's not the case. She could feel it.

Was he even capable of loving her? She started to doubt it.