The Same Person As The One In His Memory

After having dinner with her son, Empress Marozia was in her chamber. With her attendant and personal guard, Landyn standing before the desk, the Empress seemed to be completely occupied by something.

"Did the Crown Prince still bothers you, Your Majesty?" the young attendant asked the Empress. Though he was the same age as the Crown Prince, he had served the Empress for two years now and he knew her well. Besides, the Empress trusted him more than anyone else.

Only a few would dare to ask a question to the powerful Empress without asking her permission first.

"Tristan is acting quite strange. I wonder what he encountered in Welahan," the Empress muttered. "I already find it strange when he is willing to travel to such a faraway place."

"His Highness is 19. It's normal for him to crave trying new things, Your Majesty. Maybe you think too much," Landyn replied.