I Know It Well Than Anyone

Feeling uneasy, Nicklaus Elan quickly took a step closer to the King. "Shall we go to my chamber and talk there, Your Majesty?" he asked.

Much to the Commander's relief, the King agreed and he led him to the chamber.

"I look around every part of Thigon, Your Majesty," Nicklaus Elan started when he and King Edric settled on the couch in his chamber. "I even commanded the soldiers to search every forest and mountain there but to no avail. I also meet King Darius."

"Did you figure out anything from meeting him?" Edric Maselli promptly asked.

"I have a feeling that King Darius is hiding something, Your Majesty," Nicklaus Elan responded. "However, I can't figure out what it is and I don't know if it's connected to the report you received from the Duke of Antiles."

The King let out a breath. "It seems like all we can do for now is raise our guard."